Under Her Cursed Scythe

31 5 Days Before Halloween PART H

"But we haven't done one of those in ages not even when the Blessers' community first started or when Babayaga and Harris Goldmen joined us! Everyone knows those trials are troublesome!"

"And disastrous!" someone added. "Remember how many innocent lives and good people were killed during those olden days when witch trials were held?"

Victoria, on the other hand, clapped one hand on her forehead once more. "Kibasa Kongbanei !" she cursed in an exotic language that Alivia couldn't make out. "Are you seriously considering that? I was just kidding when I said that just now." she said, unbelievably.

"But we have to, especially for us, Blessers." The eyes of the boy in the white cloak frantically searched the rest of the group. "The thing that distinguishes us from normal people is not magic or extraordinary powers but the principles we hold. We don't judge or find fault in someone or something without fully understanding the situation or the facts. We don't strike without need. These are the things that make us different, am I right?" he questioned.

Some of the cloaked people nodded in agreement.

"Yes, her aura is dark and she shows signs of being a Witch." the boy in the white cloak moved the topic on. "But I also see signs that darkness hasn't entirely gotten hold of her yet. I admit this is well beyond my expertise but I think we might have a chance to save her from falling further towards evilness if we, at least, take her back to the High Council and let them decide how to deal with her!"

"Back to the High Council!? No,no,no,no... we shall never take another Witch back to the Council again!" someone rejected the proposal right away.

The owner of that female voice did not have a hood on her dark blue condor feather cloak but her features were still completely covered by a full face veil that only revealed her soft blue eyes.

"But we have already tried that before with Babayaga and Harris Goldmen!"

"Then that's exactly why we can't allow it to happen again, especially this one!" the dark blue cloaked person broke in. "Imagine if we bring all these Witches and Warlocks through the Council's barrier, what's the use of it then? Once we allow them in, the barrier can't protect us from them anymore! Have you already forgotten about the prophecy I told you about?"

"No. But we have to find out the answers!" said the boy in the white cloak, eagerly.

"What answers?"

"I've said it, whether this girl is a Witch or not and whether we can still save her! The reason I have all these questions is because- no, just look, no, peer at her eyes!" the boy in the white cloak pressed on and gestured at Alivia. "The eyes are-"

"Yes, and-"

"I know how it did it! It has tricked you, mug!" she intoned with upbeat tone. "Like...oh! Like the vampires mentioned in my favourite vampire-themed romance series," She clasped her hands together, a dreamy look in her brown-coloured eyes. "When the female protagonist had to meet up with her human father for the first time since her transformation into a vampire," she began in a narrative mode with wide gestures and a dramatic tone. "…she wore contacts to cover up her unusual eyes. The others even taught her to slightly move her shoulders and blink her eyes intentionally to make her disguise more believable." She then said, half-joking, "This Witch might have read that book too or perhaps, she knew them, those shimmering sexy vampires and...even the werewolves! Hottie!" She fanned at herself with her hand.

That got a laugh from the group except the boy in the white cloak.

"Oh stop making fun of what I said! This is serious, Bunny!"

"I am serious!"

"Stop it!" the boy in the white cloak placed his hands on his hip. "You've met real vampires and werewolves before and we all know well that the things mentioned in those books are not true!"

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