Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 414: Mori Xiajun

Facts have proved that the sales of "You Girl Wars" in the first week are just the beginning. With the coming of the weekend, the sales of this book are getting higher and higher. ▲∴, x.

According to the current situation, the sales volume of this book may reach 300,000 copies that month.

For the first book of a newcomer's first book, this can be said to be quite outstanding.

Although the light sales volume can be hundreds of thousands of sets, millions of sets, Mori summer is definitely a newcomer among the newcomers, and even Fuji sees the study who was shocked after discovering this situation.

It’s a pity that Moriha’s other "Earth Defense Boy" is still in the process of awards, and the results will not be available until May. Otherwise, if this book is published now, the sales may be even more horrible, but if "Earth Defense Boy" can If you win the prize, it will be even more terrifying if it is taken out after the prize.

Waiting until February 8th, because of Morin's strong sales, animic club decided to hold a celebration banquet for him.

As for the place where the celebration banquet is held, it is naturally the White Bear Café downstairs. The people on the scene, that is, all the animic club and all the members of Xinyue, although they look spectacular, in fact there are only a dozen.

"Mori Xia, congratulations. The editor-in-chief is very optimistic about you. This is also very beneficial to your selection." Ms. Dahe, as the editor in charge of Senxia, ​​was also invited to the scene.

"It's just a coincidence in the timing. I didn't expect this one to be so powerful." Senxia also sighed.

He originally thought that "You Girl Wars" was just an appetizer, and the future "Earth Defense Boys" was the highlight, but what he never expected was that "You Girl Wars" caused probably one of the earliest Internet word-of-mouth effects on the Internet. First, the sales of this book have also been boosted.

Originally, Senxia didn't expect this manuscript fee, but now I look at the manuscript fee for writing a book by myself. It seems really incredible.

"But Mori-kun, you handed in a 400,000-word manuscript in one go. Is this really okay? The following content should be changed based on reader feedback. You hand in so many manuscripts in one go, which may be possible for future creations. Not good." Miss Dahe reminded me kindly.

"Well, I know this, but I don't need it."

Whether it's Dianniang, or Japanese style, or even manga, animation, these books will be more or less affected by the will of readers and audiences. For example, the "Dragon Ball" series that has been forcibly extended, and another example that has been upgraded from the original half-year show to the adult show, and then all the way into the full-length "Pretty Girl of Light" series. There is even a conspiracy theory that the original official match of Gundam Seed was Kira and Kagali, Aslan and Lux, but it was because Lux was so popular that it was given to Kira, so Aslan wore a green hat. And Kagali forcibly changed from a princess to Kira's sister. In addition. The reason why Anye Xiuming confronted the dead houses is actually due to this part. Everyone knows the ruffian's temper and wants to interfere with his will to forcefully change the plot. That will only cause the opposite effect.

In the opinion of Miss Takasu Ogawa, Morinatsu is doing well now, and this should be a very good opportunity, if you take this opportunity to promote it. It is also very possible that this book will catch fire.

But Senxia did not compromise.

"My book is written according to what I want to write. It is not just this book, but also includes "Earth Defense Boy". This is also the case." Mori summer also shook her head, ""You Girl Wars" is just I came to develop my imagination, so I just want to give full play to my imagination. As for "Earth Defense Boy", the ending of this story has been decided and this cannot be changed."

If it is to make money, of course Senxia will follow the reader's fur, why? Simply put, it means a lot of money and high popularity.

Since we are not short of money now, of course we play how willfully and how we play.

Of course, Mori will never do things like az’s forcibly feeding shit. Some writers are probably brainstorming and think that the ending suddenly causes the heroine to die, or gives the protagonist a green hat. This is the depth, but hey Shit is always just feeding it, even if it is cooked in a fancy way, the mouth can only make it smellier.

For Mori Summer, what readers want to eat is braised pork, and what he served on the plate might be a plate of braised pork, but it could also be braised chicken, or roast duck with beer, but feeding **** or something, Morinia would never do this kind of thing. Thinking that it would be more delicious if you put some big dung on your exquisite cooking, this kind of teasing behavior will only make people think that this guy is a fool.

But I don’t know why, some people just like to do these funny things...

"Well, I'm just your editor in charge. Just leave this headache to the editor-in-chief." Ms. Dahe is noncommittal about this. In fact, as long as Senxia can deliver the manuscript, it will be fine. Behavior is the most unforgivable...

"Did the teacher hand in so many manuscripts in one go?" Nasu was also shocked when he heard the news.

"The two books add up to a total of 100,000 words." Miss Dahe explained.

Nasu was surprised and speechless, and at this time, Kiyobei ​​who was sitting next to him patted Nasu's shoulder lightly, Nasu was taken aback, and then smiled at Kiyobei.

"It's really amazing. Teacher Xia Sen can actually maintain such a high-level writing style when ensuring the quality. This is really not something ordinary people can do. What's more, these are the contents of two books..." Senxia's actions were also amazed. You must know that Senxia, ​​which is close to a million words, is not the content of one book, but the content of two books. This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Anyway, Jing Sen Xiajun a glass!" Qianjia raised the cup towards Senxia, ​​because it was a minor, so there was Coke in it.

After everyone had a drink, the atmosphere quickly rose.

Zn put down his beer and felt very refreshing.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, next month, "Plants vs. Zombies" will also go on sale?" zn asked casually.

"Hi." Senxia nodded, "I received a notice from Sony two days ago that they have started to promote."

"Eh, is your game?" Miss Dahe didn't know the specific information about Plants vs. Zombies.

"Hey, the game on PS, but this is just our test work. After all, the next generation platform is coming. As a new club, our main goal is to target Sega's new platform and PS's second Generation model." Senxia briefly explained.

At the end of ps, the works that appeared were super masterpieces such as Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc. At this time, you must become cannon fodder if you enter, but Mori Xia knows the release period of the new platform. If you can take advantage of the new platform's launch period, this might be a good opportunity.

It is precisely because of this that Senxia and the others played a Plants vs. Zombies on PS.

"Yeah, this game is very interesting. Although I don't play games very much, I am looking forward to it!" Nana next to him has a deep understanding of this.

"Hey, it turned out to be like this. It seems that your ambitions are quite big." Miss Dahe exclaimed.

"Well, but in fact, we are not ready to sell out."

After all, it is a ps platform. After all, it is only a terminal platform. Senxia doesn't have much idea about this old platform.

Of course, it is okay to develop on this platform. PS is still sold for a period of time after the release of PS2, and has a long lifespan. At this time, it is not difficult to operate the PS platform. But for Mori In terms of that, it makes no sense, because only new things have the value of pursuit, and sometimes necessary abandonment is necessary, not to mention, the risk is greater.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, what do you plan to do in the future? Your book is very likely to be awarded, and the future of this book is also good." Miss Dahe asked again, she was afraid that Senxia would have After the career, I won’t write anymore.

"I will have new ones in the future, Miss Dahe, don't worry!" Senxia chuckled, and then he continued to ask, "By the way, my current one, can it become a monthly book like this--?"

"Eh, one book per month?" Miss Dahe was taken aback.

The light network is different. There are already a lot of four or five books a year. Similar to Kanchi and Ma, they are already considered as model workers, but for the network, 3000 words a day is simply lazy, 200,000 words a month, which is normal. , The kind of author who can change twice a day, put it in Nikkei, is definitely a master. As Moriha who came from the network era, his speed is actually very fast. What's more, his two books, one is a reprint, the other is a brain hole, in fact there is nothing published.

"Well is not so exaggerated, but it’s better to hurry up. After the first half of the year, I can have a lot of time to write. It should be accelerated by then. I want to finish some works first. Then open a new book." Senxia said simply.

"It's simple, Senxia-kun, you finish writing the following script, and then we can post it slowly!" Miss Dahe thought of another method, "Senxia-kun, after you finish writing a book, immediately start writing Two, as long as the manuscript can be delivered on time, no matter how much you write!"

Model worker!

Ms. Dahe sighed. In the past, whoever author had to rush to rush to deliver the manuscript? This is the real model worker! This is the gospel of every editor!

"..." Kiyobei ​​patted Nasu mushroom on the shoulder again, and the latter lowered his head in shame...


I want to face the wall crookedly.

The second is qaq (to be continued.)



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