Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 415: Therefore, the Oupai in the virtual world should be one. five times!

"This is Tomb Raider 2..."

At the end of the celebration banquet, everyone did not leave, but took out the PS game console in the club. 【Full text reading...】

Well, in addition to ps, there are also ss, n64, sfc and other machines here. As a game club, it is naturally not unfamiliar to other platforms and games. These are all necessary.

So in the animic club, there are all kinds of game consoles, and even all kinds of handhelds have been bought, but these obsolete machines will not consume too much money.

At this time, they were playing "Tomb Raider 2" which was released not long ago. Although this game has already existed, it is only recently released on PS.

"I think it would be more interesting to play Great Voyage 2, or fight the King of Fighters."

Morinia next to him doesn’t feel much about this game, 2d is okay, but this 3d picture is really ugly. After seeing the "Head and Shoulders" of "Tomb Raider 9" and the beautiful pictures of the 10th generation, Looking at the 2nd generation polygons, it's so touching.

Although it is fun when used as a reference or nostalgia, when everyone is having fun together, sure enough, you should choose a good game.

"But this game is really great. The Omi-themed decryption adventure game is very different from our games. It's good to use it occasionally as a reference." Qianjia who was playing the game turned his head and complained to Mori Xia. One sentence.

"Yeah, this game is obviously very interesting!" Nana and Qianjia shared the same opinion, "And watching Laurasang adventure in the tomb, isn't it interesting?"

"I think the biggest highlight of this game is that it is equipped with a heroine to play the game." After watching for a long time, Senxia came to his biggest conclusion.

In any case, the future Laura is indeed very stylish, especially the 9th generation game. This Laura is almost the best-looking in history...well, except that the chest is not big enough.

Although the second generation of Laura's Opie is very big, but it is on ps. These are just two cones, and the only way is to make up for it...

"But this Opie is really big..." Daisuke Ono was surprised at the side.

"After all, it's Omi's people, they like this body shape." Old Xu muttered, "For example, waistband or something. It's the custom from over there."

"Speaking of the waistband, although it is really ugly if it is too tight, it will be fun when used as decoration and special items!" Qianjia did not forget to chat while playing games.

"Laura's Opie is just because the modeler's hand slide adjusted the original Opie to 1.5 times when she was doing the character!" Senxia waved her hand. "This is a first-generation design, but because of the good response, it has been retained."

Later, this design has been passed on, not only applied to Tomb Raider, but this design is also called "European 1.5 times principle."

This shows that, between Feng and Ping, the public still chose the bigger one.

"Hey, Teacher Xia Sen, you know a lot." Nasu sighed.

"Well. It's just a little gossip." Senxia waved her hand, but how should I say, in the game and animation, it is really great to be able to see Daoupai...

"Sinxia-kun, do you think we will be able to make this kind of game in the future? It seems so interesting!" Qianjia turned his head and looked at Senxia.

"We don't have that powerful technology yet," Morinya shook her head, "If we want to do 3D, our number will need to be doubled, doubled, and doubled. Then it will become a big one. It works!"

Although this kind of 3d made into 18x ergonomics game will definitely be very interesting, but it is just that.

Ergonomics itself wants to make money. The cost should not be too high. Although the gentleman is great, the niche is only a niche after all.

Unless you do a normal game first, and then wait for the game to be popular, then do a gentleman mod...

But this troublesome thing must be done. It's really not that simple. It's purely a pile of money and manpower.

In Senxia's view, to make such a game, it is better to make a game like dnf, which is a little better.

"If there is a chance in the future, we will do this kind of game too!" But Qianjia was obviously not reconciled.

"Wait for the future, maybe there will be a chance." Morinya is noncommittal. If there are various game engines in the future, 3d is easier than 2d, but at this time, the rough 3d doesn't feel at all.

"Speaking of which, are we going to cooperate with Sega for game development?" Zn asked.

"Yes, it's already February, and our game development is almost about to start." Although Morinya didn't know the situation on Sega's side, they said that they would come over to negotiate, and the time was almost up.

"Yeah, Ayana has been busy all this time, and the speed of our "Guilty Crown" rpg is also in progress." Qianjia put down the handle and pulled Ayana next to her.

"Why not develop it on PS, but cooperate with Sega?" Takeuchi asked curiously.

"Well, because we are going to Sega's new-generation platform, the performance of PS is not enough to keep our games up...but we are not sure that they will be on their new platform." Senxia shrugged "After all, if we want to express the concept of our work, pc is better."

Well, only pod, only pc has 18x, only pc is the future of gentlemen...

"Takeuchi, do you think we can do an RPG or something?" Nasu leaned to Takeuchi's side.

&nb...Will it be troublesome? "Take Nei thought for a while, "We are simply not enough manpower, and we don't have a good script..."

Although Nasu Mushroom is very good at writing scripts, it is only that. To make an rpg, you need more than just scripts.

"But this kind of feeling seems to be very interesting, and you can still cooperate with a convention agency like Sega..." Nasu exclaimed.

"The Tsukihime we made is a game, and it is 18x. It is impossible for this kind of game to go to the console platform." Takeuchi waved his hand.

No... In Nasu writes 18x level, maybe you can actually go...

Senxia sneered beside her.

Nasu's story writing is very good. It is also an ability to let people not watch 18x in the 18x script. Just like Morinatsu, when encountering Fate and Tsukihime's 18x, they skipped quickly because of this The story of h that Ya wrote is a bit... well, too plain.

In fact, after removing the 18x part, fate really went to various platforms such as psv, ps2...

Morinatsu also patted Nasu on the shoulder: "Come on, maybe there will be a chance!"

"Although I don't know why, why does Mr. Xia Sen have the meaning of'sympathy' in your eyes?" How to say it, it seems that the other party is pitiful for some reason. What is the situation...

"Illusion, this is your illusion!" Morinka patted Nasu on the shoulder, and then chuckled lightly.

"An illusion...?"

Nasu murmured.

"Well, yes, you just need to go the way you want to go, Nasusan, you will definitely create great works in the future!" Morinya said with a smile.

"--Ah, about this!" At this time, Nasu Mushroom seemed to think of something, "Mr. Natsumi, I kind of want to ask you about our game!"

"Ah, this, I know." Senxia nodded, "What's the matter?"

"Ms. Natsumi, did you say that before? When your game is finished, you will come to help us!" Nasu leaned in front of Morika.

"Well, I did." Senxia nodded.

"As far as the script is concerned, I have completed about 50kb. According to this progress, the following content should be completed soon." Nasu said with a smile.

"Oh, this is fast progress, maybe we can finish ahead of time by then!" Senxia nodded.

Of course, that's the case, but even the part written by Nasu will have to go through some minor modifications before it can be used, otherwise there will be no way.

But this is not a problem. As long as Nasu can finish his work, it is already a very big help for Mori and others.

"Mr. Xia Mori knows that the game we were working on before is called "Tsuki Hime", this story is divided into several lines, then please ask the teacher to help complete one of them!" Nasu said to himself Request.

"Oh, no problem." Senxia waved her hand, "Don't say one, two are fine!"

Tsukihime's process is not as long as the Guilty Crown, and Xingyue is more than just helping to write the script, even Takeuchi is now helping them draw cg. At this time, they really helped a lot.

"This is not necessary, if we have new works in the maybe we will invite teachers!" Nasu smiled embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Senxia gave a thumbs up, and then showed a hearty smile on her face.

But having said that, Tsukihime also has many routes, the vampire Elquit route, the sister autumn leaves route, the sister shaking amber jade route, the senior sister hill route...

I just don’t know which route Nasu would let herself write in this script...

Senxia is very curious, what kind of script should be written at that time, whether to write according to the original content, or to start happily by himself is better...

Morinka looked at the Nasu mushroom. Although it is a bit early to say about this, Morinka really suddenly became interested in this script...


First today~

Continue codeword codeword~ (To be continued.)



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