Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 413: Photo album sent back

Time entered February, and the temperature gradually picked up. Although the weather is still very cold, the breath of spring can already be felt.

For Senxia, ​​this month is also a month of special significance.

Because just this month, "You Girl War" triggered an unexpected wave.

"In fact, the people in District 11 don't reject brain holes..." Senxia murmured.

After dinner, Senxia and Qianjia looked at the forum's feedback on the Internet together, and then separated. Qianjia went down to get the courier, while Senxia sat back in her seat.

"It looks like your new work, brother, seems very popular." Yukino brought a glass of milk to Morinka, "Thank you~"

"Thank you, Yukino sauce~" Morinya smiled and took a sip of the milk, and then took a sip. I don't know if it was an illusion. Anyway, Morinya felt that this cup of milk was extraordinarily sweet and really happy. Everything seems to be very pleasant.

"Hey, brother, the demo version of yours has already started, can you let me do the following plots?" Xue Na leaned to Senxia's side.

"Well... it doesn't matter if you do part of it for you." Senxia thought for a while. It's not a problem that this matter is always dragging. At this time, it's better to explain the matter to the other party first.

Just to what extent Yukino can do it, Morika is not sure.

Morika thought for a while. He decided to hand over the daily plots of Yingmanji and Ichi to Yuuno to write. As long as the daily plot is not too bad, there is basically no problem. Even if I write a novel and then change it into a script, It's not too bad.

"Wait a moment, I will help you sort out, and then sort out the things you have to do first." Senxia said.

"Yeah!" Xue Na nodded, "Brother, don't worry!"

Senxia nodded. After reading the news on the Internet, Morinka returned to her daily work, in short. It is the code word.

It is February 5th, and there are 189 days to go before the opening of Xia CM. C54 will be held on August 14, 1998. For Senxia and the others. Only half a year is left.

He had already opened the outline at this time, and then he was going to sort out the parts to be given to Xue Na.

However, at this moment, Qianjia walked upstairs from downstairs, and while coming up, Morinya heard her voice: "Minxia-kun. The photo album Miss Torrette sent us has already been sent!"


Morika looked back at Chika who came up with the photo album, and then went back to work.

"Brother's portrait?! I want to read it!" Xue Nao was very interested, "Hey, are there two here?"

"Well, this is Miss Torrete's photo. She also sent us a photobook of her own..." Qianjia explained.

"Brother, don't you look at it?" Xue Nai turned her head and looked at Senxia.

"It's okay, I'm very busy now." Senxia didn't look back.

"Well, Senxia-kun, I feel that you are a little confused. Sometimes you have to take a good rest!" Qianjia forced Senxia over.

The three of them huddled together like this, and then gathered to read the photo book.

The cover of the photo is the first photo of Morinka and Chika lying on the ground.

At that time, the place they chose was obviously just a very ordinary lawn. Because of the season, the lawn had already withered a lot, but this picture gave people a surprisingly bright green.

"It feels...very good, no wonder it takes more than a month to get it right..." Qianjia was also surprised.

"Well, yes." Senxia nodded in agreement. This year, the PS software has just started. The color of this photo is bright and the characters are full. It is not a simple thing to bring out such beautiful colors.

The reflection and texture of the latex clothes, the figure and demeanor of the characters, as well as the appropriate lighting and toning. Morika feels that she can't recognize the characters on the screen. It should be the real Ayanami and Asuka...

Qian Jia turned to the first page.

The quality of the photo album is very high, the paper feels smooth and comfortable, and there is almost no color difference with the photos sent by Miss Torrete. Miss Torrete not only prepared two photo albums, but also sent the photos nearby. .

"It's really amazing. Miss Torrete's photography skills really make me feel extremely..."

Qian Jia was quite satisfied with the photo album, and she took out another photo album of Torrete herself at this time.

This photo book is a photo book of the other party in the United States, and the pictures in it are more...uh...mazing.

I have to say that Miss Torrete is really a typical American. There are many other tasks in this photo book, such as the Moon Hare in Sailor Moon.

Originally, Moon Hare should be a very cute and simple sister paper, but in Miss Torrete’s, this feeling is completely different. Although both are sailor suits, the capacity of the two chests can be said to be completely different, so the whole Human temperament has also completely changed.

A sailor suit is worn on the other party’s body. The originally very cute sailor suit shows a very subtle feeling on the other party’s typical European and American race. .Think. Let's do it.

"This has become the convenient clothes..."

Originally, Morinka wanted to talk about the two words "love" and "interest", but Xue Nao was beside him, so he had to change his way of complaining.

But what I have to say is that Torrete is indeed very hot in this costume, and the other party does not seem to wear it. The whole dress is tight on the body, and the camel toes and bumps are faintly visible.

"As expected of Omi, the natural advantages are too obvious..." Qianjia sighed.

"Although some of the characters are not like them, they do look very textured. This is a racial advantage." Morinya shook her head. Apart from anything else, the waist-to-hip ratio shown by Torrete in the picture is not What the Japanese can achieve, thin waist and big butt...

"No! Brother's is just as good-looking!" Xue Na didn't seem to be convinced by their frustrated words.

"Actually, compared to Ayanami, I think it would be better to go to Kenjiro and say, "You are dead", or to say, "You made me angry". To be honest, Morinatsu thinks that is really good. Handsome.

"The girl's version of Kenjiro and..." A strange imagination appeared in Qianjia's mind.

"Hey hey hey, what are you thinking about, why is the girl version of the Big Dipper Fist suddenly appearing!" Senxia Tucao.

"Because Mori-kun, you are not suitable for this kind of role... Well, but don't you say, if there is really a girl version of Kenjiro and Rao who fall in love with each other, it seems not bad..."

"I think it would be interesting if it was the relationship between Jonathan and Dior..." Yukino also came to join in the fun.

At this moment, Qianjia turned her head and looked at Xue Na, as if she wanted to see her through.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xue Nao tilted her head.

"Na na na, Xue Nao-chan, do you want to also participate?" Qianjia asked with a grin.

"Me?" Xueno seemed to be interested too.

"Yeah, Xue Nao-chan, the heroine in our new game, "Yi Qi", don't you think it looks like you?" Qianjia took Xue Nao's hand.

"No, absolutely not!"

However, before Yukino agreed, Morinka jumped out first: "If you let Yukino show up in that kind of clothes, absolutely not!"

To blame, Yuqi's clothes are too revealing, and the clothes designed by Jiye-senpai are even more explosive than the original clothes. At this time, let Yukino go? Just kidding!

"Mori-kun, don't you want to try it too... um..." Qianjia's gaze noticed Senxia's chest, "Although Ayanami can use a chest pad, but if I pray, Mori-kun is here. There is no way to pretend, right?"

After all, it is fake, so there is no way to fake it.

"So, why should I come here to pray!" Senxia continued to complain, "If I want, I should also be Sakuramanji!"

"Sakura Manji is Eki's lover, right?" Xue Nao remembered some scripts she had read.

"Well, that's about it." Qianjia nodded.

"I want!" Yukino clenched her fists, her face beaming at the moment, "If my brother wants to play Sakura Manji, I must play Yuki!"

There was a force of deterrence and determination in Yukino's body.

"Well, let's talk about this, this will not be possible until we finish the game at hand!" Qianjia stood up, and she glanced at Morinka. Then he glanced at Yukino, "Although I have invited Yukino-chan, if Mori-kun doesn't finish the work, we will stop doing everything."

"Leave it to me! It's just a mere 100,000 words, not even half a month's worth. If I get serious, I can solve it in a week!" Xue Na waved her small fist, fighting high.

"Is this really okay?" Senxia Jiao asked eloquently.

"Hey! Don't say a hundred thousand words, even one million words, as long as it is the task arranged by my brother, I can solve it in a month!" Xueno's heart was burning hot.

"Uh, let's talk about it, I'll work first." I always feel that Yukino's enthusiasm is a bit too much, Morinka decided to let her calm down and say it, God knows why Yukino suddenly became like this...

"..." Qianjia glanced at Xue Na, then curled her lips.


Get the first one, and immediately write the second one! ~ (To be continued.)

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