1498. Chapter 1485 is the strongest legend of the attack

    At the end of the speechless gesture, the two figures that were entangled together turned into white light and returned to their respective viewing space.

    “Ha!When I saw Oda love being sent back, I really liked the sound of Wu Tianzhi who was snoring and said, "How many times have you said that you should not be embarrassed…Don't worry…Planted again? Hey–" She said that at the end, she spit out her tongue and made a face.

    In exchange for the usual, Oda loves to listen to such a line, and if it is reasonable, it will go up a step…Take Takeda, who has a head shorter than himself, to slap his neck and gnash his teeth in the other side of his ear: "Let you be a dwarf!"

    But today, Oda’s reaction is actually…

    "Ahhhh…"She replied with a look of unrequited love and a weak voice. "Yes…I planted it again…"She said, she went to the corner alone, silently, and began to draw circles on the ground with her fingers. "I am a strange woman who is useless anyway…And that kind of fool is half a catty…Just make me the dust in the corner…"

    Seeing that she is in this state, Takeda is not used to it: "Also…Don't even say it too much…"

    "It seems that this time it was hit hard…"The wise letter is in the blink of an eye.

    “hmm…Could it be because of a special shameful move? ”The straight Uesugi Ren is the pot that does not open the pot, and accurately pokes the pain of Oda.

    “Ewww.”Hearing this, Oda sank his head even lower, and the red face was almost buried between his knees.


    On the other hand, the "Wastewood Alliance" in the battle space.

    "Ha ha ha ha…Ladies and gentlemen, I am coming back! ”Returning to the team is still a very emotional look, no different from before the game.

    "I really admire you guy…"Hongjun answered, "I can still laugh at this time…"

    "Ahhhh…"Xiaomao answered. "What happened? 咱 Is this advantage not great? ”

    StrengthStanding seven close to him, he turned his head and wondered.

    "Yeah."Xiaoma Ge still stared at his big innocent eyes and answered. "After I put out the Oda, the other side only has two teams of Imakawa."With the super strength of the legendary level of the old and the wet, should you be able to win easily? ”

    The voice just fell, everyone in the battle space suddenly turned back, looked at him with a different look, and made a sound in unison: "Ha?"

    In the first two seconds, they really thought they were wrong.

    But after a few seconds, they gradually realized a very amazing fact – Xiaomao, who had already joined the team for more than a week and had a lot of scripts with everyone, couldn’t find out…The real strength of the old and wet is actually very weak.

    I said.After seven seconds of thinking about the seven kills, he quickly walked to the other people and lowered his voice. "Would we like to tell him…"

    FebruaryHong Hao helped his glasses and interrupted. "I want to observe…How long does it take for him to find out on his own words…"


    At the same time, above the battlefield.

    You must be kiddingWatching the teammates disappear, the heart of Imakawa is roaring, "Why is this situation going!"

    As he thought about it, he turned around and looked toward the enemy in the distance…

    At this point, the old wet still standing in the position where he was at the beginning of the game, posing in the position he was posing at the beginning of the game, stretching his expression at the beginning of the game…As if it was fixed, it did not move.

    You must be kiddingWatching the teammates disappear, the old and wet heart is also roaring, "Why is this situation going!"

    At least on the psychological level, the two people's ideas are similar, and they think they have reached a desperate situation.

    "Heng!"A few seconds later, Ichikawa made a decision – pretending to be calm, bluffing, provocative, "It’s a cold man, teammates are so hard, you can still stand there and stand on the sidelines."

    He screamed and said this, and let his voice not tremble as much as possible; so, his lines finally revealed a feeling of no confidence.

    "Looking on…"Hey, old and wet, he heard this, his eyes were nudged, he looked at his opponent, and he said, "I can’t count it…"He paused for half a second and said again, "I didn't see anything…"

    As soon as this statement came out, Imakawa was frightened and took a breath of air.

    MixedBad AssImakawa said immediately in his heart, "This guy means…Did the previous battle have no merit in his eyes?

    IndeedOda’s style of play is rampant and lacks rationality; the tactics of Tianma’s emptiness are also very simple…But in any case, the strength, speed, and combat intuition of these two people are super-class, and the level of attack and defense between them is also rare…

    "The vertical is so…In the eyes of this man…Everything is also 'nothing is wrong', so why is he 'invisible'?"

    Imakawa had a lot of thoughts at this moment, but the original intention of the old and the wet was not as complicated as he thought – the old Bi simply did not see the two fights from beginning to end, so he said straight. Did not see.

    MayAaargh!Suddenly, Imakawa’s righteousness seems to be a bold courage, and he screams out, “Look at yourself a little bit and make others fools!”

    He did not know how to respond to this unwarranted accusation, so he kept silent.

    "Even if your strength is better than me, I will not escape without fighting!"Seeing that the old Bi did not return, Imakawa had placed a posture for preparation for a sudden advance, and then shouted, "I will do my best to make your sake disappear!"

    Although the opponent seems to be ready to fight, but the old wet is still expressionless, after a while, he squeezed out: "Oh, this way…"

    Due to excessive tension, at this time, the old Bi is not only a stiff body and face, but also a slow response.But this scene falls in the eyes of others, but it becomes "the posture of the king who does not put the other party in his eyes."

    "No…NoImakawa Yoshi, who had already planned to rush, went to see the old and wet, so calm, and immediately suppressed the desperate impulse, "call…"He quickly adjusted his breath and said, "I have almost made the same mistake as Oda…"Was taken to the rhythm of the opponent. Like this moment, it is more important to calmly consider the offensive strategy…"

    "Yeah?"When I was old and wet, I saw that Ichikawa had not been up yet, and I asked, "What happened? Are you not coming over? ”

    As expected! He is waiting for me to hook up! ”Imakawa said that he had escaped from the robbery and thought about it with fear. "Think carefully…The information about the old and the wet is almost zero, his fighting style, his specialization type, skill equipment, etc…All are unknown, the only certainty is that he has 'incredibly powerful'…God knows what secrets are hidden in him. If I don’t think about anything, then the ending must be how I die. ”

    "Smirk!"Thinking of this, Ichikawa said with a cold smile, "I almost got your way…"Between the talks, he has changed his posture quietly and quietly prepared for a long-range sneak attack.

    What Imagine wants to use today is not something. It is the two "handshakes" that he had previously cast on the back of the sky.

    Only the people of the [Warring States] know that his two hidden weapons are not ordinary consumables, but they can be reused, and the power is at least able to catch up with the B-level skills.

    Now, because brother Pony has been transmitting light, so the two swords that were inserted on his back fell on the ground in the distance, mingled with a heap of crushed Earth stones that had been crushed by the "Tianma Whirl smash Invincible Wheel", and even spectators who could observe the battlefield from various angles would not notice that the two had been "used" Flying props, not to mention the contestants on the field.

    Imakawa is planning to use this point, while relying on his own attention to attract the attention of the old and the wet, while silently using the "qi" and "sword" to launch a remote surprise attack from an enemy's unexpected point of view.


    SoJust when Ichikawa’s intention to start, I’m getting old and wet, “Do you want me to go?”

    "where……Nani! ”Imakawa’s words are horrified, and my mind is flashing. "This…Cheatin' eh?! Did he see through my intentions in an instant?

    "The subtext of 'you want me to go past' is…"I have already noticed that you have to use flying props to attack me. This boring trick is still a province. It is easy to get close to your side at my speed. I want to hit you with the remote ability of half-hanger. possible'.

    "This man…His tentacles have been extended to every corner of the battlefield, even if it is a small stone on the ground far away…Also in its grasp…

    "Even in the face of the ability to see for the first time, he can make people before the enemy shoots…It seems that when I used the "qi" to establish communication with the sword, he found out…

    "No…Wait! Not the 'first time'!

    I see……When I attacked the sky, he already saw that my technique of using a shuriken was not a general 'throwing', but instead used to "drive".

    "Smirk!"Interesting…Even if it is an opponent, I have to admire it…I am old and wet, and I am worthy of the man of the word 'legends'. I now understand why you say that you haven’t seen anything, because in your realm…The scenery we saw was completely different from what we saw…

    "It’s no wonder that even the omnipotent Oda will reveal the almost fearful look…People like me have no qualifications to feel that fear…"

    Ichikawa’s inner OS is still going on, and the old wet is already moving.

    When Lao Bi said it was done, he "passed" – with the speed of "walking", "going over".

    It’s not that he doesn’t want to go faster, it’s because the body is too stiff…It’s good to be able to get courage and make up your mind to get close to the enemy.

    "The other party looks very strong…"When I was moving forward, I was still chanting in the old wet heart. "But then…Even if he is not very strong, I can't win…I can't even play with non-professional players by relying on the average score of teammates to get into the game. Eh…If I didn't stand in the place for too long and was prompted by the system, I wouldn't even move it, but I didn't want to go up! ”

    He walked so unhurriedly, no matter what he thought, but it seemed to others…This scene is like a king of beasts slowly approaching a prey that has nowhere to go. It is not so much an offense as it is a punishment.

    "come yet……"Looking at the imminent stalwart figure, the eyes of Ichikawa, who is cold and sweaty, have begun to blur, but at this moment, his heart tends to calm down. "After all…Still can't shake your calmness…"He took another deep breath and made the final decision. He said darkly, "Hey…Really no way…I admit that you are the real hegemon, but because of this…It is you who will die today! ”

    Mind here, Ichikawa’s hand has touched the bag.

    "The ace of taboos – [killing wave rotation seal scroll]…

    "Although the plan is intended to be used on the sneaky secret weapon, but if you use it on your body, there is nothing to say on it…

    "Even if you are so powerful, you can't guess that this item will be brought to my 'the weakest team'.

    "After all, I didn't even think that I would arrange for me to carry this…But this is also the most brilliant place for this wonderful strategy.

    "The liberation of the [Spiritual Volatility Seal Scroll] will sense and capture the target with the strongest killing and breath in the vicinity, and instantly swallow it up…

    …hehTo look down on me, I only have it now. When you attack me, it is your death! ”

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