1497. Chapter 1484 No one can win me in my BGM

    Between the electric and the flint, Oda love made a move [empty, rising, and cold], and the knife fell to the outside of the right abdomen.

    Oda is only looking for the flaws in Xiaoma Ge's physical strength. Unless the latter uses skills or item effects, it is impossible to avoid or block this attack…However, everyone knows that there is no such defense in the sky…Therefore, this move can be said to be imperative.

    However, it is in this situation that the pony brother is fighting with the opponent for a loss.

    His approach is not complicated – to accept, maneuver, and counterattack.

    When the damage is unavoidable, try to minimize it and use the opponent's sniper to slash the gap and fight back.

    Very simple approach, but…Correct and effective.

    After the move, Oda Ai loved a bloody mouth on the ventral side of the sky, but her own right shoulder was also knocked off by a fist.

    Both sides are bloody, of course…From the injury point of view, Oda is a bit cheaper.

    This guy……Come here again…"This round of offense and defense, Oda love is even more flamboyant; because at S2, she was spelled out by Xiaomao in a similar situation – obviously it is a 100% killing trick But the opponent is able to fight back in the deadly situation.

    If she is not confronted with arrogance, but which other player she is, she will not be so angry…The problem is that she is playing a little horse now.

    To be likened, the sky is like a person who only cooks tomato scrambled eggs in the cooking competition, and the vast majority of people who compete with the same stage have mastered dozens of dishes across two cuisines – you lose It’s just a matter of giving it to others. It’s natural to lose to him.


    "I lost my calmness so soon. It seems that this little pony has a play."At this point, watching the live broadcast of the game in the conference room, revealing a smile, squatting and commenting, "say…Oda loves this gimmick, and it’s really a lack of roots…She has already played against Xiaomao once, but she still doesn't realize the other's sagacity. ”

    “Ewww.”In the next second, Snow answered with a suspicious color. "To tell the truth…I can't see where the sky is going, and I watched a lot of his video…In addition to basic physical changes, he usually uses no more than two active skills, and he has never seen any tricks or tactics he has used…"

    “Ha!When I heard the words, I immediately laughed and asked, "So I ask you…Change to you, only use two or three skills, and do not use any tricks, can not achieve his winning percentage in the first two seasons of the game. ”

    "That is absolutely impossible…"Snow didn't want to think about it, but after the words were exported, his look changed. "Hey? Yes!Why can he win so many masters under these conditions? ”

    “hmm…I didn’t feel a sigh, and I asked, “Do you know the word “artisan spirit”?”

    "of course I know."Snow replied.

    Unconsciously nodded, he said, "The sky is a natural person who has this potential…"He paused. "The brains of such people are different. They can indulge in 'exploring infinity and limits in a limited field'; and most of us…We will not define ourselves in a particular field. Our nature makes us more inclined to explore our own values ​​in a diversified way. In the end, it also makes us linger in the infinite world and lose ourselves…"

    "Actually, you will say directly…"Snow followed the thoughts of the brothers and answered, "The sky and the sky have already trained the body and his tricks of the Pegasus boxing to the limit…I will understand. ”

    "That can't be described as the "limit" of the district."Feng did not know, "What he did, people like you and me…Even if you can understand it, it is very difficult to do. ”He lifted his chin and motioned for Snow to watch the live video. "For example, Oda Love…She couldn't understand how it would be like to have only one or two active skills to fight. Because she has never fought under the condition of 'almost no choice', even in those occasions of failure, until the moment before being killed, she still has more than one coping choice…And Xiaoma Ge, has long been accustomed to fighting under the premise that the average person seems to have no choice…He can already create 'infinity' in 'limited', that is, relying on instinct to make "extra choices beyond common sense." ”


    At the same time, above the battlefield.

    The offensive and defensive between the two has been upgraded again, and Oda’s vindictiveness rises with the anger, and the small universe that is unrestrained is also burning.

    At this point, the duration of the [three-step phase] has arrived, and today Chuanyi can't be involved in this level of attack and defense in other forms…Because the speed of those two has surpassed his dynamic vision, if he forcibly intervenes, it will only interfere with his teammates or be "accidentally" hit by the enemy.

    What is awkward is…Imakawa is not afraid to challenge the old and the old alone. For him, it is more stupid than fighting, and it is simply dead.

    Therefore, Imakawa is only able to lie in the vicinity of the battlefields of Oda and Pony. On the one hand, it helps teammates to guard against the movements of the old and the wet side, and on the other hand, they wait for support.

    "What for? Why can't you win? Why can't you win this kind of fighting means poor to poor guys! ”As time goes by, Oda Ai is more and more anxious; she has an advantage in hard power, but now she is "self-confident" in the most self-confident field of "close combat" "The opponent's opponent is powerless, and this kind of mental blow is self-evident.

    "Calm a little!"Finally, Imakawa can't help it. He shouted to his teammates. "As long as the two cooperate, the guy can easily clean up!"

    Oda, who has gradually lost his first imposing manner, has been so drunk by him, and it has indeed recovered a bit of reason.

    “Correct.”Why do I have to win with him in this way? A player like a squad…With a little bit of coordination, even two team members can pick up. ”Oda said, "But…Really unwilling…I have reached this point. If I go back and pull up my teammates and fight again, isn’t it worth acknowledging that I lost to him in the heads-up? ”

    "What do you seem to be bothering?"Just as Oda was hesitant, suddenly, the sky was asking her a question.

    “Ha!Oda did not have any good attitude towards Xiaoma, and she immediately replied with the bad girlish tone. "What do you say?"

    When the two of them talked, the confrontation between the fist and the samurai sword was not at all, and the sound of fighting in the air was still one after another.

    "Mental hesitation will be reflected in the action…"After hitting a few punches, Xiaomao answered. "Because your knife has slowed down, I asked you."

    "Less!"This makes Oda love even more uncomfortable. "I can speed up the speed and become a good one!"

    Unexpectedly, at the same time as Oda’s love for this sentence…

    "No, you have no chance…"The left-handed hand of the sky is firmly holding the wrist of Oda’s love knife.

    "What?"This catch made Oda love amazed; for her master of this level, this kind of situation that is slammed into a fateful door will only appear when there is a huge flaw or the speed is crushed by the opponent.

    "You are very strong…"Tianma’s emptiness uses his heroic voice to say, “I was forced to the limit by the beginning, and I never thought I could hold it to the present…”During the speech, he had twisted Oda’s wrist and turned his body. Then he moved half a step and circled behind Oda’s love, instead of putting his hands across his knees and pinching his shoulders. "If it wasn't for your short distraction…I have no chance at all…"

    "You, want, do, what!"Oda's irritated teeth are almost broken, but she can only worry about it at this time, but she has not broken away from the clamp.

    Fortunately…She also has teammates.

    With two people separated by more than ten meters, Imakawa said that they stopped the ultra-high-speed attack and defense, and entered a stalemate, immediately flashed to the back of the sky, and pulled out the sword in both hands.

    Only heard the "beep" two sounds, the two flying props successfully penetrated the defense of the holy clothes, plunged into the back of the little horse, and pointed out two blood flowers.

    ButThis is not enough to kill the sky.

    "Drinking–" not only did not kill him, but also provoked him to scream at the second big man, "I will give it to you later!" 畀 old wet! ”

    The buzz was not over, and on the battlefield, a piece of music was heard…This melody is also a popular one. It is an episode of the anime of the last century, the pure music version of "The Fantasy of Pegasus."


    Block selection

    HeyBGM is out…"

    "Do you have this kind of operation?"

    "Isn't it the broadcaster?"

    "Unlike it, I see…Skills come with? ”

    "The last skill with the effect of turning off the lights is so strong. Isn't this self-contained burning song not going to destroy the earth?"

    The reaction and speculation of the audience is generally correct…

    At this moment, it is indeed a big move; he is not using [Tianma Meteor Boxing], nor [Tianma Yuxing Boxing], but the second-order soul that was born on the basis of his soul "small universe"…


    It’s too late, it’s fast!

    Before the arrival of Imakawa's follow-up knife, Xiaoma Ge had already lifted his legs and clamped the legs of Oda Ai. Both of them suddenly fell to the ground…Viewed from the side, their bodies form a tire-like ring.

    "Take it!"Then, Xiaomao straightened out the move he created and named. "Tianma maneuvers smashed the invincible hot wheels!"

    Unlike the general "invincible hot wheels", this trick does not need to be launched on the steps, it will work on the ground…

    The high-speed rotation force of the [Tianma Roundabout" is attached, and the huge energy generated by the burning of the small universe is attached, and this move of the shameful action of the Invincible Hot Wheel is combined…Its destructive power is more than that of [wasteful wood firepower], and it is not human.

    It can be said……When Xiaomao dragged Oda's love and began to "roll", the end of the two men's end is already nailed to the board.

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