1499. Chapter 1486 normal confrontation

    At the moment when the chuanyihua turned into white light and returned to the registration space, in addition to Oda, who still lingered in the corner of the circle, the members of the Warring States…Including Imakawa, I am a state of arrogance.

    They were silent for about ten seconds in this strange atmosphere…

    Ten seconds later, Imakawa said that he suddenly wanted to understand something. The momentary look changed abruptly, his face was pale, and he once again shed cold sweat.

    When I saw it, Sasaki M., who had just returned, said: "I said…What is the situation? How did you die? ”

    "I …The voice of Imakawa is shaking, "I launched the [Spirited Volatility Seal Scroll]…"

    "What?"When Takeda heard these eight words, he almost jumped up. "You actually used the secret weapon?"

    "Slow and slow…"Sasaki waved his hand and gestured to Takeda to stop worrying, "Imakawa…"He then looked at Ichikawa, and he looked at it with dignity. "The mentality of your use of the scroll, I fully understand, to be honest…This item is really not lost in the old wet, but the problem is…"He said, and glanced at the battlefield, "Why have you used the scrolls…Is it still you who died? ”

    "Call ~~~~~~"Imakawa has taken a breath and seems to want to hold back his inner fear, but his voice is still shaking. "The principle of the scroll…Don't you all know? ”

    As soon as this statement came out, the players in the Warring States changed their faces.

    The item of the secret weapon shows that they have naturally read it, and they have seen it on the scene just now – 畀老湿 only walked to the front of Imakawa with a walk-like speed, raised one hand and waved There was a straight punch that looked very ordinary. As a result, at the moment when Imakawa was hit by a fist, a purple-black energy suddenly appeared and swallowed it up.

    In other words …Sasaki thought for a few seconds and read, "When his fist is about to hit you, you have launched the [Spirit of the Waves], but…The liberated 'fluctuation of the killings' has swallowed you up? ”

    "Ahhhh……That's right, yes.Imakawa is eager to respond.

    "How was this possible?"Uesugi asks, "Is it not as good as the one who passively counterattacks when you are attacking you?"

    “hmm…It’s really unreasonable…"Sasaki Maki also thought thoughtfully, "Even if I was wet in some form, I had an early understanding of Ichikawa’s attempt and I knew the effect of the scroll, but if I want to use the power of the scroll to counter the Igawa…He has to do 'the thing that almost completely abandons the killings and greatly converges the breath during the attack…'Sasaki shook his head. "Impossible…Anyway, I can't do it. ”

    Hearing the words, the wise letter also received: "If you deliberately converge on killing, I would do it…But in the battle of life and death, go to the place close to the enemy, and lower your own air to lower than the opponent…This is just like the hand reaching into the mixer that is connected to the power supply…Even if I force myself in my mind, the instinct of battle will not allow the body to do so. ”

    "It’s hard to be…"At this time, the straight Uesugi, said a very dangerous line, "…It is because the strength of the old wet is extremely low, so the killing and breath of his attack is not as strong as the Imakawa who is ready to counterattack with the goods. ”

    The voice is behind, and silence comes again.

    "Pu~"After a few seconds, Takeda Chi first laughed out, "Ren Sauce, you practiced swords and practiced silly? The kind of person you said is hidden below 50. Are you afraid that you can't find one of them in the S3? ”

    "Yeah, we are talking about a level, unfathomable monster with a sneaky."The wise letter echoed, "The speculation that 'the fighting power is extremely low' is too far off the mark."

    “hmm…Right. ”Uesugi nodded, although she was a serious person, but it was very easy to be persuaded.

    So,At this time, I stood on the side of the cold-eyed, Ida Cheng, who did not speak, suddenly whispered, "There is only one possibility…"He paused and looked at today’s Chuanyi. "I didn't offend the predecessors, but…Judging from the face of Igawa Sang, he should already know the truth. ”

    "Ahhhh…"Imakawa’s face is ashamed, and he screams. “In fact, things are very simple…”He looked up and glanced at his teammates and asked a question that didn't need to be answered. "When you step on an ant, will you produce 'killing'?"

    When he spoke this sentence, everyone suddenly realized it.

    But what followed was an unspeakable fear.

    "The same reason…"Imakawa looked at the wise letter again. "When you put your foot on the ant's body, it doesn't feel like 'putting your hand into the mixer that is connected to the power supply'?"

    This question is:Also no need to answer.

    Seeing that no one was snoring for a long time, Imakawa said, "This is the case…"

    "How to think about it…"Knowing the special effects of our secret weapons in advance, and guessing that things are on me, and also knowing the intentions of my use'…This demanding multiple assumption is also unrealistic.

    "Although I don't want to admit it, the other side is undoubtedly attacking me in a state of no killing when I don't know anything about the killing scroll."

    "Wait, what about the breath?"The wise letter closely followed the teammate's thoughts and interjected and asked, "Since he is not guarding against the power of the reel, at least the breath should be stronger than yours."

    "It's 'off force'."At this moment, Oda Ai, who was kneeling in the corner, suddenly took over. Although she did not return her head and her tone was very frustrating, she still answered the question of her teammates. "Well…In fact, it is not clear that 'out of force' is a kind of principle that is similar to 'disengagement', but the realm is much higher; I can only understand it…But I can't do it like a slap in the face like a wet old man. ”

    That's…The wise letter asks, "What kind of skill?"

    Oda love paused for two seconds, then said: "So let's talk…As you can imagine, in combat, except for the short moments when the attack is in direct contact with the opponent, all of the time is reduced to a level close to none. ”

    kindWhat?The sensible letter that has always been calm and steady has rarely revealed a horrified look. "That kind of thing…Even in theory…"

    "The man…It is different. ”I haven't waited for her to finish, and Ichikawa has broken the way with the kind of "coming people". "His power…As if I have reached another dimension, that detached strength…It’s not a move or equipment to measure, and common sense and theory apply to him…Meaningless. ”

    His words seem to have made this discussion a conclusion, and everyone will no longer say anything more about this failure.

    At this moment, the score behind the second to zero, and the huge deterrent and frustration brought about by the old and wet, let the momentum of the [Warring States] drop to the freezing point.

    Of course, "Participating in the battle"…It’s about to start soon.


    [The game will start in 30 seconds]

    The rest time turned to the past, along with the system voice, [Warring States] and [Wastewood Alliance] two players participating in the "Participation Battle" were introduced into the battlefield.

    This battle lineup is not so unexpected, it is expected by the two team members.

    [Warring States] Here, the appearance of [Shangshanren].

    As with S2, Uesugi Ren has a blue armor, a white shirt, a black long straight and a waist, and a heroic look; her weapon is still the legendary super long knife of the fire attribute – [久夛良木定Long], its recognition can be said to be very high.

    On the side of the "Wastewood Alliance", the game is [seven kills].

    For this fighting madman, I must be familiar with everyone. This time, because I want to represent the [Wastewood Alliance], he replaced the original "Blade" shirt and changed a new shape and put it on. A thick black tights that wraps from the neck to the feet.

    This set of "tooth" suits is just "fashion", but the high price means that it provides a fairly significant bonus effect; especially for melee fighters, this set of fashion is extremely practical… …

    The texture of the surface of the shirt is like a helmet-like solid, brilliance, but at the same time it can be flexibly deformed to fit the curve of the body, and the player's head, hands and parts outside the feet can be wrapped together, not only can be reduced The consumption of heat can also physically avoid a lot of "skills".

    It can be said that this fashion can at least be worthy of a good level of equipment in terms of performance; if it is a shortcoming, it is that this set of clothing is not equipped with shoes…This is not a thing, seven kills put on their original shoes.

    Of course, in the eyes of the majority of players, as a set of fashion, [the "tooth" battle suit] the biggest shortcoming should be…Unsightly.

    This overall shape is roughly equivalent to the "thickened version of the all-black diving suit with muscle contours". If it is not the kind of strong, muscular people to wear, it will be particularly wretched.

    Fortunately, the seven kills basically meet the above requirements, and he himself is not very concerned about the image…If you need it, it doesn't matter if he wears a classic wrestling costume.


    Soon, the countdown to the last five seconds has already sounded, and the fierce battle is on the verge.

    The two players who came to fight the "combat battle" belong to the type of "direct" combat style. Both sides have no intention of returning, and they are thinking about just being positive…

    Therefore, in the 30-second preparation time, both of them stood in the same position, eagerly waiting for the barrier to disappear.

    Judging from the past achievements, who are strong and who are weak…It is also difficult to say.

    On the whole, this should be the most "normal" matchup between the two teams so far…

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