This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: departure and destination

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After pointing out the possible dangers of this kind of card bug operation, William looked at the stern-looking male death in front of him, and said with a straight face:

"In addition, although I have no evidence, the goddess of magic who is infinitely close to the fourteenth level seems to have disappeared suddenly inexplicably, and there is no corpse in the so-called mausoleum left behind.

Therefore, I have an unreliable guess. Maybe she touched a similar taboo and was absorbed by her past self, or she was trapped in a certain period of time forever, and could never reach the real future... "

After talking about his guess, looking at the male death who suddenly turned ugly, William silently added:

"So, in the end, whether you want to take this risk or not is up to the two of you to judge for yourself!"


Because it was the first time in God's life that he was so close to "death", the muscles on the cheeks of the frowning male **** of death trembled a few times, but he didn't give an answer immediately. After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and said:


"Shut up, let me ask!"

The arm caught the neck of the male **** of death and twisted vigorously, and after turning his body back, the female **** of death appeared again with a nervous expression:

"William, aren't you the Goddess of the Goddess of Destiny? Can you let her see it again?"

"It...seems unnecessary, doesn't it?"

After hesitating for a while, William shook his head and refused:

"As I said before, there is a 'great possibility' that the two of you will be able to fulfill this long-cherished wish during this trip.

But fate is not such a fixed thing, there is no simple route from here to there, so I can only say that the chances are high, but there is no way to guarantee it. "

"That's it..."

After biting her lips, the goddess of death gave up her plan to continue "divination", and said with a guilty expression:

"William...then you...can you go back with us?"

Oh my god, it's time for this topic!

The Goddess of Death finally thought that she could bring her with her. While Wei Lian was slightly relieved, he also lowered his brows and eyes, and said softly with a hesitant expression:

"This... time travel..."

Seeing the embarrassing look on William's face, the Death God said with some hesitation:

"I know that time travel is dangerous, this request... is a bit difficult, but both for me and my brother, I hope that we have been separated for too long, this is really important to us!

As for the artifact of the Wheel of Time, it can't send us back to a certain time node very precisely, it can only barely lock a rough range, and it is difficult for us to determine which one is the God of Reaper at that time.

If we started to investigate, it would be easy to attract our attention at that time, and for us who control the Styx, most of the distances are meaningless, and I am afraid that we will really have no chance to escape..."

After talking about the dangers of doing this, the female death goddess took his arm and asked sincerely:

"So... I hope you can go back with us. The time points when we can go back are very early. Some of the ancestors of human beings have not even been born. You don't have to worry about meeting your past self. You just need to help us explore , It doesn’t matter who the **** of death at that time is.

Hmm... as a price, whatever you want, as long as I have it..."

"Oh, where did this talk go!"

Seeing that the Goddess of Death was about to "make an offer", William, who was barely conscientious, quickly grabbed her palm, and said with the same expression of sincerity:

"I'm definitely willing to help! And you've helped me so many times in the past, if I still think about it at this time... that's too bad! Whatever the price is, it's all... Oops."

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