This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1288: 4 do not

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg... You don't eat either of these two things, what do you care if it comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Looking at his sister whose brain had been infected by the William virus, the male **** of death, after being silent for a while, began to ponder the possibility of choosing the last node at the gate of the country of death, to see if he could strangle a certain guy to death in advance, Lest he come to harm his sister again.

As for William on the other side, after the hip-pull goddess finished all the special effects that could be piled up, she let out a sharp hiss as if seeing some incomprehensible scene.

"This this…"

"What's wrong?"

There was no doubt that William was trying to whet her appetite. Seeing his expression of surprise as if he had seen a ghost, the goddess of death suddenly felt her heart tighten, she clenched her hands subconsciously, and asked nervously:

"What's the matter? Is there any trouble for our trip?"

"Do not."

Worried that stretching his head too much would backfire, William quickly calmed down after pretending to be surprised, shook his head and explained:

"It's not so much's better to say congratulations. After completing this journey back to the past with the help of the wheel of time, you and another Lord Reaper should be able to fulfill a long-cherished wish."

"A long-cherished wish?"

"Yes, long-cherished wish."

William arched his hands and congratulated:

"The two have a high probability of being able to get rid of the current state of symbiosis, and then completely divide into two, becoming two complete gods of death who do not interfere with each other."

What? !

After hearing William's words, not only the female God of Death showed a look of incomparable surprise, but even the male God of Death, who was locked up and unable to get out, couldn't hold back.

For them who are twins in one body, the current state where only one person can appear can really be regarded as a kind of torture.

Not only is the time that they can "exist" cut in half, they even occasionally restrict each other, and there is no personal space for each other. It is simply an eternal prison where each other is detained intermittently.

If these two were not gods of death, there is basically no possibility of being killed, and only one can appear at a time, and if they still recognize this family relationship with each other, I'm afraid they would have strangled you to death long ago.

Originally, they thought that they would not be able to separate in this life, and had resigned themselves to their fate for who knows how many years ago, but they really didn't expect to get a solution to the problem here, and the two of them couldn't help but smile.

"Are you serious? Can we really separate?"

"Really, the chances are great!"

William nodded and smiled, "I am the Goddess of the goddess of fate, and fate will not lie."

Fate doesn't lie, but you can!

The hip-pull goddess who was caught in the pot again couldn't help but sighed, feeling like she was on a thief's boat in her heart.

However, if you have too many debts, you don’t have to worry about it, and if you have too many lice, it doesn’t itch. Anyway, I and William are in a state of being tied to death, and one car overturns and the other will be unlucky. , and according to the method discussed with William just now, the scene where the male **** of death and the female **** of death appeared "simultaneously" was shown.

Of course, this scene does not actually exist, and the fate that needs time travel to change has already surpassed the current ability of the hip-pull goddess, but...

Although you can't see the scene or something, you can still fight!

On the left is a phantom of fate with a male **** of death looking to the right, and on the right is a phantom of fate with a female **** of death looking to the left. If the two are put together, don't they exist "simultaneously"?

As for whether it will be seen by doing this... Just kidding, so what if you see it? Am I the goddess of fate or are you the goddess of fate? That's how I see fate! Do you understand what the final right of interpretation means?

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