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Vol 2 Chapter 1287: The big scene and the spirit of research

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"Huh? How do you know?"

After hearing William's question, the goddess of death, who was wondering which came first, the chicken or the egg, couldn't help but froze for a moment. After glancing at William's right hand in his pocket, she frowned subconsciously.

"I see, I forgot, you are still the patron of Goddess of Fate..."


Feeling some faint hostility, the hip-pull goddess in William's pocket couldn't help shrinking suddenly.

It has nothing to do with me! He is just an ordinary little coin! He has his own sources of information, and I don't know anything!

"Ha ha."

After hearing the words of the goddess of death, William neither admitted nor denied, but smiled with "You are so wise".

It's great to have someone who takes the blame~

Don't ask, asking is the unfathomable power of destiny, running through the past and the future, knowing basically everything!

"Since you already know our plan, I won't hide it from you."

After staring at William's pocket for several times, and secretly remembering this matter in her heart, the goddess of death said calmly:

"My brother and I do have this plan. Right now we have nothing to do with the three great demon gods of the endless abyss, and it is impossible to kill all the true gods in turn and copy back all the souls they have intercepted. Then we can only try to use the help of the goddess of magic. Going back to the past, I tried to find a few special time points for large-scale storage of heroic spirits...

Oh, by the way, since the Goddess of Fate could see this and told you about it in advance, can you ask her for us, can we succeed this time? "

No... Have you misunderstood fate? Am I the goddess of fate and not the goddess of divination? Why do you ask me this kind of question?

Amidst the wailing from the hip-pull goddess, William nodded slightly towards the goddess of death, and said with a smile:

"Although you two had some twists and turns this time, and it was difficult to achieve all your goals, you still gained something in the end."

"Have you gained something..."

After whispering and repeating William's words, the Death Goddess bit her rosy lower lip, showing a rare look of embarrassment.

"I know this request may be a bit excessive, but... this matter is really important to me and my brother, so can you ask her to take another look? Try to explain the situation in more detail?"


Facing the request of the goddess of death, William, who owed money with his conscience, groaned for a while pretending to be embarrassed, and then said in a tone of voice:

"Okay, then I'll try my best, but if it really doesn't work..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand, it's great if you are willing to help!"

help? What can I do for you? My wife doesn't know how to help!

After looking apologetically at the expectant female **** of death, William reached out and held down the hip-pull goddess who was jumping in his pocket, and ordered through the spiritual link:

'Don't make trouble! This time there are big benefits! Just listen to me and it's over! '

'It's not that I don't believe you...'

After hearing the great benefits, the hip-pull goddess suddenly became quieter, and then said with some hesitation:

'But she is half a fourteenth-order true god, and I can't see clearly my destiny priesthood, and the premise of going back to the past is even more difficult. It's almost the same as looking at the soles of my feet when I walk normally. ...Are you sure it's ok? '

‘It’s okay, my sources of information are absolutely reliable! And the reason why I did this is to sell you to the brothers and sisters. Maybe in the future when you face the God of Knowledge head-on, you can use this to ask them to help you. '

'It's... well...'

After a lot of coaxing and persuasion, after giving the hip-pull goddess two catties of reassurance, William instructed her to mobilize the power of fate and start adding special effects around her.

Time goes back, worlds alternate, time goes back and forth, life and death cycle...

Although none of these hip-pull goddesses can do it, it’s still no problem to use the power of fate to pick out a phantom and put it out there. It’s over if you make gestures in a big scene that is not obvious at first glance, mysterious and mysterious , in short, I have worked very hard and consumed a lot to highlight one, so how can you weigh this favor yourself!

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