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Vol 2 Chapter 1290: strange combination

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After spending so much effort and taking such a big risk, using the most precious legacy of the goddess of magic to go back to the past, the first thing to do is to study which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Looking at the male **** of death who was squinting at the waist and breaking the scale little by little, William couldn't help grinning speechlessly.

To be honest... I originally thought that the chicken might come first, but now it seems that it should be the egg first, the egg that hurts too much!

Taking advantage of the time when the male **** of death was breaking the eggs, William looked around the world that had completely stopped, and then walked to a group of "frozen" demon kings, and identified them one by one.

Without it, if you want to take the route of prison warden-priest priest-jailer, the number of targets that need to be captured for advanced level is 6, 66, and 666 respectively, and the three **** sons and fraudulent demon kings that have already been captured are excluded. , there are still two places left unfilled.

It just so happens that the quality of these demon kings in front of me is not bad, and they are fixed by the thirteenth-order time artifact manipulated by the **** of death, and they have no resistance at all. The advancement of the officer... Hiss... This thing is a bit tricky.

After looking at the human-shaped demon king made of green thorns in front of him, William frowned and recalled for a while, probably remembering the origin of this guy. ] and [Revenge], the demon king with dual priesthoods, his strength is firmly in the top 20 among the hundreds of abyssal demon kings.

Well, little spicy chicken, PASS!

[Revenge] and [Thorns] are alright priesthoods, but plant-type demons are very troublesome. You have to spread the area slowly to have combat effectiveness. Before that, they are basically broken when touched, which does not suit my fighting style. .

Also, this guy is quite dangerous on a large-scale battlefield, and it is extremely difficult to kill, so it has to be set on fire, so as not to stay and cause trouble for Kieran and the Holy See.

He took out the endless thin blade to split the human-shaped thorns, and found the free nodules at the buttocks, or the "devil's heart". In the circle, by the way, he took out the spider-killing thorn and stabbed it twice, and poured some spider queen venom into it.

It's a dead end, work together, the next one!

Hmm... Is this demon wasp a descendant of the queen who hates the bee? But how to master it like a priesthood of speed?

After groping around among the demon kings left by the goddess of death, and setting fire to the "unusable" demon kings one by one, William finally selected the remaining two places to capture targets.

A tauren with six eyes, and a wasp girl the size of a fist.

In terms of personal strength alone, these two are not that outstanding, that is, they are almost as different as the plant-type thorny demon, and a whole grade weaker than the three gods, but the priesthoods they comprehend are [strength] and 【Speed】, and this is why William finally chose them.

After all, my future opponents are estimated to have started at the true **** level, and the mastery of "being able to use" a certain priesthood is not a little bit worse than "occupying" a certain priesthood. Even if it is the clergy comprehended by the three gods that touches the origin of the abyss, it can only guarantee not to be suppressed when facing the real god.

However, things like [Strength] and [Speed] that can be blessed to oneself should be able to exert certain effects no matter what kind of opponent they face, even if the Tauren and the Wasp are not strong enough to help them in a fight. If you are busy, you can also hide away and become a tool monster with BUFF, so it is definitely not a loss to choose these two...

[The capture of six prisoners has been completed, may I ask if you want to change jobs]


[Professional transfer was successful, Mystic God Warden LV60 was transferred to Jail Warden LV61, the current highest professional level is LV70, the total professional level...]

【Detention Warden LV61】

[Spirit +4 at each level, Will +2]

[Stunt: Using your body as a prison, because you use yourself as a cage to hold criminals, you have imprisoned the souls of the prisoners. Under the corresponding energy traction, you as a prison are also infected, and you can use its passive Skill-like abilities, but in order to avoid confusion in one's own aura, only one special skill of one prisoner can be used at a time]

[Stunt: Supervision and probation, prisoners who are detained will gradually increase their obedience depending on the length of their detention, but they cannot completely violate their personal will, and can only reduce their resistance to a certain extent, so that they can get closer to the church you believe in. More inclined to actively cooperate with detention. This special skill cannot take effect on criminals whose Will attribute is higher than yours]

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