Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 165: : Lu Chen: Krypton gold can become stronger

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A speedboat docked on the side of the island, and a middle-aged man in military uniform got off the boat and paid a military salute to the teenager waiting on the beach, "The Second Atlantic Fleet, Yaskar Abbe."

"Hello, Colonel Abbe."

Lu Chen glanced at the opponent's military rank and shook hands with the opponent.

Then Yasca smiled: "Kassel College is level 83, just call me brother."

"Brother, are all people from our college on board?"

Lu Chen yelled like this, but he was complaining in his heart. I'm afraid I should call Shishu at your age.

"The Second Fleet was established in 1945. It was called the Eighth Fleet at the time. It was the strategic reserve of the Atlantic Fleet. Brother, you know that the Secret Party in World War II secretly developed many military forces at that time, and it still has reservations today."

Yaska explained.

Lu Chen looked at the huge destroyer in the distance. The firepower on it was enough to cover the target within a few kilometers. This is the crystallization of human technology.

Lu Chen has always felt that if the high-ranking dragons don't have many powers in the field, such as manipulating metal flames, then human modern technological weapons can completely rub the dragons on the ground.

But it's a pity that the high-ranking dragons are so ridiculous. The magnetic field set off after awakening makes the secret party unable to use many electronic equipment-controlled weapons. Therefore, the battlefield with the dragons ultimately depends on the elite hybrids to solve it.

"Recover the bodies of those two people. As for how to deal with the base below, I should ask the principal and my mentor."

Lu Chen nodded, and then boarded the speedboat with the other party.


The next night, Lu Chen and Milana walked off the Python of the World. Although this mission only took a few days, he felt that it was quite long.

The result of the mission was not too satisfactory. In the end, the secret party did not lock the identity of the mysterious organization, but fortunately, the school manager Elizabeth was rescued safely.

As for Lu Chen, he had a good fight and gathered the key fragments of the throne, and he was in a good mood.

"President, do you want to go back to the Amber Pavilion first? Or just go back and rest?"

Milana asked for instructions that they had not yet written the mission report.

"The task report will trouble you. I will submit it after reviewing and modifying it tomorrow. I am a little tired today and I am going to go back and rest first."

Lu Chen has always been too lazy to write reports. As for saying that he is tired...

He just made an appointment tonight to play a copy with Eriyi. A new copy was released in World of Warcraft. He and Eriyi want to try the first kill.

But he felt that as Lionheart's president, his subordinates took the task so seriously, he said that he wanted to fish a little bit.

This time back to school, there is no warm welcome ceremony. It is impossible to make a big fanfare every time. For the secret party, killing two "hybrid species" is obviously not as honorable as killing a pure blood dragon.

After bidding farewell to Milana, Lu Chen returned to the dormitory. Fingel was slumbering. It was seven o'clock in the evening, and he didn't know which country the brother was in.

However, he estimated that Fingel would wake up soon because he ordered a supper. The temporary dinner on the world's python is definitely better than the dinner on the high-speed rail of various countries, but the portion is not enough.

He returned a message to Eliyi, saying that he would wait for the copy to go online at nine o'clock in the evening.

When he waited for the meal, he sat in a chair and looked at Fingel's bright computer. This guy had basically been watering stickers all the time, and he seemed to be hot again.

A series of refined and pinned posts was like a live broadcast of progress, making Lu Chen deeply doubt the confidentiality of the college's executive department.

"Shocked, the Elizabeth school manager was hijacked, and the S-level commissioner was dispatched!"

"What!? The former Lionheart President was shot by a pistol?"

"Commissioner S was provoked and mourned for his enemies."


These Lu Chen are no strangers, but there is a post that exposes the blue veins on his forehead, and glances at the snoring Senior Brother Fingel.

"Elizabeth looked back and looked at Lu Chen affectionately, as if she was reluctant to give up."

There is also a picture of Elizabeth looking down when she climbed the plane. The viewing angle should have been taken by the camera on the plane. I don’t know how Fingel got this picture.

And he even dared to send it out boldly. This is a scandal of the orchestration school manager... Well... It seems that Brother Fingel has nothing to dare to gossip, and even the first lover of the department chair dared to be on the forum in underwear colors. send.

But why are you gossip about me?

He quickly used Fingel's administrator authority to delete the post. It is necessary to know that the original juvenile is also a student of Kassel College, and he seems to occasionally sneak a look at the Night Watcher forum.

"Um... Junior Brother, you are back."

Fingel woke up, mainly because the servant heard the sound of knocking on the door and the smell of pork knuckle coming from outside the door.

"Brother, what do you think this is?"

Lu Chen raised his fist towards Fingel.


"Fist with big sandbags."

A few minutes later, Fingel rubbed his blue eye sockets, and said with a smile: "Haha, brother, I won't dare next time. The main reason is to click the volume."

The number of clicks and replies on that post is indeed the highest.

"You won't have any supper tonight."

Lu Chen didn't have a good air.

"Don't don't don't, it's wrong, you see I woke up from starvation, and I'm not out of business."

Fingel said aggrievedly.

"What business?"

Lu Chen thought that although his senior brother had a good blood, he seemed to never do business.

"Help you wash the briquettes."

Fingel spread his hands and looked haggard, "Junior Brother, you are too reckless to go on a mission, you have to know that there are cameras in this world."

"Isn't the executive department's handling of it clean? It hasn't caused any disturbances in the society."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled.

"Of course ordinary people can't see those videos, but you have to know that for some people, they can dig out even deleted videos."

Fingel tentatively picked up a pig's knuckle and smiled openly when Lu Chen didn't stop him.

"School Board?"

Lu Chen knew what Fingel was referring to.

"Yes, brother, you have a lot of missions over the past six months. Some missions are always taken out of context to question the safety of your descent, especially your videos on the streets of Japan and in the Rock Flow Research Institute. ."

Fingel took a bite of the pork knuckle and grabbed a sandwich.

Lu Chen was stunned. He asked if there was a camera in the computer room. Then Brother Caesar and Brother Chu's infiltration operation was really a failure. They didn't even cover their faces.

"When I was filmed, I was filmed, and they couldn't do anything to me."

Lu Chen was not worried. This time the school board was directed at him, but in fact it was directed at the principal. It was just for disgusting them. In fact, he did nothing, and those people did not dare to move him. "It’s brother, I They've all been photographed, what else can you do?"

Fingel smiled slyly: "Junior, don't underestimate our paparazzi. Besides, when it comes to washing briquettes, I am a professional, so don't worry."

Seeing Fingel's self-confidence, Lu Chen stopped asking.

After eating the supper, Lu Chen sent a message to the executive department, and soon a school worker came and took away his snow.

Our vice-principal is paid, so he can't organize a swimsuit beauty pageant all day long. He also has to do some work.

When the time was approaching nine o'clock, Lu Chen turned on the computer and logged in to World of Warcraft.

This game was recently recommended to him by Fingel, and he thought it was very good.

It's mainly the open world inside, where people can freely adventure in it, and team up with Eriyi to stroll around in the game, but it also has a special flavor.

Eriyi also likes this game very much. She pestered Yuan Zhisheng to prepare a computer for her. Originally this was not allowed, because Yuan Zhisheng had been worried that Eriyi would "learn badly" after surfing the Internet.

But unable to withstand the dual offensive of Lu Chen and Eliyi, reluctantly nodded to give Eliyi the best set.

Since both of them are considered game masters, they didn't feel any difficulty in operation when playing, but leveling was a bit troublesome.

The main reason that makes them feel that the game experience is excellent is... they are giant players.

Eliyi doesn’t mention it. At first, Lu Chen thought it was a stupid thing to charge money in virtual games, but after he played a few copies, the poor drop rate and the lowest stats of the equipment after shipment , Let him deeply feel the maliciousness of randomness.

With his luck, it seems that he wants to play the best equipment on his own, which is a foolish dream.

It wasn't until he and Eriya were playing together one night, after meeting a high-strength Boss, he obviously couldn't bear the equipment with low blood volume, low defense and low damage.

The seemingly sturdy orc warrior slammed with a shield, and the single-digit damage figure jumped out of Boss. Lu Chen was not discouraged. The orc warrior swung his axe again...Miss

When he was stunned, the Boss's range skills fell, and he was stunned...

Then he saw Eriya typing on the team channel, "So weak..."

Can't bear it!

After leaving the copy, Lu Chen went straight to the trading platform, looking at the sky-high price equipment, maxing out the black cards!

Crown of Anasteria, Endless Nightmare, Steadfast Pauldrons, Cloak of Original Sin, Hardened Krypton War Armor, Demon Wrath Legplates, Frontier Gloves, Disaster Ring, Stormrage Ring, Betrayer's Madness, Oberion's Splitting Soul The sword, the halberd shield...

They are all top-notch attribute configurations. The shotgun was changed instantly. When I played a copy with Eriyi the next day, Eriyi screamed "very amazing".

As for how much money was spent... Lu Chen didn't pay attention.

It's all numbers, numbers.

I have done so many difficult tasks for the secret party, and spend some money to play games... not too much, right?

After Eriyi finished making the copy, she admired Lu Chen and asked curiously, "Why did she suddenly become so powerful?"

Lu Chen didn't hide it either, and told Eriya how to become stronger.

So, on the third day, Lu Chen saw... even more luxurious equipment than him.

The wand of Shadow Flame was once hung on the trading platform of the outstation, and the price was 700,000 US dollars!

However, Eriya doesn't seem to care about money. It's better to say that this girl has no idea about money. She just asked her brother to open an account for her, place an order on the platform, and it's done.

Eriya thought this was just a process of becoming stronger, which was quite troublesome. Her brother helped her get an account, and she went to the platform to trade. It took several hours, and it really took her to become stronger.

The two players with top-notch equipment directly opened the top raid copy with a cap of 25 people and started their challenge.

"Junior Brother and Junior Brother, take me, I also have the equipment I want to use."

Fingel begged with a stern face. In his opinion, this little couple is simply a dungeon killer. He only needs to go in and lie down. It will be a good time to pick up some equipment they don't want.

"Oh, after I finish brushing, I can directly give it to the senior, but for the first kill tonight, we want to challenge two people."

Lu Chen ruthlessly rejected Senior Brother Fingel, because the fewer the number of people who cleared the level, the more bluffing his record would be. Senior Brother Fingel is too good, not to say that the technical cuisine is too bad and the equipment is too bad.

After entering the account password, he glanced at his character, a gorgeous legendary outfit, which looked extremely mighty when worn on the majestic body of an orc warrior.

Well, in Lu Chen's eyes, the orcs are the most exciting racial characters.

As for Eriyi, she chose a blood elf, a mage to play.

He clicked on the guild window. This was the guild he had created, and there were only him and Eriyi.

The name of the guild is "Zhutian Sightseeing Group". He decided to use this name for any other online games in the future. It is called Sightseeing Group, just because he thinks that the main reason for playing games is to bring Eriyi to run freely in the game world. run.

However, since their krypton gold, their purpose has changed a bit. Recently, they have been somewhat intoxicated by the feeling that they have finished the difficult copy and posted the record on the world's public screen.

It was 8:50, but Eliyi hadn't gone online yet, Lu Chen was a little puzzled. Usually, Eliyi went online very early.

Fortunately, with two minutes left, Eriyi's portrait lit up and replied: "I just finished the medical examination, let's start."

Lu Chen came to the dungeon opening place, and after forming a team, he opened the new dungeon that was opened for the first time at 9 o'clock today.

It's a coincidence that the name of the copy is "Selter's Fury"

Lu Chen has also studied hard recently. Besides, he saw the name Stelter in the Corridor of Jinlunga. This is the guardian of Musbelheim in Norse and the first one. Fire giant.

Blizzard is relatively diligent to update the copy, and there are many references to Nordic mythology in the world view of World of Warcraft, but it is still rare to directly use the name of the **** in the myth.

The copy was opened and the expansion film began to be shown. I have to say that some parts of this game make Lu Chen feel that the developers are making games with their feet, but they are really making CG with their heart, and Lu Chen feels that they are not making CG movies. It's really a shame.

The entrance is a deserted snowfield. The wind blows across the earth and brings misty snowflakes. The angle of view continues to climb and stretch forward. With the melodious soundtrack, an atmosphere of ancient epic feels rushing forward.

Until the end, at the end of the snowy field, a simple and magnificent but somewhat broken bronze city appeared in front of the players.

Like aerial shots, the angle of view gradually penetrated into this ancient bronze city, and the deep and magnetic opening speech sounded.

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