Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 166: : Feel the wrath of God

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The subtitles on the screen are accompanied by the magnetic voice, which briefly describes the story of this ancient bronze city, and also tells the players the name of this ancient city-Bronze King City.

This royal city once belonged to the supreme fire giant Selter. In the legendary history, this city once overlooked this vast land, and Selter sits in the city as a king over the world.

But after experiencing the cataclysm of Deathwing, the legendary giant fell.

This can be regarded as a summary of the advance, the last words of that deep magnetic voice reminded Lu Chen's spirit.

"For that noble legend, death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. When the supreme monarch merges into one, he will eventually return."

The screen gradually faded, and Lu Chen and Eriya entered the copy.

The expansion animation of the copy can actually be skipped, but both of them like to watch these stories, and they actually don’t miss the time.

According to the official news, this dungeon is difficult. Without a strategy, even the top guild’s wasteland team will probably have to destroy a dozen times to find a breakthrough.

Lu Chen and Eliyi's goal is to pass the level once.

Fingel stopped yelling at this time, moved a stool and sat next to Lu Chen, wanting to see how the two Gao Wan can double this difficult dungeon.

Even if both of them are the top equipment configuration, in terms of combat power and output value, they cannot have a full rank of 25 people, and because there is no priest's milk, it means that Lu Chen, who is in front of him, can hardly have it. Mistakes.

The copy program is actually quite old-fashioned. Lu Chen and Eliyi first walked on the snowy field and encountered a lot of snake-headed monsters on the road. They were little monsters and they solved it easily.

After entering the city, there are various small plots to kill the mobs. When Lu Chen and Eriya feel a little bored, the animation is inserted again, and they know that the Boss is about to show up.

Both Eliyi and Lu Chen are a little bit expectant, because the official copy of the leaflet contains only a picture of the giant of fire, and the other content is not disclosed.

But in the opening remarks just now, it mentioned that "the supreme monarch is united into one", as if the giant of fire has not been resurrected at present, so what exactly is the boss of this instance?

In the next moment, accompanied by the fierce horn sound and cello ensemble, a huge shadow passed over the tiny player, and the majestic breath was vividly expressed through the music.

A dragon with turquoise scales landed on the square and roared at the player. The long blood bar appeared, and at the same time his name, Norton, was revealed.

Not to mention the slender blood elves, even Lu Chen's sturdy orc warrior looked like a big bug in front of the opponent.

"so big."

Eri Yi typed and exclaimed.


Lu Chen replied, but didn't know how the damage and defense resistance were.

At the beginning of the battle, Lu Chen controlled the orc warrior on top, while Huili first released a hand of Frost Orb.

In fact, Eriyi originally played the fire method, because the output of the fire method is higher, but the smart Eriyi thinks that this copy is marked with the flame giant. She thinks that the boss may have higher fire resistance, so she Turned to ice method, as for suitable equipment...she bought another set.

"Junior brother, cow, you can withstand this Boss output, you deserve to be a top fighter."

Fingel admired from the side that the dragon's basic attack on the screen could only destroy the blood skin of the orc warrior. As for the red circle skills, at Lu Chen's phantom-like hand speed, none of them were hit.

Lu Chen concentrated, and there was no need to type and communicate with Eliyi during the fight, as if they were born with a tacit understanding.

For example, once the orc warrior is arrested and broken off again, Eliyi will accurately connect the skills to buy time for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's hatred was very deadly. Although he was a talent for war defense, his output was not weak because of the best equipment. At this time, the two men defended and attacked, and Norton's 6 million health bars were slowly and steadily declining.

Until the dragon's blood bar fell to one third, another animation was inserted. The dragon flew high, hovering in the sky, the ancient and obscure language sounded, and then the screen was switched back, and the screen was full. With a red light, both Lu Chen and Eriyi, who was on the other side of the ocean, were stunned.

This is the warning circle of the skill range. It is to give the player time to react and operate the character to hide the skill, but this skill covers the full screen and has no dead ends!

Lu Chen wanted to scold the game planner of this dungeon. Is his brain sick?

How can you design such a must-eat no-dead-angle skill?

Generally speaking, the ultimate boss’s "big move" cannot be eaten. After eating at least half of the blood, plus the violent post-Boss, the priest’s milk will not come back.

In the dumb expressions of Lu Chen and Hui Liyi, the monstrous flames stretched out like a mad dragon, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, like a torrent of extinction, falling on the orcs and blood elves.

Suddenly, the blood bar almost disappeared. Lu Chen had less than one-third of his blood left, while Eliyi had only a trace of blood, and he did not die dangerously and quickly, taking medicine.

"are you crazy!"

Lu Chen vomited.

You must know that he and Eliyi are top-notch equipment, and the level of krypton gold is among the best in the whole server, so that they are not dead. If you change to another team, after this wave of skills, I am afraid that it will be directly destroyed.

Even if warriors and paladins can survive, the priest's milk and wizards in the rear will still play a fart if they die.

The game planner who designed this dungeon definitely had a pit in his head, and it didn't seem like it could be passed by the player.

"Junior Brother, hold on, maybe you can still fight."

Fingel cheered up, and Lu Chen continued to operate with a serious face.

Since Eriyi's blood line is very low, and his blood volume is not much, he must involve hatred at the same time, it is best to even the frequency of the opponent's general attack.

After another five or six minutes, the dragon uttered a roar and collapsed to the ground. Lu Chen and Eriyi both breathed a sigh of relief. They won the battle dangerously and dangerously.

After that, Lu Chen walked to the giant dragon. At this time, a reminder appeared, "Press E to execute."

Lu Chenxin said that the designer was really ill, and why did he add this kind of link? Just die and explode the equipment.

"Eriyi, you come."

Lu Chen is very self-aware, and he usually hands this kind of link to Eli Yi. If he comes by himself, he is afraid that he will lose his money.

Eriya controlled the character to execute Norton, and a cloud of golden light burst out on the ground, a two-handed sword of legendary quality!


Eriya gave the big sword to Lu Chen, which was the warrior's equipment.

Lu Chen checked the details of this two-handed sword in his backpack. The name of the sword was "Greed", and it looked a bit like the Kramer long sword of the Scottish Highland people. It was a sucking sword that could quickly rot the cut biological cells. It can absorb the blood of the enemy and spray it from the dragon head of the sword.

The effects in the game are bleeding special effects and blood-sucking special effects. As for its attributes... Lu Chen can only say that it is outrageously high, surpassing his existing Oberline Soulbreaker Sword, and may be the strongest in World of Warcraft. Soldiers have weapons.

"Thank you, Eriya is very lucky."

Lu Chen praised, he didn't run away, Eliyi was really the emperor of Europe.

However, the two felt a little strange afterwards. The Boss has already been played. Why hasn't the countdown to exit the instance yet?

On the contrary, there is a green countdown in the upper left corner, and it is almost the end.

When time went to zero, to their surprise, a new cutscene appeared again.

A bigger dragon, covered in turquoise scales, appeared, with bleeding stripes, and there were 10 million!

Although Lu Chen and Eliyi are already in full, they are still a little nervous. There is more than one Boss co-authoring this dungeon.

When Lu Chen looked at the name on the top of the dragon's head, he suddenly felt a little weird again. The name of the dragon was Constantine.

When he saw Norton's name before, he didn't think there was anything. The two giant dragons' names were connected, which reminded him of the dragons in the real world.

Dragons often use aliases. The names of each life may not be the same. The secret party’s literature records have these two names. The secret party speculates that Norton and Constantine should refer to bronze and fire. Dragon King.

But according to this copy, how come it looks like two dragons?

No, right? How did I bring the game into reality? I can't think about it and concentrate on the copy.

Lu Chen and Eriyi are in a bitter battle, because Constantine’s output is not at the same level as Norton. The basic attack can take nearly one-tenth of the blood of the orc warrior, scaring him full of totems, so try not to eat. harm.

Eriya also ran, and the two people's high-playing operations showed their fullness, taking turns pulling the hatred and playing the dragon round and round. The two found the rhythm for a while and stabilized.

Coincidentally, when Constantine's blood volume fell to one-third, the **** cutscene came again, and Lu Chen's face turned green.

"Junior Brother, this was not a human being."

Fingel also complained on the side, the same AOE full of screens and nowhere to hide, and the flame was even hotter than before.

The blood elf in Huiliyi was killed on the spot, she made a dazed expression, and Lu Chen only had a little **** skin left.

"I still don't believe in evil!"

Lu Chen's hand scrolled quickly on the keyboard, and the forceful force made Fingel worry that the keyboard would be broken by his junior.

Immediately after Lu Chen concentrated his attention to the peak, he wandered around Constantine with almost zero errors. After all, the output of the warrior was not as good as that of the mage. After more than half an hour of fighting, the huge dragon body finally collapsed to the ground.

Lu Chen glanced at his own blood bar, there were 2 points left, and the last luck finally took care of him once. If Constantine's general attack hit two more points of blood last time, he and Eriyi would declare defeat.


Eriyi typed in praise.

This time the game system didn't specifically ask Lu Chen to be executed, and he exploded directly...all gold coins and...garbage.

Lu Chen wanted to cry without tears. Is this the gap between him and Eliyi?

At this time, the end of the dungeon prompt sounded, and at the same time, the full server announced that the players "" and "Little Yellow Duck" completed the first kill of the full server of "Slter's Fury".

When he and Eriya exited the copy, they were surprised to see a cutscene again.

The scene is almost a reverse of the opening animation, and the deep magnetic voice narrates: "Death is just a long sleep. You have never witnessed Selter's anger."


Lu Chen was a little confused, I was finished, you tell me this?

But it's really strange. The name of this copy is "Silter's Fury". What about Selter?

"Junior Brother, how do I feel that your process of going through the dungeon is not right, you may not have played the highest difficulty and ultimate reward."

Fingel looked at the finished copy and analyzed.

Then he took his laptop again and went to the official forum of World of Warcraft. It was not a coincidence that, almost at the same time, an official post was released.

First of all, congratulations to the two players for achieving the first kill, and then shared some strategies, indicating that this dungeon has more difficult ways to play and can also burst out better rewards.

Lu Chen glanced around, and he was a little surprised. No wonder the game planner had an option to execute after the first Norton Boss was played. It turned out that there was a saying.

If he did not choose to execute Norton at that time, after the inconspicuous countdown in the upper left corner, he would lose the chance of execution, and then Constantine would show up and swallow the dying Norton.

The official narration is relatively simple, but if it is in the game, it may be a grand and sad CG cutscene.

After Constantine swallowed Norton, which is the "supreme monarch combined into one" mentioned at the beginning of the expansion, he can transform into Sulter, the legendary giant of fire. This is the copy. The ultimate Boss.

Well, it seems that the game planning is very thoughtful and creative...a ghost!

This is especially the Norton level, Lu Chen dare to say that most of the top guild wasteland reclamation groups will have to be destroyed dozens of times before they are lucky. As for Constantine.

That wave of full-screen skills with nowhere to hide, even his top-matched orc warrior was almost full of blood for seconds. It can be said that for other teams, after the release of this skill, there is absolutely no survivor.

How strong is Selter, the giant of fire?

It is definitely much stronger than Constantine.

Out of curiosity and challenge, Lu Chen sent an invitation to Eriya: "This copy seems to have a higher level of difficulty. We haven't seen the giant of fire before. Would you like to try it again?"

"Play with it."

Hui Eryi replied.

As a result, the two entered the dungeon again, and with their first experience, it was not too simple to brush Norton.

After this fight, Lu Chen did not choose to be Sure enough, Constantine showed up after a while. After the two sides exchanged something in the "dragon language" that the players did not understand, Constantine Ryomaliu With tears, Norton swallowed.

Then the solemn BGM sounded, the endless flames rose, the whole bronze city was trembling, the endless ice sheet was melting, the indomitable fire giant appeared, and the details of the players controlled by the player trembled, as if to kneel down in the majesty of the gods. Down.

Lu Chen glanced at the blood bar of the Giant of Eyes——50 million!

"Feel... God's wrath!"

Along with that roar, endless flames rushed towards the player, and the bloodlines of Lu Chen and Eliyi were instantly emptied.


Lu Chen knew that this difficulty was impossible.

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