Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 164: : Not Zhoushan Duan (thanks to Qingheyue leader)

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Lu Chen is always willing to give a good opponent a glimpse of his peak.

Hughes, who had been advancing secretly, stopped. After Long Huan, his more keen intuition warned him not to get closer. The result of this advancing might be death.

There was another reason for him to stop. The boss's voice came from his built-in headset, telling him that the mission was over and he could retreat.

There is a small alchemy bomb buried in his spine, and it also has the function of monitoring his vital signs, which can feed his various states back to the boss. At this point in the battle, the boss obviously realizes that he may not be able to win the opponent and does not want to take it anymore. Let him continue the adventure.

But... You clearly said that Lu Chen's blood is vital to the road to the Conferment of Gods, and it is an indispensable part of the great cause, so you just give up so easily?

Xius knows better than anyone that this mission has a low priority on the surface, but in the boss's mind, the seven deadly sins are not as good as Lu Chen's active blood!

He sighed softly in his heart.

I am already your highest combat power. If I can't do it, who else can offer you this gift?

The atmosphere in the ruined battlefield suddenly calmed down. Both Hughes and Lu Chen stood still. One of them was accumulating power to give the opponent a chance to make a move after a bloodbath, while the other stretched his hand to the back of his neck, with his claws embedded in a certain At this location, I pulled out a small bottle that was connected to the line.

There is serum in the small bottle, and it is not zero risk for their mixed monarchs to ascend their bloodlines. Excessive dragon transformation still risks losing their sanity, and their minds and ideas will be completely transformed into dragons.

Along with the further ascent of his blood line, his strength penetrated into his bones like a degree, but that was not completely controlled.

During the strengthening process, the cultivator fixed his eyes on the young man, and for a moment he recalled the past for some reason.

He was sold to the Middle East by human traffickers when he was a child, and was later conscripted as a boy scout. From the age of nine, he went to the battlefield to fight against the rain of bullets.

At that time, he awakened his lineage and found that the world sometimes slowed down in his eyes. Later, he realized that he could become faster.

He awakened Yan Ling, and in an instant, this was a Yan Ling very suitable for gunners.

Relying on the advantage of his blood, he was active on the battlefield in the Middle East for ten years. At that time, he was numb and did not pursue.

He did not retaliate against the organization that trained him, nor did he hate the trafficker who trafficked him because he was numb.

What about killing those people? He still wants to fight on the battlefield, he doesn't know where to go.

For him, life is the battlefield. He didn't know how to live after he left the battlefield. He also heard how delicious life is in a peaceful country, but he was inexplicably fearful, and he dared not leave his psychological comfort zone.

Until that time he finished a battle in the Cyprus desert, all his teammates died, and all the transportation vehicles were destroyed. He walked for three days by himself and walked more than ten kilometers away from the road. He sat in the shadow of sandstone and suddenly didn't want to leave.

He didn't find it interesting.

Why are you struggling to survive?

Just when he had a dry mouth and a cracked tongue and was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of the propeller. He opened his eyes and saw a man in a luxurious suit approaching him, the boss.

"Is it thirsty?"

The boss asked him.

He nodded in a daze.

"It's really hot here."

The boss sighed and opened a bag of popsicles. After breaking it, he sent the mouthful side into the mouth. With a refreshing suck, his frowning brows were opened, as if he was in the supremacy at this moment. Enjoyment.

Then the boss reached out and handed the remaining half of the popsicles to himself, "It tastes like blueberries, it's very good, it's a great one on a hot day. Try it."

Perhaps because of curiosity about the food that he had never tried, or his instinctive desire to survive, he took the half of the popsicles, and the coolness of the popsicles was transmitted to his whole body through his hands, even though he had not eaten them yet. But he seemed to feel that the heat was not so hot.

With a trembling hand, he sent the popsicle into his mouth. At first, he bit and sucked carefully and weakly. When the refreshment entered his mouth and penetrated into the body along the esophagus, his whole body was awake for a few minutes, and all the cells in his body were completely awake. It seems to be cheering.

It was cheering for the resurrection of life, and cheering for the delicacy he had never tasted before. In his previous battles day after day, only marching dry food and boiled water accompanied him.

The desire to survive and the deliciousness of popsicles made him **** frantically. Until the end, there was a little left in the plastic soft shell. He didn't want to let go of this rare deliciousness. He raised his head and exhausted the last drop of juice, feeling the whole thing. Came alive.

Thinking about it now, what he said to Alice seemed to be off the track. At the very beginning, he wanted to **** the popsicle clean, just because he thought it was delicious.

After smoking the popsicles, he felt a bit of strength recovered at that time, and the boss reached out to him, "Delicious? Actually, there are many delicious foods in the world. These are not to be experienced on the battlefield. Instead of lying down Waiting for death here, why don't you follow me to see this wonderful world?"

In a mess, he grabbed the opponent's hand and boarded the plane with the boss.

After that, he successfully evolved and became what the boss said as a mixed-race monarch. Over the years, he ate and drank and enjoyed, and occasionally set out tasks, but he was happy and happy.

The boss fulfilled his promise, took himself out of his comfort zone, and allowed himself to see a broader world.

But... only now did he realize that some things are right. The impact of childhood on a person is really great. It turns out that what he missed the most was the time he spent on the battlefield, facing the rain of guns and bullets, and shuttled through the cracks of death. , Let him feel that he is alive.

After a long absence, he recovered that feeling, the feeling of being alive.

Besides... the man's words count. Before I set off, I said I would bring Lu Chen's blood to you.

Your promise has been fulfilled, and I don’t want to lose the chain...

Alice looked at Seuss in surprise, because the underworld speech effect on the opponent was lifted, and he stood upright opposite Lu Chen!

The sea breeze blew past Hughes' keeled face, and then blew the broken hair on the boy's forehead. The invisible energy in the field rose and fell, and finally returned to calm.

Lu Chen looked at Hughes who had lifted the effect of Ling Ling's invisibility and grinned: "This is like a man."

Having said that, he crossed the sword slightly in front of him, stepped on his left foot, and the steel plate covered with sand under his feet sank slightly, and the snowy blade was cold and clear under the sunlight. "Take it with all your strength... "

When the voice fell, the wings of Xiuss' dragon flapped, and the blowing wind instantly changed the direction of the sea breeze. The trees behind him deflected, the ground under his feet shattered, and the harsh sound detonated the audience. Two small swords rushed in at extreme speed. The phantom knife light turned into a cross.

Not far away, Alice could not see the figure of Seuss at all, but only slowed for a moment, almost at the same time, the figure of the boy also disappeared in place, and the rising smoke was ringed by the bulging wind. Filtering backwards, this is the pinnacle of the Speedy!

In a world that only both sides can see clearly, Lu Chen’s chest rises high from inhaling a large amount of oxygen, and the muscles in his abdomen are tight and reminiscent of granite. The strength is transmitted upwards between the legs and the muscles of his arms are knotted. It swelled for another point, and the pressure was so great that the boy's bones were crying.

Double bloodline violent blood, Tier 5 King Kong.

320% power increase!

Piaoxue's knife handle also squeaked and screamed. Although it was the best alchemy tool in the ice cellar except for Heixuan, the power poured into it at this moment exceeded a hundred tons!

The ice-blue blade draws a beautiful arc in the air. The alchemy field should have brought extremely cold snow, but there is no such elegant vision around. The ice-blue blade brings up white water vapor. It was the collision between the laws of physics and the alchemy domain. The extreme cold caused by the snowy alchemy domain condensed water vapor, and the extreme friction between the blade and the air brought high temperatures. When the ice and the blazing heat met, it turned into a misty mist.

This crosscut combines strength, speed, skill and one body, as if it can cut all obstacles in front of it, even if it is a mountain, it must be split!

Battlefield flow knife method. Gonggong!

According to the old master’s advocacy, Lu Chen’s sword technique adapted from the study and adaptation of the Shenbing Record of the Millennium School was taken from the common work in myths and legends.

Even if the front is Bu Zhoushan, you must cut it down with the momentum to cut it off!


The dazzling sparks lit up, and then flashed out in an instant, and the two Kodachi and Piaoxue passed by, separated under absolute violence.

In the last meeting, Hugh's eyes were filled with madness. It was obvious that he had already been severely corroded by dragon blood. In this state, even if he did not have a firm goal, the warlikeness brought by the dragon gene would not allow him. Retreat when facing the enemy.

Lu Chen and Hughes passed by. The high heat generated by the friction between the snow and the incision made the blood rise like fog. At the gradually reduced speed, the ice field once again dominated, and the blood fog condensed into red ice flowers, falling. On the shoulders of the teenager.

Lu Chen waved his knife and shook his blood, and a head with a keel-boned faceplate never fell in the air, "...and then die without regret."

After that, he no longer looked at Hughes who fell behind him, and his red-gold eyes looked at Alice who was standing on a tree in the distance.

At this moment, the stared Alice felt like she had returned to her childhood bloodline when she was not awakened. When she was sightseeing on the grassland, she encountered a stray lion. She felt cold in her hands and feet, and she couldn't even jump down and escape. , She froze.

The boy was not advancing in a rush, but walking towards her step by step on the dirt among the ruins, but she couldn't move.

She was suppressed by the majesty of the **** of war that filled the world, and the pair of scarlet gold eyes carried a boring murderous intent, as if the visitor was just dealing with a small matter and was about to crush a bug.

For a while, Alice laughed frantically, "This is the Lionheart President, I'm a fake...I'm a fake..."

Lu Chen looked at Alice coldly, "Guide Valencia, legs amputated, Welf Sheen, paralyzed all over."

Alice looked down at the boy who walked under the tree, "What are you talking about?"

The young man rose up and landed lightly behind the tree, pulling up blood-colored ice flowers in the air, and Alice's figure fell from the tree to the ground, making a dull sound.

"The names of the two commissioners you attacked."

Lu Chen said lightly, swiping the knife with blood, retracting the knife into its sheath.

He has always kept his promises, but the premise is that the person with whom he made the agreement does not change his mind.

Now he wanted to collect the "Shards of the Throne's Key", and Alice hurt his person again, no matter what, he had no reason to let him go.

At the end of the war, he was relieved of his violent blood state, and he did not feel the same feeling of weakness after the last battle with Eden.

The strength of Hughes is quite strong, and the spirit of speech is also very troublesome, but the strength is too small, and you don't need to expend too much strength to fight against him.

Fighting against Eden is different. If he adjusts improperly every time he bumps, and if he fails to unload his strength and bears the opponent's full strength, he will probably never stand up again when he is shot on the wall.

But it’s not that Seuss is much worse. He finally broke out with all his strength, and Seuss was transformed into an extremely deep state. After using it for the first moment, at least in the field of speed, the two are equal in speed, and they are definitely better than the "bulky" Eden. Much faster.

So the self-confidence of this group of people is not without reason. People with this kind of strength are almost equivalent to a next-generation species, and it is understandable to act a little frantically.

Unfortunately, the wrong opponent was selected.

He glanced at Seuss' body again...or maybe he followed the wrong person.

He took out Piaoxue and checked it. It was a little distressed to see the two cracks on the knife. He could only go back and ask the vice principal to help him repair it. He didn't want to run to the equipment department.

He waved in the air, knowing that people in the academy should be observing the battle through satellites. He didn't want to swim back.


A luxuriously decorated room on a luxury cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean.

The man sat on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand, glanced at the satellite live broadcast on the big screen, and then pressed the touchpad at hand to close the live broadcast.

The battle is over.

"Boss, Hughes..."

The woman standing next to him looked at the man sitting there nervously. The man was expressionless and could not see the joy or anger.

It is true that Hughes is the best player under the boss, so this always cold man ordered Hughes to return, but she did not expect that Hughes, who has always been loyal and obedient, did not follow the instructions!

She knows that the boss is more concerned about whether he is obedient than whether his subordinates are strong or not. This is an obvious disobedience of Hughes, but she can’t figure it Why Hughes disobeys the boss’s orders and has to take risks with Lu Chen. What about World War I?

In the absence of hope for the active blood of the other party, what Seuss did was meaningless and could not create value for the boss.

The man was silent for a few breaths, and raised his glass faintly, "Jing Xius."

Then drank all the wine in the glass.

"Boss, that thing we..."

The woman asked for instructions.

The boss waved his hand, "Forget it, the noise has been a bit loud recently, so I don't want to intervene in that thing. It's OK to put it at the academy first, and I will get it when I need it."

Then he looked at the large screen that had been turned off, and no one knew what he was thinking.

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