After leaving Macy’s, Lin Ying took Xiaolan to this French Mediterranean restaurant.

From the moment Xiaolan walked in, she saw the piano placed in the distance, and the pianist playing beautiful music on it.

In this instant, she realized that the price of this restaurant must not be cheap.

This made her a little scared, worried that her wallet would not be saved.

But thinking that this morning, Lin Ying gave herself a valuable bag, she could only grit her teeth and follow in.

After sitting down at a dining table, Xiaolan waited uneasily.

After waiting for the waiter to hand over the menu, she couldn’t wait to open it.

“Hey?” Xiao Lan was stunned for a moment, because the menu on this did not have the price written on it.

There are only lines of English text.

Just as Xiaolan hesitated whether to ask the waiter about the price, Lin Ying, who was sitting opposite, said: “Bring me a rumfilet steak, it’s seven rare.” ”

Upon hearing this familiar name, Xiaolan hurriedly said: “Me too!” ”

“Okay, two of you, please wait.” The waiter accepted the menu with a smile and turned to leave.

Xiaolan took a sip of water to relieve her nervousness.

She said embarrassedly: “I don’t know much of the words on that menu.” ”

Lin Ying smiled, and he said, “I was the same when I first came here… I basically don’t know the words on the menu. ”

“So every time I come here to eat, I order something I haven’t eaten.”

“This should be very exciting!” Xiaolan said with interest: “I want to try it like this too!” ”

“I suggest it’s better not to try.” Lin Ying took a sip of ice water and said, “Once I ordered a menu of food in a restaurant and waited for half an hour. ”

“But the waiter still hasn’t served the food yet, which makes me wonder.”

“So I went to the waiter and asked why I was serving……… Do you know how the waiter answered me? ”

“How did he answer?” Xiaolan’s eyes were big and full of curiosity.

Lin Ying learned the tone of the waiter and said, “Sir, the piano piece you ordered has just been played. ”

Hearing this, Xiaolan laughed, and she covered her small mouth and said, “How can this kind of thing happen.” ”

“Yes, after suffering a few losses, I decided not to order it myself again, but let the waiter recommend it.” Lin Ying sighed.

After this day, Xiaolan no longer felt strange to Lin Ying, so she asked curiously: “Mr. Lin, why did you suddenly leave New York and go to Tokyo?” ”

“There is no particular reason for just feeling tired of staying in this place… Besides, the world is so big, don’t you want to go and see it? Lin Ying replied.

“Of course I want to ah~~~ When I grow up a little more, I will also walk around and see the world.” Xiaolan excitedly replied that she experienced the cultures of various countries.

During the small talk, soon the waiter pushed a food truck over.

I saw that the other party put the two dinner plates on the dining car on the table, then opened the lid, left a sentence of “I wish you a happy meal”, and then pushed the dining car and left.

Xiaolan picked up her knife and fork and was about to start cutting steak, but she looked at the plate in front of her in amazement, it was not a rumfilet mignon on the plate.

“This… It doesn’t seem to be… Steaks? Xiao Lan looked at Lin Ying with doubtful little eyes.

“Maybe it’s an appetizer……… Lobster paella, it smells great, I’ll try it first. Lin Ying said, picked up a spoon and dug a part of the paella into his mouth.

After chewing carefully, he nodded with satisfaction and said: “Lobster paella, but unlike other lobster paella, there are some innovations here. ”

“Is it? I’ll try it too! “Xiaolan has been shopping for a day today, and now she is hungry, where can she afford the temptation of lobster and paella?

At that moment, she believed Lin Ying’s words and felt that this was an appetizer, so she picked up the spoon and ate it.

“Hmm~~~ It’s really different from the lobster paella in Japan!” Xiaolan tasted it all at once.

After Lin Ying took another bite, he commented: “This should be Spanish lobster paella, with lobster shells to boil soup with saffron and rice stewed.” ”

“Then use lobster tails and lobster tongs to accompany the meal, keep the slightly crispy pot, and add some burnt aroma.”

After listening to Lin Ying’s food commentary, Xiaolan tried lobster and seafood fried rice again, and in the seafood flavor, she could feel the faint floral aroma, and it had the taste of Chinese herbs.

“Mr. Lin, you are really powerful.” Xiaolan looked at Lin Ying with admiration, and she said, “This is all eaten by you.” ”

“I usually cook by myself occasionally.” Lin Ying looked at Xiaolan with a smile, feeling that this girl was still deceiving her.

“No wonder!” Xiaolan believed Lin Ying’s statement, because she felt that only those who cooked personally would know how to cook.

Soon, the small portions of lobster and seafood fried rice were finished.

The waiter also pushed the food cart over at the right time, and after he took away the tableware, he brought a dinner plate again.

When the lid is opened, a grilled fragrant sea bass is served.

At this time, Xiaolan was a little confused, and she couldn’t help but ask: “That… Excuse me, is this what we ordered? ”

The waiter looked at the order, and he nodded and said, “It won’t be wrong, miss.” This is indeed what you ordered……… Rum filet mignon. ”

“But… What about steak? Xiao Lan was puzzled.

“Oh, this is the appetizer~~ The steak is still to come……… Please use slowly. The waiter bowed with a smile and pushed the food cart away.

“Such a starter is so rich?” Xiaolan was very surprised by this, she had eaten so many Western restaurants, and it was the first time she had eaten such a rich dish.

“Perhaps… That’s why it’s so popular. Lin Ying smiled and said: “The environment is good, the price is affordable, and you can listen to free piano music……… Everyone loves to come. ”

“That’s what I said~~” Xiaolan nodded, agreeing with this truth very much.

“Here, let’s try this grilled Mediterranean sea bass!” Lin Ying said, picked up the chopsticks, clipped a piece for Xiaolan, put it on her dinner plate, and said:

“Mediterranean sea bass is not uncommon in other Western restaurants, mostly grilled and boneless, presented with black burnt fish skin, the traditional method is simply served with olive oil, salt, lemon juice… Its spiny and fleshy and not fishy makes it perfect for grilling. ”

Watching Lin Ying talk as if he was a foodie, this made Xiaolan admire and feel that the other party understood everything.

After thanking her, she picked up the fish with chopsticks and savored the delicacy.

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