After resting in the library for a while, Lin Ying left with Xiaolan.

“Where do you want to go next?” On the way to the parking lot, Lin Ying asked Xiaolan.

“I want to buy some gifts for Aunt Yukiko.” Xiaolan wanted to thank the Kudo family, after all, the other party treated him so much, and it was really impossible to express his intentions without expressing his intentions.

“Buy a gift? Okay, I’ll take you to Macy’s. After Lin Ying heard Xiaolan’s thoughts, he also had a destination.


Macy’s has little to do with the star Macy, a famous large chain of department stores that is widely loved by Americans and tourists alike.

Mainly engaged in high-end men’s and women’s fashion, brand-name bags, clothing, shoes and hats, children’s clothing, high-end cosmetics, perfume and skin care products, housewares, electrical appliances, jewelry, watches, etc.

After Lin Ying parked the car nearby, she took Xiaolan to Macy’s.

After walking around with Ran for an hour, she finally decided to give the perfume as a gift to the Kudo family.

Inside the Armani store, Xiaolan lingered in the perfume area for a long time, and did not make a choice.

“Hmm… It’s really a headache, which one to buy? ”

“If I spend money on the latest perfume, I don’t have much money… In the days after that, if you come across something you like, you won’t be able to buy it. ”

“It’s better to buy a slightly cheaper classic……… But this feeling is not as good as the classic model. ”

“Well, which one should I choose? It’s really a headache…”

Xiaolan looked at the latest perfume in front of her, whispering with a headache, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Lin Ying’s hearing has now been enhanced, and even in the rest area, she can hear Xiaolan’s self-talk.

He knew that with Xiaolan’s personality, he would never accept that he would lend her money, or pay for her to buy it.

But if she reluctantly bought the classic perfume, Xiaolan’s mood is estimated to be not very good.

But if she spends most of her money on the latest perfume, she will only have fun for the next few days.

When Lin Ying thought of this, he knew that he had to help Xiaolan in a hidden way.


It’s better to buy the latest perfume, after all, I have to be taken care of by Aunt Yukiko during this time.

But then I have no money……… In the next few days, I am afraid that even Aunt Kiko will have to treat me to dinner, which is not good.

Forget it, or according to your own economic strength, buy a classic perfume!

When Xiaolan was about to make up her mind, she realized another problem: with Aunt Yukiko’s pursuit of fashion, if the other party has already bought a classic model, then the meaning of her gift is not much!

So, she fell into a tangle again.

At this time, Lin Ying came over with a handbag and asked, “Xiaolan, haven’t you chosen it yet?” ”

“Ahhh… I… I chose it. Xiaolan didn’t want others to wait for her, so she gritted her teeth and took the latest set of perfume.

“Well, let’s go then.” Lin Ying nodded, didn’t say anything more, and took Xiaolan to the front desk to pay.

“Mr. Lin, what did you buy?” Xiaolan asked curiously.

“Casual suit.” Lin Ying replied: “After going to Japan in this way, you don’t have to buy it anymore.” ”

“Oh oh~~” Xiao Lan nodded abruptly… You can’t go wrong with wearing a suit in Japan.

“There’s a nice French restaurant nearby, how about we check out and try it?” Lin Ying suggested.

“Uh-huh… Before you know it, you’re strolling into the evening! Time flies so fast~~~” Xiaolan agreed to this trip, after shopping for so long, her stomach was hungry.

During the small talk, the two arrived at the front desk.

After packing the things, the front desk lady took out a lottery box, and she said with a smile: “Hello two customers, we are holding an event in the store now.” ”

“Spend $2,000 or more to get a chance to get a lottery~~~ Which of you two will come?”

Lin Ying looked at Xiaolan and said, “Come on… My luck has not been very good. ”

“I… My luck wasn’t that good either. When Xiaolan thought of what happened to her during this time, she suddenly had no confidence.

“It’s okay, it’s free anyway.” Lin Ying smiled.

“Yes, too.” Xiaolan felt that it made sense, and there was no psychological burden.

She reached into the lottery box and felt out a note.

After opening the note, Xiaolan slowly chanted: “Five folds… Coupon!! ”

After chanting, she was taken aback and looked at the front desk lady with surprised eyes.

“Congratulations to this guest, you are really lucky~~ I drew a five-discount coupon!” Now you can get a five-fold discount on all your items. The lady at the front desk applauded and congratulated.

“Really? That’s great!! Xiaolan couldn’t help but cheer.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about running out of money in the next few days!

“It’s good that you smoked, if I come, it will definitely be a small gift.” Lin Ying said and began to take out his wallet to pay.

“Hee-hee, it’s just a stroke of luck.” The corners of Xiaolan’s mouth couldn’t hide the rise, and after she also settled the account, she happily took the things.

After Lin Ying took the receipt, he beckoned Xiaolan to leave.

After the two left, the next female guest also came up to settle the bill, but she found that she had spent more than three thousand US dollars, and there was no chance of a lottery.

“What’s going on? Why don’t we have a raffle opportunity? The female guest asked dissatisfiedly.

“Sorry, this guest… In fact, there is no lottery at all. The lady at the front desk patiently explained: “It was the male guest who paid half of the payment in advance in order to make the girl have no psychological burden, and asked us to do this.” ”

“You see, it’s their receipt… And inside this raffle box, all of them are 50% off. ”

The female guest looked at the ticket, reached into the lottery box, and touched a few notes to come out.

Discover that all are 50% off.

At this time, the female guest had nothing to say, and she said enviously: “Really a considerate and romantic gentleman… Why can’t I meet such a good man? ”

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