“That lemon mayonnaise just now was delicious! I want to scrape my plate! ”

“And that 48-hour low-temperature slow-cooked boneless beef steak with the Italian-style Polenta tortilla, which is super wonderful!”

“Finally, there’s the veal sauce made with aged Italian blackvinegar, which is rich and greasy, and goes well with the oily beef steak!”


After dinner, Xiaolan was very satisfied with this.

When the waiter handed over the bill, she was even more satisfied when she saw the cheap price.

It’s just that after eating and drinking, she also has the strength to think.

Xiaolan felt that something was wrong, with this little money, how could it be worthy of this dinner?

So, she asked the waiter again: “Is the food here so cheap?” ”

When the waiter just wanted to answer, the boss came over at this time, and he said with a smile: “Of course not, it’s because our chef saw that you look so cute, miss.” ”

“When I was happy, I added a little dish to you.”

“Yes… Is that so? Hearing others praise her cuteness, Xiaolan held her face a little embarrassed, and she said: “But… This dinner… Isn’t that great? ”

“Haha, to make the young lady satisfied, that’s the reason why I’m engaged in a business.” The boss smiled slightly, and he said: “I have made enough money, so my only thought now is to let the guests who come to eat here be able to leave with satisfaction and happiness.” ”

After hearing this answer, Xiao Lan suddenly felt that this boss was radiant and very dazzling, and sighed: “Boss, you are really good!!” ”

In this regard, the boss smiled slightly and said: “If you are satisfied here, please continue to visit next time.” ”

“I definitely will.” Xiaolan nodded, planning to come here again to eat when she left New York!

After the conversation, the boss bowed and left, busy with his own business.

Seeing that she was almost leaving, Xiaolan picked up her bag and went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Taking advantage of Xiaolan’s departure, Lin Ying took some tips and handed them to the waiter who was cleaning up the dinner plates, saying, “You did a good job today, you didn’t make him suspect.” ”

“Thank you for your generosity, sir.” The waiter was very happy to see that there were so many tips.

Lin Ying nodded, and then got up to thank some bosses for their cooperation, of course, the tip also did not fall.

After all, he is not short of money now.


On the way back to Kudo’s mansion, Xiaolan still missed the restaurant: “Since I was a child, it was the first time that I was treated so much by the restaurant owner because I was cute~~~ I was really happy.” ”

“But it’s strange, why is the boss so good, why doesn’t he have many guests over there?”

For this point, Xiaolan couldn’t figure it out.

However, she is not Kudo Shinichi, and she will not dissect these problems so thoroughly.

If you can’t figure it out, you don’t want to, and it has no effect on yourself.

Looking at the traffic outside the window, Xiaolan couldn’t help but sigh a little, today is a perfect day.

I went to many famous classic buildings to check in, and I drew a five-fold discount coupon for goods, and I was heavily welcomed by the boss and chef when I finished eating.

What a day to remember!

Just as Xiaolan hummed softly with joy, suddenly the car stopped.

“Huh? What’s wrong? Xiaolan looked ahead and found that the vehicles in front of her had stopped, and there were police officers directing traffic.

“Something must have happened… Maybe it’s a car accident, maybe it’s a gang fight, or maybe someone is catching a criminal. Lin Ying said very calmly.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of “click-click-click” gunshots rang out.

As far as the eye can see, a police car in the distance was beaten straight to Mars, and there was a sudden exclamation around it.

But fortunately, New Yorkers are well-informed and will not be confused by this movement.

They drove around in an orderly manner.

But this frightened Xiaolan’s face turned white, and she asked at a loss: “Then… So what now? ”

“Turn around and turn around.” Lin Ying said, following the command of the police and leaving the scene of the firefight.

But as he left, he glanced inside the scene of the firefight and found the FBI vehicle.

This made Lin Ying can’t help but guess, has Judy successfully obtained the evidence now?

The idea just flashed by, and Lin Ying threw it away.

After choosing a new route, he successfully returned Ran to Kudo’s mansion.

In this regard, Yukiko, who had woken up, thanked Lin Ying and invited him to drink tea at home.

After only two drinks, Lin Ying’s mobile phone rang.

As soon as he saw that the electricity man was Belmode, he went out to answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Belmode on the other end of the phone said, “Hey, Lin. Didn’t bother your date, right? ”

“The date is over……… What’s the matter? Lin Ying knew that the other party did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

“Let’s say it to your face, it’s not very convenient on your phone… Come to my house. Belmode replied.

“Okay, I’ll come over now.” As soon as Lin Ying heard that the other party did not tease him, he knew that this matter was quite serious, so he nodded.

After hanging up the phone and saying goodbye to Yukiko and the others, Lin Ying drove to Belmode’s home.

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