“This… Will this bag be too expensive? ”

Looking at the new LV bag, Xiaolan was both surprised and felt that this gift was too expensive.

“It’s okay, it’s just three thousand yuan……… Let’s think it’s a gift from me. Lin Ying felt that his family was rich, and he could buy a thousand bags without even blinking his eyes.

Sure enough, money is the strength of men.

“Three… Three thousand dollars, converted into yen…” Xiao Lan muttered and pinched her fingers to calculate, and then her expression paused, and she exclaimed: “That… That’s almost 400,000 yen! ”

“No, no, I can’t take something so important.” Xiaolan said while quickly returning the bag to Lin Ying, shaking her head and saying, “This gift is too expensive!” ”

Lin Ying saw that Xiaolan was unwilling to accept it, so he thought for a moment and said: “On our side, it is normal for an elder to give a meeting gift to a junior. ”

“If you don’t accept it, it means that you look down on me.”

“Huh?” Xiao Lan was dumbfounded when she heard this, she didn’t expect that the customs on Lin Ying’s side were like this.

She quickly explained: “No, I didn’t look down on Mr. Lin, you mean! ”

“It’s on our side… You can’t just take other people’s things. If you receive it, you will have to return the gift at the same price. ”

“I… I’m just a student, I don’t have that much money… ”

“That’s how it is.” Lin Ying pushed the bag back and said, “I’m older than you, so come according to the customs on my side.” ”

“But… But. Xiaolan wanted to refuse, but she didn’t know how to refuse.

“If you’re really embarrassed, then invite me to dinner later.” Lin Ying knew that Xiaolan couldn’t pass her own level in her heart, so she took the initiative to give her a step.

“Well, that’s it.” Xiaolan nodded, and she accepted the bag with peace of mind.


After buying a bag, Lin Ying continued to take Xiaolan to visit other landmarks in New York.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Empire State Building, Grand Central Station, and more are all check-in points.

When you’re almost done, go grab a bite to eat and sit down at the New York Public Library and take a break.

Of course, Xiaolan does not rest, she wanders around the library with interest, and occasionally clicks out with her mobile phone.

She seems to have activated the shopping gene, and she is not tired of walking for a long time.

Lin Ying also went with her, and he took a few newspapers and read them.

After a while, Xiaolan returned excitedly, and she suppressed her excited voice: “This is the library that often appears in American dramas!” I’ve wanted to come here for a long time!! ”

Lin Ying, when he just wanted to say something, he unexpectedly saw an acquaintance.

Seeing that Lin Ying’s gaze drifted, Xiao Lan couldn’t help but curiously follow his gaze, found that the other party was looking at a beautiful woman with blonde hair and glasses, and asked in a low voice: “Do you know her?” ”

“Hmm……… Ignore her. Lin Ying took his gaze back and continued to read the newspaper.

“Oh…” Xiaolan was also well-behaved and did not continue to ask.

However, Lin Ying’s blind look made her subconsciously make up her brain, whether these two people are lovers.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Lin Ying knows the other party, but does not take the initiative to say hello.

Of course, it is also possible that the relationship between two people is not very good, so it will be like this.

But Xiaolan felt that Mr. Lin was so kind and had a good personality, and after walking around with him for so long, he had no complaints at all, and he was unlikely to have a vendetta with others.

That’s probably the case.

Xiaolan quickly made up for a sadomasochistic relationship between the two and secretly sighed.

Just as she was about to withdraw her gaze, she noticed that the blonde beauty with glasses walked over.

“She… She came over. Xiaolan reminded a little nervously.

“Coming?” After Lin Ying heard this, he looked up at Judy who came over.

His brows suddenly frowned, and he could only secretly pray that the other party was coming to say hello.

“Hey, Lin! It’s finally here, you know? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Judy took the initiative to sit next to Xiaolan and took the initiative to greet him.

Her such a warm expression made Lin Ying sigh and realize that trouble was coming to the door.

However, he still cooperated: “Judy, let you wait for a long time… To introduce you, this is my friend, called Xiaolan. ”

“hi~~ Xiaolan, hello.” Judy pushed her glasses and greeted Xiaolan warmly: “My name is Judy ~~~ It’s a pleasure to meet you.” ”

Saying that, she also took the initiative to extend her hand.

“You… Hello. Xiaolan shook hands nervously.

After taking a closer look at each other, Xiaolan felt that compared with the other party, it was simply the gap between the ugly duckling and the white swan.

Especially in terms of temperament, she feels that she has lost completely.

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