“Is this cute girl your girlfriend?”

While Xiaolan looked at Judy, Judy was also looking at each other.

She could easily see that the childishness in this girl was not removed, and she knew at a glance that she had not stepped into society, or had just stepped into society not long ago.

“Nope… No, no, don’t get me wrong. Xiaolan quickly explained: “Mr. Lin and I are just friends… In fact, this is our first acquaintance today. ”

She is worried that she will become an obstacle on the road to compounding if she is misunderstood by the other party, and then it will be troublesome!!

“Oh? Came out on a date on the first day we met? Judy looked at Xiaolan’s panicked appearance and couldn’t help but feel quite interesting.

“Not a date! My first time in New York, Mr. Lin took me around these landmarks. Xiaolan spoke clearly and made things clear.

She doesn’t want to be mistaken for Mr. Lin’s girlfriend or an ambiguous object, thus causing unnecessary trouble for herself.

“Ahaha, I know I know.” Judy looked at Xiaolan’s serious explanation, smiled and waved her hand, “Don’t be nervous, I’m just joking with you!” ”

“He’s not a girl like you.”

“That kind of mature and stable, beautiful and generous beauty is his dish……… Am I right? Forest. ”

Judy winked at Lin Ying, hinting at the last time she saw each other at Yukiko’s house.

“We don’t seem to be that familiar, do we?” Lin Ying was very puzzled, obviously the two had only met once, and the other party teased himself like this.

Are Americans so self-cooked?

“That’s what I said.” Judy held her chin and smiled, not denying it.

After all, counting this time, they have only met for the second time, and they are indeed unfamiliar.

Xiaolan, who did not know the truth next to her, listened to the conversation between the two, looked at the expressions of the two, and felt more and more that there must be a contradiction between the two, so the relationship would develop into this!

So, she planned to watch quietly from the side and be a melon-eating mass.

“Look at your words… Let people misunderstand. Lin Ying saw Xiao Lan’s small expression and probably understood what she was thinking.

The careful thoughts of the sixteen-year-old girl were written on her face.

He pointed at Judy and said in a low voice, “She’s the FBI… There have been intersections because of cases before. ”

Xiaolan was stunned, she looked at Judy in a daze, but she didn’t expect that the answer was this.

Xiaolan’s small mouth trembled and squirmed: “You… Are you an FBI? ”

“Hmm… Remember to keep it a secret for me. Judy put her finger on her red lips, loving Xiaolan’s stunned expression.

This made Xiaolan feel very discouraged, feeling that her previous reasoning was all wrong.

Sure enough, she doesn’t have any talent in this area.

“So, Miss Judy, which one are you tracking?” Lin Ying said bluntly.

“The man behind me with this cap.” Judy replied dryly: “But the guy is a little wary, as if he noticed me.” ”

When Lin Ying cooperated with her to act, she knew that the other party knew the current state of affairs.

“Then your FBI is quite busy.” Lin Ying shook his head, he glanced at the man in the cap, and said, “Then you are safe now, he did not suspect you.” ”

“That’s right… But he remembered my face. Judy held her chin and looked deflated.

“I know what you’re going to say next… I can tell you, I refuse. Lin Ying directly extinguished Judy’s thoughts.

But even so, Judy begged bitterly: “Lin, do me a favor.” ”

“I’m just an ordinary person, and I can’t manage FBI things.” Lin Ying refused unceremoniously.

If it were alone, he might help.

After all, being friends with the FBI can also gain Judy’s favor while having one more way, which is convenient for completing the check-in task later.

But he came out with Xiaolan and couldn’t do dangerous things.

“Ordinary people?” After hearing this, Judy couldn’t help but complain: “Ordinary people can avoid the ambush of killers? Sensing the FBI’s defection? ”

“Avoid the killer? FBI mutiny? Xiaolan, who heard all this, blinked her eyes as if she was a curious baby, and wanted to know these things.

Seeing this, Judy got up and sat next to Lin Ying, so that while monitoring the man in the cap, he also told Xiaolan about the heroic deeds of the other party.

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