Look at the men and women walking around naked.

Lin Ying patiently explained to Xiaolan: “They are naturists, and the idea of this group is ‘to live in harmony with nature, to promote respect for oneself, respect for others and respect for the environment in a collective nude’.” ”

“To advocate and maintain social activity of nudity in private and public … with normal people”

“Also… And such groups? Xiaolan said it was an eye-opener.

“It’s said that the culture here is very inclusive… Well, nothing to look at. After Lin Ying looked at the group of naturists, he shook his head in disappointment: “The figure is not good, and the appearance is not good.” ”

“………” Xiaolan looked at Lin Ying in amazement, she didn’t expect the other party to look so frankly, and she didn’t shy away from it at all.

This…… Is this the world of adults?

“Won’t the police leave them alone?” Xiaolan raised her own questions.

“Of course it will… Oh look, the police car is coming. Lin Ying said, and saw the police car whizzing towards him.

As soon as they got off the car, they went to arrest the naturists.

Some iron-headed babies did not mean to run, and shouted at the policemen that “naked is not guilty” and “dressed guilty”, and then the next second they were pressed to the ground.

Some naturists also fled and rushed into the crowd.

Some of them have a stronger temper, and they scuffle directly with the police……… They had nowhere to hide their guns, and the police had no reason to pull out their guns, only fists or stun batons.

The scene fell into chaos for a while.

The crowd began to become chaotic, and some people did not want to join in the excitement, for fear of being affected, turned around and left.

But some people want to go up and make a splash and take a video and post it on their Twitter.

There were still some people who did not react to what was going on, and the first two groups of people were caught dizzy.

Chaos in one place has a knock-on effect that drives chaos in the surrounding places.

Looking at the crowd that suddenly became agitated, Xiao Lan was a little overwhelmed: “This… What’s going on here? Yes!!! ”

As soon as she finished speaking, she was slammed by someone.

Fortunately, Lin Ying pulled Xiaolan in time, so that she did not fall.

“Hold on to me.” After Lin Ying gave an instruction, he quickly rushed out of the crowd with Xiaolan.

Relying on his strong body, Lin Ying pushed and bumped, squeezing out a way out of the dense crowd.

After finally coming out of the crowd, Xiaolan breathed a long sigh of relief.

She looked back and saw that the dense crowd was in a mess, and this Xiaolan couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of water, and couldn’t hide her surprised tone: “Here… How can there be chaos here. ”

“But here are people of all races in the world, with different personalities, different habits, different beliefs… It’s strange if it’s not messy. Lin Ying replied.

“Say… That’s exactly what I said. Xiaolan understood.

In the classroom of Class B in the second year, there were thirty or forty students, all of whom were often fighting.

There are so many people from all over the country staying together, it’s strange not to mess up with porridge!

She now understands why New York is called the most vibrant city.

This is the most vibrant, obviously the most chaotic city.

“Ugh!” Just as she sighed, Xiaolan suddenly found that her bag had been opened.

She instantly panicked: “I… My wallet was stolen!! ”

At this time, Xiaolan suddenly remembered that she had been bumped by someone, and she suddenly said discouragedly: “It must have been at that time…”

She didn’t expect that the first time she came to New York, she would encounter so many things.

I encountered a murder case on the plane, and after landing, I encountered another murder in the theater, and on the way back, I encountered a white-haired murderer, and I was kidnapped!!

Now when I go out to shop, I have stolen my wallet and mobile phone.

“Oh, it’s really unlucky.” For a while, Xiaolan’s mood couldn’t help but fall, and she felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

She felt that she was not sheltered by Lady Luck at all, as Shinichi said.

At this moment, the stolen wallet and mobile phone suddenly appeared in front of Xiaolan.

This made her stunned for a moment, slowly looked up at Lin Ying, and said in surprise: “This… How could this be with you? ”

“I helped you get it back.” Lin Ying returned her mobile phone and wallet to Xiaolan and said, “The most important thing to come here is to take good care of your personal belongings. ”

“It’s so chaotic just now, it’s the best place to start.”

“Much… Thanks a lot. After Xiaolan thanked him, he took back his mobile phone and wallet.

This feeling of loss and regain made her feel very happy.

“This bag won’t work, I’ll take you to buy a new bag… By the way, I forgot to tell you. Lin Ying paused after saying this, and said with a light smile: “Welcome to New York.” ”

At this moment, Xiaolan suddenly felt that the other party was cool.

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