Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 164: 3 system sentiment

The light rises slowly, and the stars occupy the night sky of the present. The pieces are scattered above the sea and below the mountain corner, turning into a bright guiding light.

He Yiming and Chu Arthur began to talk in the middle of the mountain. Unconsciously, the moon has risen, and the two of them are still unfinished.

In fact, whether it is in terms of knowledge, or in terms of experience, in the face of Chu Artemisia, He Yiming is a difficult horse.

But the problem is that after the artemisia came to this island, it has not been talked for for a whole forty years. Once it was said, it suddenly stopped.

He has been talking eloquently, and even in the end he even felt a little unintelligible.

But at this moment. The two men invariably transferred the topic to martial arts.

Although He Yiming is young, the repairs on the martial arts are indeed inscrutable, especially his five elements, and he has his own understanding of the wind, ice, clouds and other power systems.

Not only that, but he also read a lot of martial arts experience, especially before going to the ghost crying ridge, he read many martial arts books in the Temple of the Ghost.

As the first sect of the Great Decade for thousands of years, the richness of the collections there is unparalleled, far from being comparable to the ancestral hall of Hengshan.

After being indulged in that place for several months, He Yiming has a very rich accomplishment on top of theoretical knowledge.

At the moment, with the Chuzhou Artemisia, the two sides have witnessed each other. There are feelings.

Chu Artemis has described his martial arts experience for three hundred years without any reservations.

The three flowers he condensed are quite rare. It turns out to be the opposite flower of the second generation of water and fire, and the flower of the wind system.

Among the three tangible flowers, one is outside the five elements, and the other two are in the five elements. Even in the former sect of Chu Artemisia, there is only one person who has such a talent.

On the road of pursuing martial arts, it is indeed extremely rare for Chu Artuo to learn from it. Only let him explore it alone.

This is also the reason why he has to leave the sect to travel outside, because in this door, his martial arts repair is difficult to further.

However, such an experience also made him a good habit, that is, good at summing up innovation. If not, he could not fight with the one-horned horse many times. After several lightning strikes, he suddenly thought that it would be tangible. The flower burst open and condensed into a covering armor.

In his talks with He Yiming, his feelings about the wind and the fire are profound, but He Yiming is not inferior. The two not only go on the verbal discussion, but also fight against the same tangible flowers. Show your own heart's experience in this way.

They are very quick, the other side has a very high attainment in the ability of the two departments, and has a great start for himself.

Chu Artemisia expresses unparalleled appreciation for He Yiming's ability not only for the five elements, but also for the fine ventilation system. According to his words. He Yiming is simply not a person.

Although He Yiming has heard many people say similar things, but when he heard it again from the mouth of Chu Artemisia. There is still a sense of silence.

However, when they talked about the power of water, He Yiming performed much less.

In the case of He Yiming, who has not yet condensed into the flower of water, the only thing he can take out is perhaps the kind of fish that is today.

Just like life will go, birds will fly and fly, fish will be born and will swim.

Maybe the scorpion that can't walk, and the bird that can't fly, can find it, but it won't swim." Unless it's a dead fish!

This body method learned in the sea bottom fish has been successfully integrated into Feiteng by He Yiming, and has become a brand-new light body exercise.

In this practice. There is water and agility, but also the wind and the ethereal, but also the taste of the two, coupled with the deep water of the bottom of the fish, which combines into a new practice.

It is this practice that is in the midst of the battle of the right, let Chu Art State eat a big bitter. No matter how infuriating his infuriating, but the sea is the affiliation of the fish, he simply can't help He Yiming.

At this time, He Yiming said the same body that he had learned unreservedly.

Although at this moment his swimming skills have been quite good, but for He Yiming, who has not yet realized the power of water, and condenses the flowers of water, this method is only a semi-finished product.

Therefore, he unscrupulously made it public, and he had high hopes for the period of Chu Artemisia. If he passed his instructions, He Yiming could perfect this set of body and realize the power of water through this progress. If you condense the flowers of the water, it is a big profit.

However, what disappoints He Yiming is that although he is full of praise for his fish-fishing method, he has not proposed any improvement.

He Yiming’s incomprehensible inquiry, the Governor of Chu Artemisia sighed and said: “He brothers, this set of exercises is your original creation. Just like the old man’s physical armor, the old man is now worried about how he can give you some advice. "He paused. The old man is able to find some experience in the future. He must tell the truth." ”

He Yiming knew that it was in the heart of the old gentleman that his fish body method could be compared with the visible armor he created.

He is quite embarrassed in his heart. It seems that his position in the other's mind is far from being comparable.

After discussing it for a long time on the water system, He Yiming suddenly remembered something: "Chu brother, I see that you are proficient in water, fire and wind, but at the time of display, it has not been integrated. Why?"

Chu Artemisia suddenly became a bitter smile. Dao: "He brother. The old man used to travel all over the world, but he has searched the classics. But it is rare for the predecessors who gathered together with these three forces. Naturally, they can't find what special exercises they should have. For a hundred years. Except in When the tangible armor is condensed, the three-line power can be smelted into one, and the means of attack is much worse."

He Yiming silently forked, recalling that when he was fighting the old man, his punching power was powerful and unparalleled, but these forces were mostly single-strength forces, but those mixed forces were extremely rare.

but. Perhaps because of this, Chu Artemisia is far from being a single-strength force, and its power is powerful, even beyond the powerful skills that have smelted many forces.

In his heart, if he could get Chu Artemisia to master a kind of combat skill that can completely sway all three forces, then it is more and more unstoppable with his single strong attack power at this moment.

Seeing He Yiming's face seems to be a bit embarrassing, Chu Artuo Daqi inquiries.

Indulging in the film, He Yiming said: "Chu brother, the younger brother has played with two people, perhaps their martial arts will help you."

Chu Artemisia has a bright eye. He knows that the identity of He Yiming is not sure, and if he is not sure, he will not open his mouth.

He Yiming does not hide, and he is outside the ghost crying ridge. I talked with the old man holding the double-strand sword.

The old man is the sage of the three attributes of water, wood and fire. He is the cultivation of the two attributes of water and fire. Has reached a very high level.

Although in the use and power of the single system, it is far from being compared with the artemisia, but he is using the opposite attribute to reach the peak.

at this point. Even He Yiming is full of praise in his heart.

He took out the five-ring ring and learned the method of Chestnut, and made a water fireball.

A moment later, a sphere of red and black color suddenly appeared in both of them.

Chestnut veteran empty hand can easily produce this kind of black red ball with powerful power, but He Yiming does not condense the water and wood double flower, so he can only achieve with the help of the five elements of the five elements of the five elements. Your own purpose.

At the moment when the water fireball appeared, Chu Arthuria was clearly stimulated.

His eyes stared at the black red ball and looked at the mystery with a touch of ingenuity.

After a long time, his eyes were splashed, sometimes bright and bright, and it seemed to be something that he realized, but it immediately fainted, as if he was troubled by some unsolvable problem.

He Yiming coughed and said: "Chu brother, the person uses the wood power as a water and fire interval. You don't have wood talent, so you can't draw the gourd as you like, but the younger brother once also played with one person. His Combat skills may also help you."

Chu Artuo’s absent-minded road: "Call brothers please."

Really, he shook his head and looked at him. He knew that he did not put his words in his heart.

The wrists trembled, and the five elements of the ring swelled. A force of water suddenly fell into it.

Although the power of this water is converted from the five elements of the ring. But it is still quite powerful. It’s just that in the blink of an eye, the feng shui is already condensed.

Until now, Chu Art has just moved his eyes.

The feng shui mixes together and spins up quickly, just like a tornado, hovering around He Yiming's body.

"Chu brother. Feng Shui can be blended, and the wind and fire can blend together. Although you don't have the wood system as a buffer but there is still wind in the air." He Yiming's voice from Feng Shui tornado It was said: "If you can integrate the wind into the fire and use it as a buffer, then with the help of the wind, once the move is formed, the power will be greater than that."

After saying all this, He Yiming stopped. He said that he has already said it, can he understand it. To create a special warfare that is exclusive to oneself, it is only by the strength, understanding and luck of Chu Artemisia.

He Yiming is no longer able to do anything.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, the throne, seeking the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandoning, the big Zhou, the royal family, the Hei Ming, the week, the constant rotation The feng shui vortex, the eyelids of Chu Artemisia gradually light up.

At this moment, he seems to be infinitely close to one hundred and eight.

at least. They are two. People's eyes are so horrible" read!

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