Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 163: Hidden

Erzhou said the words of the weeping and the sudden rise of the face, and the face flashed.

He Yiming is in a big heart, knowing that he must be concealed, and it must be a very crucial thing. However, since the old man did not say, He Yiming did not intend to ask.

However, what he didn't think of was. The old man was thinking about it for a moment and even said it himself.

"He brother. I have seen it in an ancient book. I want to refine the pure black iron soldiers. Generally speaking, it is absolutely impossible.

He Yiming was slightly stunned and licked his eyes twice. He felt a feeling of crying and laughing.

Since you know that the pure Xuan Tie Shen soldiers can't refine their success, why should they stay here for forty years?

However, in the next moment. He Yiming immediately understood that this old man must have a solution, otherwise his pity would have long since left.

With a light cough, He Yiming said: "Chu brother, if the younger brother is not bad, you should have found a way to remedy it."

Chu Artemisia nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it has been recorded in the ancient books. If you really want to refine the essence of the mysterious iron soldiers, you need the help of the blood of the spirits, you can succeed. Chu Artuo said one word at a time.

He Yiming’s mind flashed in his mind, and he was surprised: “Do you have a white horse?”

Chu Arthur's face is unchanged. But the look in his eyes is extremely complicated. He seems to be talking to himself: "I don't know what the white horse is, but it can have a supernatural power under the old man when it is congenital. Then the old man can be sure that it must be some Kind of beast."

He Yiming strongly agrees with the old man's words. The origin of this white horse is also not simple.

In the hands of those thousand-year-old beasts with deep mountain totems. He Yiming is very familiar with the power of these congenital beasts.

Red Wolf King, Shi Wang. There is also the fox bear of the bear promise, which is the leader of the congenital beast. But if they are compared to the Unicorn White Horse, then they will not go away.

Although the same is the body of the innate spirit, the gap between the two sides is equivalent to the gap between the Sayādaw and the first-line power in human beings.

So this white horse is definitely an unknown stepper.

"Chu brother, what are you going to do. Is it necessary to have a white horse's life?" He Yiming asked quietly.

He could not help but think of it. If Chu Artuo asked him to help kill the white horse. Then should he agree to it.

It stands to reason. As a human being, Chu Artemisia has a sense of art for himself. In love, he should help him to deal with the white horse.

Although the degree of the white horse is almost at its peak, if everyone is united, especially the help of the pigs and the disguise. Their chances of success are still great.

Even if the white horse is thick and thick, it can withstand the fist of Chu Artemisia, but it is also unlikely to withstand the five-line ring and the big knife.

Moreover, Chugao State has indicated. He only needs the blood of the white horse. Then when the white horse dies. The horn on the head and the skin on the body. There are also items such as Nedan, which should all be included in their own pockets. This sale can be tried anyway.

However, this thought was only flashed in He Yiming's mind, and he was already suppressed by him.

I don't know why, just when he was moving this idea. I also thought of Bao pig at the same time.

This little guy has always been a lonely one, although with a hundred and eight, but this stuffy gourd is afraid of how difficult it is to bring it. In recent days, Bao pig has been riding a white horse on the island. Even if you can see it, it is much more cheerful than before.

If you let it know, the white horse is dead by his own hands.

He Yiming really can't imagine. What kind of things will be done by Bao pig at the time.

It has been a year since I left the northwest, and He Yiming has become accustomed to the days when white pigs are around. Even if it is not around, it must be the guest.

Therefore, if Bao pig is away from him, He Yiming will definitely regret it.

Sigh a sigh. He Yiming suddenly stunned because he heard it clearly. In front of him, Chu Artemisia also sighed a long sigh

Both of them looked up at the same time. There are some weird colors in the eyes that look at each other.

After a long time, the two people who were silent were laughing at the same time. Chu Artuodao said: "He brothers, this is a matter between me and Baima. If I can't defeat it by my own strength, I will not take his blood.

He Yiming’s face was slightly different. What is this? Is there such a restriction on refining the Xuan Tie?

His mind was slightly moved, saying: "Chu brother. Is the secret you have seen still there?"

Chu Gaozhou has a slight glimpse. Road: "You ask this."

He Yiming smiled and said: "I want to take a look at what I want to do. I can successfully refine the Xuan Tie Shen soldiers."

Chu Arthur's face is quite weird. Road: "You are also playing the idea of ​​a one-horned horse?"

He Yiming waved his hands again and again. He said: "Unicorn is a favorite brother you look younger brother of course not to meddle, but this world, not only can a horned horse ah.

Speaking of this sentence, He faces a BU are exposed north with confidence and smile the face of the state of Chu Hao of suspicion, he said: "He brother, I am afraid my ignorance, but do not know where there is a spiritual order the presence of the beast

He Yiming indulged in a moment and said: "Since the brother of Chu recognizes the sullen anger, then he should have been to Ghost Cry Ridge."

Chu Gaozhou's face solemnly nodded, thinking of the days when he entered the ghost crying ridge, even though he was at this time. There are also some chills.

He Yiming's eyes are slightly raised, saying: "Chu brother, you can know the true origin of the millennium catastrophe.

Chu Gaozhou disdainfully smiled: "Under the honor, no one knows. But after the promotion of the Supreme, there are few people who don't know."

He Yiming slightly nodded his head and said one word: "Then you think that the big snake above is the name of the class spirit beast."

"Of course," the face of Chu Artemisia suddenly changed. He looked at He Yiming's eyes full of strange colors.

That gaze. It’s like looking at a person who is about to die.

After a long time. Chu Artemisia’s heavy coughing a few times said: “He brother, if I didn’t get it wrong. You want to play the dragon snake?”

He Yiming unpredicted a deep smile and said: "The power of the dragon snake should be very clear to your brother. Do you think this is the guy I can handle?"

Chu Yuzhou shook his head without hesitation, but after hesitating, he could not help but ask: "Since the brothers did not hit its idea, why should we mention it?"

He Yiming can no longer explain this time, but a smile that is reserved.

In fact, in his heart. It is also secretly regretting that I have nothing to ask about this.

In his hand. Although there is no dragon snake blood. But he has something more precious than the dragon's blood, that is, the snake horn that died of the dragon snake.

Before the dragon snake's horn falls off, all the blood and energy of the body are poured into the double horns, just take one of them. The dragon snake blood contained in it is much stronger than the blood of the one-horned white horse.

After all, the natural death of the dragon snake did not turn into a dragon. But at least it is second only to the existence of the beast. In any case, it is much more powerful than the one-of-a-kind white horse with only the innate body.

just. Just after He Yiming proudly, he even revealed a bit of a tone, and at the moment he could not help but regret it.

Chu Gaozhou looked at He Yiming, who was smiling, after a while. His face flashed a glimmer of color.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse and looked at his expression like a smile, but his heart was suspicious.

"Chu brother. You are this,"

Chu Gaozhou laughed and said: "He brother, I want to ask if you have met with the dragon snake above the ghost crying ridge."

He Yiming hesitated. Road: "I have seen

Although the dragon snake he has seen is actually just a tail, it is already seen.

Chu Gaozhou sighed and said: "He brothers, you may not know, before you, anyone who has seen the face of the dragon snake, even if it is the strongest in the realm of the Sayādaw. It is also a commandment. No one. People can retreat from the body."

He Yiming nodded slightly, said: The younger brother had heard of it. However, the younger brother can escape, but it is just a fluke. ”

What he said is completely true, if there were no treasure pigs around. He Yiming has no grasp of absolute energy to escape.

However, there are hundreds of eight and eight around, there are the sky and the Kowloon furnace, he may not have the possibility to escape the birth.

Chu Artemisia laughed a few times and said: "Fortunately, it is also a kind of strength. It’s a bit of a pause. He said: "He brothers have a special constitution and can absorb the sullen anger without being "maybe you can Ask the dragon snake for a little blood."

He Yiming big car. Road: "Ask for blood? To that big python?"

In his mind. Abruptly emerged an unusually different image The big snake that almost crushed the entire top of the mountain, a huge pair. Huge and great eyes. Before the eyes of it, a small human being is pleading for a drop of blood.

When the man raised his head, He Yiming appeared. This human being is not him, but the treasure that always follows him.

He did a chill in the spirit, and He Yiming couldn’t figure it out. Why, in the mind of Chu Gezhou, this unrealistic idea was suddenly produced.

Shake his head. He smiled bitterly: "The Chu brother is really joking."

Chu Gaozhou laughed loudly. He was filled with emotions: "He brother. The old man used to think that humans and beasts must be inconsistent, but now they know. It’s not all.

Listening to his voice full of emotions, He Yiming nodded again and again.

He also remembered the deep mountain totems, although he and the masters of this family have deep grievances, almost never endless. But it is undeniable that He Yiming is also envious of the thousand-year-old beasts of the Totem family.

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