Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 165: Last battle

The waters of Mount Mang have been rushing from time to time. Submerge the coastline of the island under the guidance of

He Yiming sat quietly at the beach and looked at it with a kind of gaze.

In his eyes. There is a strange brilliance, and he seems to have seen the end of the sea line. Hidden, He Yiming feels that he is only one step away from the flower of condensation. But the problem is that no matter how he wants to get out of this step, the result is not allowed to enter.

Just as he wholeheartedly indulged his heart in this blue sea, he heard a burst of power in his ears.

He Yiming turned his head and looked surprised. Weizhong was full of surprises.

Of course, he can hear that the sound of this shouting is Chuzhou.

Since the deep talks before January, Chu Artemisia has begun to retreat. He Yiming is very understanding of his mood. After all, he has had many experiences himself. Moreover, he also went to the place where Chu Artemisia lived. He did not see the old man, but he did not see the old man, but from the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king made the sacred king to kill the **** of the gods, and the throne was the most powerful and abandoned. The Great Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the great Zhou, the royal gods, the night killing gods. God's Seal, the throne of the world, and the arrogance of the world, the most powerful and abandoning the atmosphere of the Zhou Dynasty, the old man seems to have entered the realm of some kind of epiphany.

This is not surprising. With the cultivation of the elderly, the mastery of the power of the single system has reached the limit that he can currently achieve.

In addition, he has the experience of combining three lines of strength and creating a unique shape armor. At this time, the repair has already reached a neck item. Once he was reminded by He Yiming, he suddenly touched the class and felt something.

This is thick and thin, and once he has stepped out, it has plagued him for decades. Even the demise of the last hundred years is immediately a broad sky and a world of the other side.

The sound of the long whistle is endless, and He Yiming is pleased. The old man has only successfully used a month to break through. His deep foundation is really incredible. However, he is unlikely to make a breakthrough without the incredible accumulation of the past.

However, just as He Yiming felt a lot of emotions, it was a long scream.

This long snoring is also full of the power of the net, but also with a hint of provocative taste.

It was only a moment, the long screams of Chu Artemisia and the long snoring of the white horses had been mixed together and moved in one direction at the same time.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly. He didn’t even have to listen to it. He knew that this man must have gone to the mountain in the center of the island.

The body that had been sitting on the plate suddenly stood up, and He Yiming flew toward it.

Along the way, the white shadow flashed, and the pig didn't know when it was next to him. He Yiming reached out and took the little guy up. Hidden, behind the shadows, He Yiming does not have to look back and know, followed by, is definitely one hundred and eight. just. What surprised him was that when he became so curious.

They are extremely fast, and several of them have already arrived in the mountains.

Here, Chu Artemisia and the Unicorn White Horse are facing each other, and they have not immediately gathered.

He Yiming, two people and one pig, stood in one of the most remote corners. For their appearance, this person simply ignored it. It seemed that they were treated as transparent people.

This man has been fighting for countless times in these decades, and he is well aware of each other's strength and skills. I also deeply understand the other side's power, so no one dares to go out easily.

However, this time, the momentum of Chu Artemisia seems to have changed a lot compared with the previous one.

It is a very contradictory feeling of being arrogant but not arrogant. It is like a martial art network. He wants to converge hard, but he can’t put all the breath away, so it’s still scattered. Strict and sturdy,

This strange change not only makes He Yiming amazed, but even the opposite white horse seems to feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the lord, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment Zhou Huangzu will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods, the gods, the night gods The Inscription of the King of the Kings is the most powerful and abandoning the great change of the Zhou Dynasty.

It hangs its head. The nose is slightly pumping, and the breath on the body seems to be a little uneasy.

Suddenly, its four hooves froze, and immediately turned into a white light. In an instant, I ran around Chu Gaozhou for more than ten laps.

It is getting faster, just a few breaths of effort, a group of white walls have completely trapped Chuzhou State.

The white horse’s degree is so fast that it’s so horrible that in the eyes of everyone, it’s no longer possible to capture its trail.

A fierce anger was heard from the white wall that would move like it, and then a huge momentum rose from the sky, and a lot of heaven and earth rushed out.

This force is centered on the State of Artemisia, and it spreads like a ripple toward the four sides.

Under the incredible limits of White Horse, Chu Arthur has long suffered from countless sufferings, but he also has a way to deal with it.

To deal with this degree, the single attack has no use.

It is useless power to beat people's strengths, even if they are big.

Therefore, the use of Chu Artemisia is just like the endless water power. With him as the center, the ripple-like force suddenly spreads out, and the nearby air has been greatly affected. Even the fast-moving white horse The shadows have become clear.

One of the giants. The mobile wall has finally disappeared. The white horse once again appeared in front of everyone. The limit of the mountain has been broken by the Chu Artemisia, but it does not care. It seems that many times before, I have encountered similar situations, so it is not surprising.

He Yiming was slightly stunned. He saw it. In the previous attack of Chu Artemisia, not only did it contain the power of water, but it also contained the power of the wind. The combination of these two forces is just right, and it has formed a perfect whole.

Although Chu Arthur has long been promoted to the Supreme, but he cultivates the most is a single force. It is not that he does not know the power of the power of integration, can pass the power of single sang, but before he can get the exercises of the three systems, he does not dare to combine different forces.

Especially the power of the second phase of the water and fire, the more so.

However, after some deep talk, his heart suddenly had a prototype, and although it was short in a month. But he is already a little bit of income.

At this time, the force of Feng Shui was a bit of awesome, and suddenly the white horse was almost invincible, just like there were countless ropes in his body that made up a huge spider web, so that the white horse could no longer do whatever he wants. Flying fast.

However, what makes He Yiming feel strange is that Chu Arthur's Turkic has swept such a powerful force. But why is the white horse so strange and strange, is this guy's city is also the same.

There is no joy or no sadness in the face of Chu Artemisia. He sits on his back and makes great strides. At the same time, his hands waved, and his body was even more strange with a swirling power. Under the traction of this power. It was like the rope around it wrapped up towards the white horse.

He Yiming looked stunned in the following. He thought about the electric turn. After a while, he finally understood.

Chu Artemisia has repeatedly tried to integrate these three forces into one, although it has not been successful. However, the integration of Feng Shui and Feng Huo forces has definitely reached a very high level.

The red and black **** made up of the three forces of water, wood and fire that He Yiming had displayed on that day were a new thing for Chu Artemisia, but the feng shui power realized from the Feng Shui Bao fan. . Chu Artemisia must have been involved. If this is not the case, he can use it so skillfully in a month.

In the same way, if a white horse that has not been with him for decades has seen similar means many times, it cannot be so calm.

Gently sighed, He Yiming screamed in his heart, his experience is still too bad. And too small to see the heroes of the world. This Chu Artemisia state has been promoted to the Supreme for decades, and even the physical armor of the three-line combination can be comprehended, and how can it be known even if the two forces are in harmony?

Among the four mountains. The battle gradually became fierce. The temper of White Horse was obviously more violent. Once he was attacked by the Artemisia State, he took the upper hand and his movement began to get wild.

At the same time, its mouth is also full of the sound of the long net full of Yang net.

In these voices, there is no slight weakness and anger, but it is full of a feeling of excitement. It seems that the battle with Chuzhou State is not an unbearable thing for it, but rather a expectation. of.

From the horse’s body, it suddenly bulged, and a purple power grid suddenly emerged from its body. This force is so powerful and strange that it immediately broke the imprisonment force exerted on it by the Artemisia. It is.

He Yiming sighed in his heart, Baima’s greatest ability is the degree, and Chu Arthur’s first hand, he tried every means to ban the white horse, as long as it could not be waved out, then a sage and a congenital body The beast is right, and the chances of winning are still great.

It’s just that this white horse is No one knows how powerful it is. This week, the purple electricity seems to be weak, but the impeached gas field that Chu Xizhou has set up in a thousand hardships has suddenly become fragmented and can no longer play any role.

White horse's eyes flashed a taunting color, it raised the front kick, just let it run again. So no matter what kind of means Chugao has, it will not be afraid anymore.

However, at this moment, Chu Artemisia seems to have been waiting for this opportunity, and he screamed in vain. As if it was directly pierced into the sky, there was a faint tremor in He Yiming’s heart.

Then he reached out and on his palm, three different streams of air suddenly stirred up. This is the power that the three series have merged, and it was released without reservation at this moment.

The powerful force shocked away, and it turned out to be lightning fast. In a moment, the white horse with a slight sacredness was involved.

Where: Friendship brothers, "Sweet Platinum", the dusk of the gods has been completely revised, and the only copy system in the country. And the beauty smart question and answer are all out, haha, the brothers are interested to see it, anyway, open a new service, grab the experience value is also good, Deng 6 has experience value to send.

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