Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 228: Three liters of blood

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Chapter two hundred and twenty-eight vomiting blood three liters

Boss Li resolved the crisis and stared coldly at Tiemu Zhengxiong: "Tiemu Zhengxiong, you actually made a big shot at my Tianxuan auction. Do you still have my Tianxuan Merchant League in your eyes? It's too presumptuous!"

Tiemu Zhengxiong was also angry and attacked, chaotic square, actually shot at the Tianxuan auction.

Fortunately, no casualties were caused. If something really happened and someone died, Tianxuan Shangmeng would immediately look for Tiemu Zhengxiong's trouble.

With the horrifying energy of the Tianxuan Business League, let alone Temu Masao is a master of broken territory. Even the old ancestor of the Temu family must be sincere and fearful.

Temu Masao just invigorated his blood just now, so he didn't realize it.

When he was stopped by Mr. Li at this moment, he asked coldly, all of a sudden, his body was completely cold.

"What the **** did I do?" Temu Masao regretted it.

However, these regrets were grafted on Cheng Feng in an instant.

"It's all you ... it's all because of your **** dog!"

Tiemu Zhengxiong's eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Cheng Feng fiercely: "If it wasn't for your dog being bullied too much, wouldn't the old man be like this?"

In the view of Tiemu Zhengxiong, the reason why he lost control just now is because Cheng Feng has done too much and is too humiliating.

"Oh, this old dog is so good at plagiarizing mischief and shoving responsibility."

Staring at Tiemu Zhengxiong's gaze, Cheng Feng looked extremely calm.

Because Cheng Feng believes that Tiemu Zhengxiong can never kill himself.

Not to mention Boss Li, a broken master in the field, beside Cheng Feng, stood a big master who broke at least the third realm, Dadaowangwu.

Dadaowangwu is the God of War in the second family of Qianlong County.

Cheng Feng had previously heard that this person would come to Longcheng in the near future, so he specifically invited Wang Wanben to invite him here. One was to push him out, and the other was to bring him a message.

"Old ironwood dog, you say in a whisper, it is my Cheng Feng who deceives people so much, I just want to ask you, do you have a special face?"

Cheng Feng stood in the light of the night pearl and asked coldly, "At the beginning of the filming, I could have bought the elementary Thunder God Stone with two million yuan of high-grade stones, and I was promoted by your old dog five million."

"Not to mention, in order to heal my brother Jiang Tao's legs, I want to bid for a drop of dragon's blood, but this old dog is like me going crazy again and again, suppressing me ... … I can't bear it anymore. After a little resistance, you feel that you have suffered a great humiliation! Don't you think you are taking humiliation yourself? "

Cheng Feng's words are sharp and infectious.

What's more, what he said is the truth. Suddenly, many people have a sense of identity and dislike Tiemu Zheng's ambition.

So, not long after Cheng Feng's words fell, one guest after another, began to cast a special look on Temu Masao.

At the same time, there was a steady stream of arguments, all saying that Temu Masao was shameless and mean.

Although these sounds are very low, how much does Temu Masao do? Hear these arguments clearly.

"you guys……"

I thought I was the victim.

And they represent the entire Ironwood family, and everyone will definitely be facing him.

But I did not expect that with Cheng Feng's words, everyone went to Cheng Feng in unison, which made Temu Zhengxiong, who was already furious, soared again.

But he could not arbitrarily, he could only hold back hard, holding his two hands tightly together, his nails had penetrated into the meat.

"Old ironwood dog, do you still feel wronged?"

Looking at Tiemu Zhengxiong's undulating chest, it seemed to explode directly.

However, Cheng Feng still felt that the lesson was not enough, and stared at the other person with cold eyes: "You old dog has deep blood against me and targets me everywhere, suppresses me, it's nothing, but you don't care about this. When the guests gathered, they shot wildly and nearly killed hundreds of innocent lives. "

At this point, Cheng Feng said, the tone became higher and higher: "Don't you think that you should sincerely apologize to everyone present and the boss of Tianxuan Business League Li?"

"Little bastard!" With Cheng Feng's words, that Tiemu Zhengxiong was so angry that Qiqiao smoked, and his eyes were red.

Unbearable, the vitality in the body raged.

"Elder Nine, be calm, be calm!" Fortunately, the four people beside him tried hard to stop them before they could barely hold back the anger.

Then shaking his body, he bowed in humiliation to Boss Li and everyone present.

Temu Masao is also helpless!

Although his ironwood family has a great career, it is not worth mentioning at all compared to the behemoth of the Tianxuan Business League.

And today's guests have a good background.

They may not compare to the Tiemu clan alone, but if all of them offend enough for the Tiemu family to drink a pot, he can't afford it.

"Your old dog is not completely heartbroken!"

Watching Tiemu Zhengxiong's extremely humiliating apology, Cheng Feng Cailang smiled and said, "You guys, please sit back and forget about the unhappiness you just had. Let's take a picture of Tiemu Phoenix.

"Fuck, this guy doesn't think it's serious enough? He dare to repeat the old thing."

"I don't think we should sit still, lest Temu Masao go mad again, too late to escape."

Everyone originally thought that after the turmoil just now, Cheng Feng should not mention the shooting of the iron wood phoenix again.

But never thought that Cheng Feng patted the **** of a tiger and was addicted!

"Little bastard, do you really think the old man dare not kill you?" Temu Masao calmed down from the fury.

"Dare you dare, but can you do it?"

With Boss Li and the King of Gods in battle, Cheng Feng was fearless: "Also, when I made a request to bid for items and raise funds, but you encouraged the photographer to agree, did you forget?"


Temu Masao certainly didn't forget.

He thought at that time that he had settled Cheng Feng himself, and the more funds Cheng Feng prepared, the worse he would be pitted by himself.

So he agreed to Cheng Feng's request without hesitation.

In this way, Cheng Feng was able to make a fair and honest bid for Tiemu Phoenix.

"It's me ... it's me ..."

Temu Masao became more and more fierce, more and more angry, and finally, I finally couldn't bear it, hey ~~~

A burst of blood blasted out from his mouth, causing an uproar in the entire Tianxuan Hall!

"Spitting blood? The nine elders of the dignified ironwood family turned out to be vomiting blood when they were angry with Cheng Feng!"

"Holding grass, Cheng Feng's mouth is really sharp, just like a lip-sword."

"Actually, this is also due to Tiemu Zhengxiong himself. Who told him to think about Cheng Feng? In the end, he gave himself to him!"

Seeing the scene where Tiemu Zhengxiong vomited blood, the discussion flew up at the scene.

Most of them admire Cheng Feng and feel that Cheng Feng is brave and courageous, and cannot be provoked.

At the same time, a small number of people are even more resentful of Cheng Feng.

=== Thanks to Judashang for 100 monthly tickets. It is like drinking a glass of wine, the body is comfortable, thank you!


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