Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 229: Fierce blackmail

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Chapter 229 Fierce Extortion

"Oh, I pushed my baby's puppet into the fire pit, so I vomited such blood, I'm really sorry for the audience!"

In the center of Tianxuan Hall, Cheng Feng clutched the angry Ironwood Phoenix with one hand, and inserted a knife into the wound of Ironwood Masao.

"Small beast, don't go too far." The other four members of the Tiemu family were supporting Tiemu Zhengxiong, and almost a fire could burst into his eyes.

"Am I ... excessive?"

Cheng Feng grinned, no longer paying attention to Tiemu Zhengxiong, but pulled Tiemu Phoenix, step by step towards the auction platform.

He is really going to bid for Ironwood Phoenix.

"That's enough. Tell me about your conditions. How can you let my phoenix be released?" Temu Masao spit out blood and became extraordinarily calm.

"It's easy for me to release Ironwood Phoenix. The one with the highest price will get it. Once you win the auction, I will undo the ninety-nine sky sword in Ironwood Phoenix and let her be free."

"No, Phoenix must not set foot on the auction platform."

The Tiemu Phoenix is ​​the jewel of the Tiemu family. If it was on the bidding platform, what was lost at that time was not just the face of the Tiemu Phoenix, but the entire Tiemu family.

Temu Masao cannot tolerate this!

As he spoke, he glanced at the guests present, threatening: "Today, my Temu Masao represents the entire Temu family and puts the words here. If anyone dares to bargain with my Phoenix, he will be with me. The Mu family is the enemy, and I hope you will not make mistakes! "

"Hostile to the Tiemu family? It's a great tone."

However, as soon as Masaki Tetsuki's voice fell, a rough voice sounded suddenly.

The person who speaks is truly the king of war, the sword of five.

"Wang five, your royal family, is it possible that you can't go to war with my Ironwood family?" Ironwood Zhengxiong looked ugly.

"Oh, since your Ironwood family intends to harm our family," Yuyan ", the two of us have started a war!"

Wang Wu stepped forward without fear.

The Wang family and the Tiemu family are the first and second largest families in Qianlong County.

Although the Wang family ranked second, but the background is strong, there is no fear of the Ironwood family.

"Okay, brother five, please calm down, don't hurt your peace."

Just as the swords of the two sides were drawn, Zhang Li, the boss of Tianxuan Shangmeng, interjected: "I don't think it's necessary to be too rigid about this matter. Let's take a step back and get rich.

"As long as Cheng Feng no longer humiliates my Phoenix, everything else can be talked about." Tiemu Zhengxiong took the lead in conceding. He is not the opponent of the King of War.

"It's up to Cheng Feng to get the idea."

Wang Wu glanced at Cheng Feng and said, "No one is afraid of me!"

"Thank you Uncle Wang."

Cheng Feng nodded gratefully, then his tone became cold, and said, "If you don't want me to bid on Ironwood Phoenix on the spot, it's OK, and give me 10 billion yuan of precious stones."

"One billion!" Hearing the conditions proposed by Cheng Feng, Temu Masao's cheeks could not help but twitch.

Not long ago, Cheng Feng issued a ransom of 10 billion yuan, and Temu Masao took it as a joke.

At this moment the old thing is mentioned again, this joke is already as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Yes, 10 billion, no copper plate is necessary." Cheng Feng said flatly.

"Impossible, I don't have that many stones at all." Temu Masao refused, but his tone was very weak, and he was no longer aggressive.

"Your Tiemu Zhengxiong is not so diverse. Your Tiemu family always has it."

"No, the family can't agree."

Temu Masao still refused: "One billion, I can only give you up to one billion yuan."

"A billion yuan worth of stone, what about sending dinner?"

Cheng Feng didn't relax: "I think you should know more about the value of Ironwood Phoenix than me. It has the Tianmu Shenhu, which ranks 68th on the different fire list, and a Ding Wu soul. It is a natural Dan Tao Wizard. , With a little training, he will become the master of Dao Dao in the future. "

"By then, not to mention a billion inferior stones, even if it is 10 billion or 100 billion, it can be easily obtained."

Cheng Feng's remarks are true.

"I add another 500 million yuan, and 1.5 billion yuan, which is my limit." Temu Masao gritted his teeth and said.

"1.5 billion, which is much worse than 10 billion."

Cheng Feng groaned and said, "Eight billion, I take a step back, and don't take ten billion more. Give me eight billion yuan. I immediately lifted the seal on Ironwood Phoenix."

However, eight billion yuan is also a sky-high price.

Although Tiemu Zhengxiong is a master in a broken realm, he can't even take it out.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate, Boss Li couldn't bear it. He coughed and said: "Brother Cheng Feng, your 8 billion yuan is still a little scary. Do you see if I can lose face and drop a little?" . "

"Well, in the face of Boss Li, I'll make a half-fold, as long as 5 billion." Cheng Feng said a moment of silence.

But 5 billion is still an astronomical figure.

Boss Li nodded with a smile, then looked at Tiemu Zhengxiong: "Brother Tiemu, brother Cheng Feng has already lowered the price twice, should you also show it?"


Tiemu Zhengxiong is really running out of water, but until now, he can only bite his head and fight hard, so he bit his teeth and said, "One price, three billion yuan. If it works, then I will raise funds. If not, then the fish will die." Come on! "

"Three billion yuan inferior stone, what does Brother Cheng Feng feel?" Li asked.

Cheng Feng thought about it and knew that this was the limit that Temu Masao could bear.

If we continue to press, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive, so I said: "Three billion yuan inferior stone is not impossible, but I have one condition."

"Brother Cheng Feng, please."

"Ironwood Phoenix must make me a dragon blood discontinuity before the end of the Tianxuan auction, and the materials are self-provided."

"Brother Tiemu, Brother Cheng Feng, do you agree?" Boss Li looked at Tiemu Zhengxiong.

"Yes, but he must guarantee that all the arrays, seals, and seals placed in my Phoenix will be lifted, and there will be no hidden dangers."

"That's right, I'm not like some people playing around with tricks."

Cheng Feng satirically said, pulling Ironwood Phoenix back to his original position: "But someone please also quickly deliver 3 billion yuan of top stones. Our auction was delayed for too long."

"That's true." Boss Li first apologized to everyone and ordered the Pentecostal shooter to continue hosting the auction.

As for himself, he took Temaki Masao to the second floor.

This is to go with Tiemu Zhengxiong and deliver 3 billion yuan of ransom to Yuanfeng Stone. When the ransom is enough, boss Li will transfer it to Cheng Feng.

"You guys, we were temporarily interrupted when we were bidding for Lot 42. Now let's start again."

After being instructed, the pentecostal photographer walked up to the stage, and then planned to re-take the forty-two lot, the drop of black clams with black blood.

"Please wait."

At this time, Cheng Feng, who had just sat down, stood up and interrupted: "This lot seems to have already been auctioned. It was eventually taken by Masao Tetsugi with 90 million pieces of inferior stone."

Indeed, according to the asking price before the suspension, this lot is bound to belong to Masao Temu.

Because at the scene, I'm afraid no one will come out again, and a higher price than 90 million pieces of inferior Yuanshi, to buy a drop of dragon's blood.


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