Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 227: Smashing sky

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Chapter Two Twenty-Seven

After all, Cheng Feng looked at Tiemu Zhengxiong in a silver robe and said coldly, "Tiemu old dog, you really want to fight against me? Don't come to the end, you can't end it."

"Little miscellaneous, if you have a seed, continue to follow!" Tiemu Zhengxiong laughed wildly.

"Ninety million yuan Yuanshi!" Cheng Feng took a deep breath and shouted an unprecedented high price.

"Crazy, actually take ninety million yuan Yuanshi and buy a drop of dragon's blood?"

"This time, Tiemu Zhengxiong may not follow, maybe this is a large pit set by Cheng Feng, waiting for him to fall inside."

However, Temu Masao was not impressed by these words, but shouted extremely provocatively at 90 million pieces of inferior stone.

"Uncle Jiu ..." At this moment, Temu Phoenix was trembling.

She and Cheng Feng have been together these days, and she already knows deeply how Cheng Feng is. She is so fierce that Tiemu Zhengxiong stimulates Cheng Feng. In the end, the scene may really get out of control.

By that time, the most unlucky thing was her Iron Wood Phoenix.

At this moment, Cheng Feng had already stood up, a pair of eyes staring at Temu Masao for a long time.

Then he glanced across the hall and saw the entrance of the hall. Wang Wanben came in with a man carrying a big sword and made a gesture to him.

Immediately he exhaled a long breath, like a heavy invisible yoke, was quietly removed, leaving him without worries.

"Old ironwood dog, you are very kind."

"Hopefully, you can continue to be so kind!"

Cheng Feng said here, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the filmmaker in the middle of the hall: "Sorry, I want to interrupt. I don't have enough funds for the auction now. Can I take out a lot on the spot and prepare for the fund? "

"This ..." Pentecostal photographer was asked to stay.

He has hosted many auctions, and has also seen cases of suspension of auctions due to insufficient funds during the auction.

But I have never seen this scene before, for a moment, hesitant.

Just then, Temu Masao solved the problem for him.

"Let him make the auction. Only me and him can bid for this auction. As long as I agree, it can be suspended." Temu Masao said.

He obviously wants to pit Cheng Feng fiercely. The more funds Cheng Cheng prepares, the more he loses, and he is naturally happy to see it.

"Since Mr. Tiemu agreed, the auction was temporarily suspended."

The Pentecostal photographer wiped the sweat on his head and said, "Please also ask the son, Mr. Feng Feng, to take out your bidding items and bid on site."

Along with the photographer's voice, a bright light of 'Night Pearl' suddenly hit Cheng Feng, making him the focus of the scene.

Being noticed by everyone, Cheng Feng was indifferent.

He first smiled slightly, then gently pulled up the Ironwood Phoenix sitting beside him.

Today's Ironwood Phoenix, wearing a white tights, has a sculpted figure, full of vitality.

Especially her amazingly proportioned legs are straight and round, which makes her heart warm.

"You, Miss Temu is beautiful?"

Cheng Feng pointed at Ironwood Phoenix and asked aloud.

"Beautiful, beautiful!"

Although I don't know what medicine Cheng Feng is buying in his throat, Iron Wood Phoenix is ​​really beautiful and very beautiful.

Therefore, many people answered loudly, especially some young people, with their eyes brightened.

Even Li Shiji, Yu Moyu, and even Wang Bowen all had their eyes on.

However, the iron wood phoenix that attracted much attention only felt as if it were on his back, and his heart was very disturbed.

But before she came, she was sealed and repaired, and she couldn't resist.

At this moment, I can only bite the bullet and listen to the fate.

"Miss Tiemu is very beautiful. This is obvious to all, but she also has many charms that everyone does not know."

Cheng Feng pointed at the Ironwood Phoenix and praised: "For such a beautiful, cold and noble beauty, I just want to ask, do you want it?"

Want to get Ironwood Phoenix?

The answer is, of course!

But it is one thing to think, but it is another.

Cheng Feng dare to face Tiemu Zhengxiong so brazenly, and wantonly comment on Tiemu Phoenix, but others dare not.

So Cheng Feng's questioning appeared cold.

"Did you want it? It's a man, just say it bravely." Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked with a sedition.

"Think, of course!"

"I don't want to, it's probably not a man at all."

With the incitement of Cheng Feng, some hot-blooded teenagers at the scene shouted without holding back a throat.

Immediately, a series of sounds rang out.

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone is a fellow in the same circle."

Cheng Feng laughed loudly: "In this case, then I announced that I will be bidding for the Ironwood Phoenix, the youngest lady of the Ironwood family, on the spot: the starting price: a prime stone!"

Boom ~~~

With Cheng Feng's remarks, the entire Tianxuan Hall fry.

"What, Cheng Feng actually wants to shoot Ironwood Phoenix?"

"It's too daring to be so brave, even if you take the grandeur of the Tiemu family as a cargo, if the matter spreads out, what kind of face does the Tiemu family have ?!"

"It's a big deal, it's really a big deal."

"If it's not handled well, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The entire Tianxuan Hall was completely filled with the voice of the people.

Because of this scene, it is really unexpected.

No one had thought that Cheng Feng would come out this way, so in an instant, the proud face of Tiemu Zhengxiong suddenly froze, Tieqing was extremely incomparable.

Immediately afterwards, Shanhu's tsunami-like anger spewed out of Tiemu Zhengxiong's chest, causing him to anger the crown.

Ahhhh! !!

Temu Masao yelled a furious roar, and then transpired intently: "Cheng Feng ... I see you ** are awful and crooked, and dare to humiliate my Phoenix so much, and humiliate my Temu family."

"Old man --- I split you alive!"

Unprecedented contrast made Temu Masao suddenly mad, his anger drowned his reason, and his horrific vitality oscillated, blasting into Cheng Feng with a single palm.

Temu Masao, this is a real broken master.

This kind of existence, the vitality is filled like a sea.

One palm split out, and the entire Tianxuan Hall shook with it, as if to be shaken stiffly.

"Not good, Temu Masao is crazy!"

"Escape ... if you are struck by the palm of your hand, you will definitely die."

Instantly, the entire Tianxuan Hall was in a mess, everyone was in danger.

"Don't panic, with me, I can't tolerate his arrogance.

At this moment, a strong breath rushed into the sky. When he wrapped up the horrible slamming power of Temu Masao, he quickly tossed a dozen times, and then it was resolved into pure heaven and earth vitality and disappeared.

This person is the boss of Tian Xuan Restaurant.


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