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Chapter 226 Unbearable Tolerance

In addition, the other four people who followed Masao Tiemu were afraid that Cheng Feng would be coaxing and arrogating, so they discouraged them.

Tiemu Zhengxiong was also afraid of being pitted by Cheng Feng, so he let go.

In this way, Cheng Feng bought a minestone worth only 3 million yuan for astronomical price of ‘5 million yuan’.

This scene pleased Yu Moyu and others.

The non-process peak is not at the heart.

Five million bought an elementary thunderstone, which was originally within his psychological range.

Of course, three million yuan of inferior stones were put in the blood, which is also a real loss.

With the minds of those who are Masao Tiemu, sniping Cheng Feng is definitely not the only one.

In order to make these guys unable to figure out their goals and interrupt each other's plans at the same time, Cheng Feng participated in the auction almost repeatedly.

Of course, his so-called bidding is just a guise for La Tiemu Zhengxiong and others to enter the water.

As a result, subsequent auctions became particularly lively.

Whenever there was an auction, Cheng Feng stepped in. When Tiemu Zhengxiong heard the wind, they all participated in and pushed the price up, but Cheng Feng pulled away instantly. Several times, Tiemu Zhengxiong and others vomited three blood The lungs almost exploded!

Of course, Cheng Feng is not always pitted.

He was fictitious. First, he stunned them and made them afraid to face him easily, and then suddenly came true and took what he wanted.

For example, 'Purple Pulp Fluid', which was just patted with eight million Xia Yuanyuan stones, is extremely useful for Cheng Feng.

This purple pulp fluid is rumored to be a thousand-year-old amethyst. It was buried in the ground for hundreds of years before it was born.

This object has super nourishing effect on the warriors' meridians.

Once the warrior is taken, the toughness of the meridians will be greatly strengthened, and even some clogged invisible meridians will be developed, which is strange.

The reason why Cheng Feng bought this thing is to nourish his own meridians, develop the potential, and once again break the limit of repair!

"Damn, Cheng Feng is so cunning. He deliberately seduced the enemy, and then he pulled away, causing me to lose tens of millions of inferior stones."

On the west side of the Tianxuan Hall, Yu Moyu's face was iron blue, staring at Cheng Feng, almost spitting fire.

Since he confronted Cheng Feng, in addition to the first success, the remaining seven or eight times, almost failed.

It caused it to lose nearly ten million inferior stones.

Compared with Yu Moyu, that Tiemu Zhengxiong is even worse.

This guy has a strong family base and is full of energy, so almost every time Cheng Feng participates in the auction, he intervenes intentionally.

Therefore, he was most miserable by Cheng Fengkeng, at least smashing in 30 million yuan of stone.

30 million inferior stones!

Although the word count, Masaki Temu, can bear it, the pain is real.

After all, smashing 30 million for no reason, not only did nothing, but everyone in the audience watched the joke, but it was a shame and left home.

So in the next shot, Tiemu Zhengxiong began to be cautious. When he no longer saw Cheng Feng's shot, he followed up eagerly, so as not to suffer again.

However, after the forty-twoth lot came to power, a few people in Tiemu Zhengxiong immediately sneered like flies smelling blood.

Because this forty-two lot is a drop of dragon blood.

"Lot forty-second lot, a drop of dragon's blood."

At this time, the pentecostal photographer began to introduce the lot: "This drop of blood of the dragon is formed by extracting a whole blood essence of a black claw of one claw, and the starting price is eight million yuan."

"Blood dragon blood, finally waiting for you." Cheng Feng's eyes brightened.

The primary goal of his participation in the shoot was this drop of dragon blood.

Because only the blood of the dragon can be used to make dragon blood discontinuity, heal Jiang Tao's legs, restore his self-confidence, and cheer up again.

So this thing, Cheng Feng is bound to get it!

But it is clear that Temu Masao knows that Cheng Feng needs this drop of dragon blood very much.

Therefore, almost at the moment when the filmmaker's words came to an end, the shouting of several people from Tiemu Zhengxiong sounded one after another.

And the prices they shouted were higher than one.

From the beginning, Li Shiji shouted ‘10 million Xia Yuan Yuan Shi ’. By the time Tiemu Zhengxiong got it, he had risen violently to ‘60 million’!

Sixty million yuan Yuanshi, this number is enough to be worthy of a small family.

And far more than the value of this dragon's blood itself.

It should be noted that although the dragon is a heaven and earth beast.

However, it has strict grade points. This drop of dragon blood at the shoot is only the blood of the dragon with the lowest grade.

It was even a black claw, not even a dragon.

Such a drop of essence blood, not to mention 60 million, I am afraid not even worth 20 million.


Tiemu Zhengxiong shouted 60 million.

Because he concluded that Cheng Feng would follow up, unless Cheng Feng gave up on treating Jiang Tao, but this is unlikely.

Before Tiemu Zhengxiong came, he analyzed the process peaks in detail through intelligence, knowing that although Cheng Feng was decisive and decisive, he valued his relatives and friends.

Never give up on helping your friends because of foreign objects!

Sure enough, Cheng Feng didn't let Tiemu Zhengxiong wait for a long time, his face was somber and he shouted, "70 million yuan of stone."

"Fuck, Cheng Feng actually shouted 70 million inferior Yuanshi, this is too fierce."

"Yes, 70 million. That's enough to buy four or five drops of dragon blood."

With Cheng Feng calling for 70 million, the scene suddenly boiled.

But it seemed that Tiemu Zhengxiong felt that the atmosphere was not enough. He actually raised the price by 10 million and reached 80 million.

At this moment, only Cheng Feng and Tiemu Zhengxiong are the only people participating in this auction.

As for Yu Moyu and Li Shiji, they retreated early.

Although they also have the capital to participate in this gamble, they have their own abacus.

Now that there is Masao Tiemu, ‘learning’ Cheng Feng for them, they are naturally happy to enjoy it.

"Brother Cheng, calm down, please calm down."

On the side, the nine prince Fang Kuang, who has seen a lot of big scenes, is also sweating at this time, dissuading, "You have 80 million inferior stones, you just need to go to Longcheng Street and sip a throat. Take the warriors willing to venture in Qianlong Mountains and re-slash a one-clawed blackbird back. "

On the other side, Wang Bowen was also very moved. He wanted to say something, but he had no choice but to wait and see.

"Brother Fang, I understand what you mean."

Cheng Feng was not rushed to the brain by the blood, still calm: "But this drop of dragon blood, I must get it!"


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