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Chapter 992 Unparalleled Loyalty and Greatness

Although the battle for the throne was fierce, thanks to the mutual restraint of the siblings, this royal infighting did not develop to the point of being out of control, and the family relationship between them did not completely break down.

Calia fulfilled her promise and did not impose any restrictions on Alsace, who lost the competition. He can still live in his own side hall as a member of the royal family.

Calia has even made plans. If Alsace can get through this period of confusion and regain his fighting spirit, she is willing to give Alsace corresponding official positions and powers so that he can contribute to the development of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. force.

Sharlayan had no intention of commenting on Calia's naive approach, after all, this was a family affair of the Menethil clan.

In his opinion, Alsace, who is proud and arrogant, will definitely not accept his sister's gift of power like charity.

Where his future will go, Sharlayan is not sure at this stage.

Maybe he will be so decadent that he drank his sorrows all day long, and gradually be cultivated into a wealthy idler who does not hold any power.

It may also be possible to regroup after a short period of depression, accept recruitment from other forces, and prove her ability and value in a different way from Calia.

As far as Sharlayan knows, not only the major neighboring countries around Lordaeron and some Lordaeron dignitaries who are still unwilling to give up have offered him an olive branch, but the Burning Legion and Scourge also have a claim on this The prince stared at him.

Sharlayan hopes that Alsace can accept Ner'zhul's invitation and join the Scourge in a different way from the original history, so that at least he can be included in Kel'Thuzad's surveillance and predict Alsace's action mode to a certain extent.

"The Burning Legion?"

Valeera asked puzzledly: "They also want to recruit Alsace? No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for him to agree."

Sharlayan nodded in agreement and said, "I think so too, but it's still a possibility after all."

"Alsace has a strong self-esteem and is at the stage of youthful vigor. I don't think he will join the camp of the culprit who just caused his failure to fight for the throne."

The devil's rebellion was the main reason for Alsace's failure in the competition. If they hadn't wreaked havoc in the royal city, the Knights of the Silver Hand headed by Uther would not have made up their minds so quickly to end the civil war.

Sharlayan: "Let's go and see. Recently, the person from Backlight Blade has been keeping a close eye on the suspicious people who entered and exited the palace of Alsace. I don't think he will be depressed for too long."


Sharlayan guessed that the unwilling Alsace would cheer up soon, but he didn't expect that Alsace would visit the Kul Tiras embassy early the next morning.

Needless to say, he was here for Jaina, who represented Kul Tiras at the ceremony.

When hearing this news from Valeera with a weird expression, Salayan was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Sure enough, he is a young man with full of vigor. The young Mu Ai has been played by him and understands."

"It sounds like you are very old." Valeera asked with a half-smile: "Don't you need to intervene? Are you worried that Jaina will be pried away by him?"

Sharlayan shook his head without hesitation: "You also know that Jaina is not the kind of person who is always in a hurry, so let him go."

"Even if Arthas wants to use force in a you think he can beat the current Jaina?"

This meeting, Jaina's Arcanist level has been stuck at level 49, and she is only half a step away from breaking through to become an archmage.

Although Arthas also practiced diligently every day, he had to be distracted from dealing with state affairs in the past two years, and it was impossible for him to concentrate on improving his personal strength like Jaina.

Although I haven't been able to confirm Alsace's current level with my own eyes, I think it should not exceed level 45, which is still a long way from Jaina.

Valeera also shrugged with a smile when she heard the words: "Okay, I'll let people follow them from a distance. I don't know if Jaina will become the fuse that prompts Alsace to finally make up his mind."

Salayan said noncommittally: "Who knows, by the way, I just received a letter from Kel'Thuzad."

"He has entered the royal city with Baron Rivendell who came to watch the ceremony, and he intends to persuade Alsace himself."

Valeera was not surprised by this. She had learned of Baron Rivendell's movements through the channels of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Backlight Blade a few days ago.

After the battle for the throne was officially decided, the Stratholme army that blocked the Sodoril Bridge chose to withdraw without hesitation.

This was because Princess Calia, who was moderate to Quel'Thalas, would not easily stop Baron Rivendell for the benefit of his own territory if Alsace was the winner.

Not long after the retreat, Baron Rivendell actively responded to Princess Calia's call, and set off from Stratholme with a group of entourage to the royal city to attend the Queen's enthronement ceremony. Kel'Thuzad, who had other important matters, was also among them.

Due to the correct alignment, Baron Rivendell will most likely be reused by the new king in the future visible to the naked eye.

In contrast, the lord of Darrowshire, Viscount Gwen Garithers, who had been at odds with Stratholme before, was more embarrassed.

After hesitating again and again, the old viscount, who couldn't keep his face off, asked his son Osmar to go to Lordaeron King City to attend the ceremony on his behalf.

Due to the late departure, Osmar and his party happened to meet Alfred Abedis and Maxwell Tyrosus who had just completed a self-inspection of their territory and set off quickly. The two groups happened to be together Let's go to Wangcheng together.

When she first heard the name Osmar Garithos, Valeera didn't respond, but the barrage suddenly exploded.

Through their popular science, Sharlayan knew the future "great achievements" of the young son of the Darrowshire lord.

To put it simply, the Garithers family is a complete humanist. They have inherited some of Terenas' extreme ideas, and they look down on all races other than humans.

The positions of the Garithers family and the Rivendell family are completely opposite. It is no wonder that the two families did not fight each other.

Today's Osmar Garithos is still young, and Lordaeron, which has not yet encountered natural disasters and turmoil, has not yet had the turn of the Grand Marshal to "turn the tide."

But as the saying goes, three years old and eighty years old, under Salayan's order, detailed information about Osmar was quickly sent to Salayan's temporary desk.

As the barrage said, influenced by his family's education, Osmar is unsurprisingly a great humanist. He has made contempt and attack remarks against Quel'Thalas in public on many occasions.

If Alsace wins the position, the Garithers family, who bet on the right treasure, may really be able to take advantage of this.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is destined to never happen.

Aware of the changes in history, Sharlayan was too lazy to devote too much energy to a mere lord of Darrowshire, and the Rivendell family who was about to rise would take them as a thorn in their side.

Recently, Sharlayan's main concern is not the imminent coronation ceremony, but the national congress after the celebration.

The re-opening of the Portal of Darkness has become a foregone conclusion. Under the premise that the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which has the strongest overall national strength, cannot take action for the time being, Sharlayan intends to take this opportunity to persuade other participating kingdoms to increase their troops in Fortress.

The Kingdom of Stormwind, which is closest to the Dark Portal, obviously has the same opinion.

Although King Varian Wrynn was temporarily unable to be born due to the birth of his eldest son Anduin Wrynn, he sent his absolute confidant, Duke Bolvar Fordragon, to attend the ceremony on his behalf.

Sharlayan and the Duke of Fordragon, who had arrived in Lordaeron ahead of schedule, passed the air, and the Kingdom of Stormwind also hoped to receive reinforcements from the northern kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Stormwind was subjugated once because of the opening of the Dark Portal. They are more sensitive and important to the changes of the Dark Portal than any other country.

Quel'Thalas had just sent Vereesa to lead half of the elite ranger troops to Fort Watch, and Bolvar would naturally have a good impression of Quel'Thalas, who was the most active.

After some exchange of views, Sarlayan and Bolvar hit it off, and decided that the two countries would jointly propose at the national congress after the celebration that each country should increase its troops to Fort Watch, so as to prevent the possibility of the tragedy 15 years ago happening again.

"Valeera, I'm afraid I don't have time to pay attention to Alsace's growth story recently."

While Sharlayan was writing a letter to be handed over to Prince Liam Greymane, the representative of Gilneas, he said to Valeera without raising his head, "Help me keep an eye on him, if Kerr People other than Sujiad succeeded in persuading, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

Valeera nodded: "Okay, you go ahead."

Before she finished speaking, Valeera turned into a shadow and disappeared from Sharlayan's office.

After writing a short paragraph, Sarlayan temporarily stopped writing and stretched his wrist, looking up at the sunny window.

"Alsace, in the face of solicitations from many parties, let me wait and see what choice you will make."

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