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Chapter 993 Alliance Reconstruction Plan

In the next few days, until the enthronement ceremony came, the palace could barely be regarded as calm.

Since Arthas hadn't made up his mind on what to do next, the die-hard forces who followed behind him eagerly waiting for the Jedi to come back also stood still for the time being.

Compared with Alsace, who is in a pretty good mood, Jaina has been quite annoyed in recent days.

As Alsace's unrequited love and first love object, time and distance did not fade Jaina's impression in his mind, on the contrary, it beautified Jaina's image to some extent because of long time no see.

Arthas had long known Jaina's determination to pursue the truth through magical research, and for this reason she would rather give up the easy-to-get succession to the throne of Kul Tiras.

Arthas, who had just been defeated in the competition for the throne, still couldn't understand Jaina's ideas for the time being. After all, Arthas was taught by Terenas' ear from a young age, so that he must become a wise monarch who led Lordaeron to continue to grow.

At the end of Terenas' reign, he knew that he had no chance to realize the dream of unifying the kingdoms of mankind of the successive Menethil royal families in his own generation, so he handed over this long-cherished wish of passing down generations to Alsace.

This heavy dream invisibly added a lot of invisible pressure to the young Alsace. He still remembers the look of eager anticipation that his father held his hand when he was dying.

It is a good thing to have a dream. Only with a clear goal ahead can the kings of Lordaeron from generation to generation not forget their original aspirations and work hard.

But in Sharlayan's view, as this ideal that has never been realized has been passed down from generation to generation, the ultimate goal of the Menethil clan has deviated from the original track, becoming more and more paranoid, and gradually becoming a curse that binds future generations .

In the process of remotely guiding Calia's growth, Sharlayan deliberately downplayed the Menethil family's dream of unifying the seven kingdoms of mankind, and used words to induce her to think in another direction with similar ideas but not the same.

Sharlayan hoped that Calia would start rebuilding the League of Nations, an organization of international alliances that already existed in name only.

Under the enlightenment of the barrage, Sharlayan has long known that there are many branch races of the elves living in various parts of Azeroth.

Apart from the drastic reduction in population and the loss of the ability to reproduce autonomously, Sind LS Leian, who had to rely on distant relatives, and the mild-mannered Kael'thas did not plan to annex the other declining elf branches into Quel'Thalas.

They want to be connected to each other through common interests and similar positions.

The night elves far away on the other side of the sea still have deep prejudices against the descendants of the Highborne, but even so, with the diplomatic efforts of Quel'Thalas, the high elves have established a solid relationship with their distant relatives on the other side of the endless sea. trade routes.

At this stage, Sharlayan does not demand that the night elves can quickly change the prejudice against the Highborne over the past ten thousand years. As long as the two sides can maintain normal economic and trade cooperation, it is enough, and when necessary, they can stand together for Azeroth and fight together. enemy.

Changing people's inherent concepts cannot be accomplished overnight. This requires the joint efforts of both Quel'Thalas and the Night Republic to improve bit by bit the labeling cognition that has already penetrated into the hearts of the night elves.

In the same way, for the seven human kingdoms that were split from the Arathor Empire, Sharlayan believed that there was no need for the Menethil royal family to force them to recombine them into one country.

After more than 2,000 years of development, the seven human kingdoms have formed their own different cultures and customs.

If they are forcibly pinched together, due to conflicts in living habits and concepts, conflicts between them are almost inevitable.

Terenas has already proved this point with his actual actions.

Even though the country has been subjugated for several years, the people of Alterac living in the snow-capped mountains are still unwilling to submit to Lordaeron.

Maybe they will be forced to temporarily make compromises due to their livelihood, but when Iserton Perenold, who has the right to inherit the throne, stood up and shouted, the Alterac people who still cherished their homeland quickly regained their former passion.

Living in the harsh conditions of Alterac Snow Mountain all year round, Alterac has always been a tough folk, and is called the Snow Mountain Barbarian by the self-proclaimed civilized Lordaeron.

After the Battle of Alterac, under the personal call of the famous generals Haas and King Iserton, a large number of Alterac youths who were still passionate in their hearts scrambled to respond to the conscription order to form a new army.

Two years have passed, and although it can't be said that the old view has been completely restored, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Alterac is on the right track again under the leadership of the young and promising new king, and its national power is rising day by day.

The people of Alterac who have been reborn after suffering believe that sooner or later they will get back everything they lost under the leadership of King Iserton.

It also included the dignity and glory of being thrown to the ground by the traitorous King Aiden Perenolde to be trampled upon.

The rebuilding of the Stormwind Kingdom is also a typical example.

Indeed, many people from the original Stormwind Kingdom did not want to return to the sad land, and chose to stay in Lordaeron to resettle after the war.

These refugees from the south contributed to the rapid development of Lordaeron after the war to a certain extent.

As refugees from outsiders, labor costs are lower than those of locals, and many dirty and tiring jobs can be left to them.

However, it cannot be ignored that more than half of the people in the Stormwind Kingdom responded to King Varian Wrynn's call and followed him back to the southern part of the mainland to rebuild their homes.

Several years passed, and the Kingdom of Stormwind re-established itself in the southern part of the Eastern Continent. It was well-organized by King Varian, who worked hard to rule, and it was a thriving scene.

Limited by human and material resources, the rebuilt Stormwind Kingdom is far from reaching its peak.

Varian gave priority to rebuilding the richest Elwynn Forest, and only in recent years has he gradually entered the Redridge Mountains rich in mineral resources and the Dusk Forest, which mainly produces wood, herbs and fur.

Unfortunately, the originally fertile western fertile land was eroded by the evil energy of the shadow council warlocks when the orcs occupied it. It has long been degraded into the barren western wilderness, and its development value has dropped greatly.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. When freed from the development of Red Ridge Mountains and Dusk Forest, Varian will still try to revive Westfall.

In this regard, the Kingdom of Stormwind formally requested assistance from Quel'Thalas, hoping that the high elves could send druids to help them restore the land activity of the western wilderness.

That's right, high elf druids.

Under the efforts of Sharlayan to lead by example, many "young people" in the southern part of Eversong Forest joined the Quel'Thalas druid organization called Light of Life.

The young people mentioned here are according to the standards of Quel'Thalas, and the elves under the age of 1000 can be counted as the younger generation.

Young high elves are more receptive to new things. Driven by Sarlayan's leading role, more and more high elves who failed in the selection of arcanists chose to switch to the way of druids.

After all, no matter how you say it, Druid is a noble spellcasting profession, which is much better than being a rogue and a thief who can only be active in the dark.

Sharlayan couldn't help but laugh at the inherent concepts that the high elves had cultivated for thousands of years. His efforts alone could hardly reverse the innate disdain of the peasants for melee professions.

Even if they switched to Druid, most high elves would abandon the transformation system as if they were shoes.

More than 65% of the people chose the Balance system, 30% chose the Restoration system, and the last 5% were reluctantly dragged into the Transformation system by Sarlayan.

Long story short, let's get down to business.

Under the continuous guidance of Sharlayan, Calia gradually gave up the Menethil family's obsession with rigidly unifying the seven human kingdoms, and instead planned to use the alliance, a framework already established, to integrate the remaining six kingdoms into the future. In the alliance of nations headed by Lordaeron.

The second orc war was the highlight period of the alliance, but unfortunately due to Terenas's series of tricks after the war, the alliance has long existed in name only.

The Kingdom of Stormwind took the opportunity to win over the Kingdom of Khaz Modan and the Kingdom of Gnomeregan, which were drifting away from Lordaeron, in the southern part of the mainland in the name of the alliance. There was a tendency to rebuild a new alliance headed by the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Although Calia and Varian were considered young, and the relationship between the two was good, but when it came to national interests, Calia did not intend to cede the dominance of the alliance to the Stormwind Kingdom.

The National Congress after the enthronement ceremony is an excellent opportunity. Calia intends to renew the banner of the Alliance and persuade other countries to rejoin in order to deal with the threat of the Burning Legion against the Dark Portal and all parts of Azeroth. alliance.

After finally getting rid of Alsace's stalking, Jaina took advantage of the time difference to activate the space coordinates carved on Sharlayan's body without anyone noticing, and sent them directly to the Quel'Thalas embassy. Ann's temporary office.

After listening to Sharlayan and Calia's plans for the national congress, Jaina, who represented Kul Tiras, rubbed her delicate nose thoughtfully.

"So, is Quel'Thalas planning to return to the Alliance?"

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