Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 991 The Development Plan of Free Will

Regarding the establishment of the Free Dead Organization, it was first proposed by Sharlayan.

But for a person like Alonsus Faol who has rich life experience and strong opinions, if it is not his own intention, no one can command him.

Although Faol didn't know enough about the details of the Scourge, he could see the current situation of the Kingdom of Lordaeron very rationally.

The threat of the Burning Legion is at the forefront, and Jialia, who is eager to wash away her shame, cannot focus on the Scourge Legion that is still in a dormant state.

And this will inevitably give the Scourge Legion plenty of time to develop. Like the resurrection of Faol, they will sneakily recruit new tombs in various regions of Lordaeron.

With himself as proof, Faol believes that there will be more undead with free will in the future.

In order to better restrain and guide these undead aliens that are neither compatible with the living nor with the Scourge, someone must take the initiative to stand up and become a banner to gather those free undead who are still in a period of confusion to their side.

Under Sharlayan's request, the righteous Faol took over this arduous task without hesitation.

Although the wealth of Lordaeron is not as rich as that of the neighboring country Quel'Thalas, it is also one of the most wealthy households on the continent of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Jia Liya may be short of people, but she will never be short of resources.

Moreover, Quel'Thalas also promised to give Fao a certain amount of personnel and material assistance in creating a new organization.

Combining the strengths of the two countries, Fao, who is already capable, will soon be able to take care of the prototype of the organization's framework and prepare in advance for the free undead who will join in the future.

"Undead with self-will..."

Jia Liya frowned slightly and fell into deep thought: "Teacher Fao, are you sure that these free undead will not cause harm to the living?"

Faol smiled and explained, "That's why I created free will."

"If they are allowed to move aimlessly in the wilderness, it will imperceptibly encourage the undead's instinctive jealousy and hatred towards the living. Maybe they will embark on the road of hostility to the living sooner or later."

"The creation of free will is to prevent this from happening. I will restrain the undead who are willing to join us, and transfer their hatred to the Scourge who forcibly awakens them from death."

Jia Liya nodded thoughtfully: "There is another question. One side will inevitably need a place to settle down. How do you plan for this?"


Faol lowered his head and considered for a while: "My initial plan is to find a desolate island in the sea between Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas for temporary settlement."

"The undead don't need to drink water, eat and sleep, consume very little material, and are naturally not that picky about the living environment."

Jia Liya said clearly: "That's easy. There are many uninhabited islands in the sea outside the golden route. You can just choose one."

"However..." Jialia continued to ask seriously: "Teacher Faol, don't blame me for being too harsh. I need to consider the interests of Lordaeron."

"With the expansion of free-will personnel, the island will not be able to meet your living needs sooner or later. At that time, where do you plan to relocate?"

Faol smiled casually: "The living area of ​​Azeroth is very vast, even Quel'Thalas with advanced magic technology can't say that he has discovered every corner of the world, right?"

"As long as they have the heart, the tireless undead can travel all over Azeroth in search of a new home, and they will always find a suitable place."

Fao's words are true, because due to technical limitations, the exploration of the planet by Azerothians has not yet reached its limit.

Leaving aside Pandaria, which has always been shrouded in mist, Sharlayan recently heard about a new place name from the barrage—the Dragon Islands.

It is said that the Dragon Islands are the hometown and origin of all dragons. Before that, they were isolated overseas because of self-isolation and could not be found by anyone.

It wasn't until the version of the World of Warcraft game where the barrage was located was updated that the Dragon Islands really appeared in front of all players.

According to the information provided by the barrage, the Dragon Islands are located in the north of the Eastern Kingdom, and their latitude is basically parallel to the Arctic continent Northrend.

Sharlayan believes that there must be more secret areas in Azeroth that have not yet been discovered.

Even if Azeroth still can't find a place for the free undead, Sharlayan still has a final alternative-Draenor.

Due to Sharlayan's active intervention, Draenor was not torn into broken outer domains by the space rift opened by Ner'zhul like in the original history, and still maintained a complete planetary structure.

For the living, the increasingly fel-infested lands of Draenor were a slow death, and sooner or later the barren land would become unsuitable for life of any kind.

But the undead are not living things. Even if Draenor is completely turned into a wasteland, the undead without any food supplies can still be a staple.

Of course, the premise of taking Draenor for your own use is to expel the partial forces of the Burning Legion who are still making trouble there, and this needs to wait for the Dark Portal to open again.

In any case, at least at this stage free will does not need too much territory.

After obtaining the permission of both Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, Faol can find a small island in the sea between the two countries to temporarily settle down, and then consider the issue of relocation after it develops and grows in the future.

After talking with Calia about the issue of free will, Faol voluntarily left the living room, leaving her and Sharlayan the chance to say goodbye.


Watching Faol walk out of the gate under the nervous "escort" of the palace guards, Calia smiled wryly and sighed.

"It's an eventful time. As Sarlayan said earlier, it's really hard to be the lord of this country. If you don't have a certain level of awareness, you can't bear such a high-intensity job."

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "It takes a lot of energy for me to manage my own territory, let alone the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which is as big as Nuoda. It's just a matter of heart."

"Then, Princess Jialia, are you sure you have made up your mind? Do you really want to continue on this road?"

"Huh~" Jia Liya let out a long breath, closed her eyes and remained silent for two seconds before opening them again, nodded firmly and said, "I'm sure."

"Since I snatched the throne that should belong to Alsace from Alsace, as the eldest princess of Lordaeron, I should take on this important task, and no matter how busy I am, I can't back down lightly."

"I will prove to everyone that I am more suitable than Arthas to be the new king of Lordaeron."

Sharlayan clapped his hands encouragingly: "I believe you can do it, keep working hard, Her Majesty Queen Calia Menethil."

It wasn't until Sharlayan and Valeera left together and gradually disappeared from Calia's sight that the quasi-queen looked back with a complicated expression.

"Don't think about the love of your children, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with one by one."


Jia Liya patted her cheeks slightly and encouraged herself: "Come on! Jia Liya, you can do it!"


"How about it?"

On the way of walking away from the palace under the escort of the guards, Sharlayan smiled and said to Valeera, "I told Calia that she wouldn't mess around."

"Hmph~ who knows."

Valeera snorted noncommittally: "Perhaps she can use the busy state affairs to numb herself now, but no matter how many things are dealt with one day, there is no guarantee that her mind will change."

Sharlayan shook his head and said, "In any case, her status and mine are not suitable for marriage, so you don't have to be too defensive against her."


Salayan suddenly remembered something: "What did mother promise to you and Jaina recently? The relationship between the two of you seems to have eased? Is it my illusion?"

Valeera talked about him and changed the subject: "You will know later, what are we going to do next? Just wait in the embassy for the enthronement ceremony?"

"of course not."

Sharlayan glanced back at the Lordaeron palace built on the high ground: "The battle for the throne of Lordaeron is indeed over, but the subsequent developments remain to be seen."

"Aren't you curious? What will happen to Prince Alsace who failed to fight for the throne?"

"You know, Jia Liya didn't restrict any of his actions."

Valeera also seemed to realize something, and confirmed with a slight frown: "You mean, someone will try to squeeze out his remaining value?"

"Hehe~" Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "It's almost inevitable, it depends on which of them is faster and the chips thrown can attract Alsace's interest the most."

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