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Chapter 987 Faol's Distress

When Sharlayan and Valeera hid in the cave and told Faol about the many things that happened in the past few years after his death, as the news of the Knights of the Silver Hand's firm statement spread, the original surge in the city of Lordaeron The undercurrent gradually subsided.

Although Alsace has more troops than Calia, there are no famous generals among these legions who can compete with Mograine and Uther.

When occupying the advantage of numbers, they can use the crowd tactics to suppress the performance of Alexandros Mograine.

However, under the continuous harassment of the newly formed hunter force relying on its powerful mobility, Alsace's army has never been able to seize the decisive opportunity to destroy the enemy.

The Silver Hand is the undisputed ace troop of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The total number of knights alone cannot be compared with any legion, let alone the actual combat effectiveness.

Not only the two parties involved, Alsace and Calia, but also the senior civil and military officials of Lordaeron have reached a consensus long ago.

Once the Silver Hand is clearly on their side, no matter who they are falling for, the battle for the throne will be officially concluded.

Alsace is not someone who can afford to lose.

Certain families that bet on him hysterically encouraged him to fight to the end. With the number of troops in Alsace's hands, there might be a chance of a comeback after a complete tear.

However, being abandoned face to face by the mentor who should have been closest to him, Alsace is no longer in the mood to regroup.

Although Alsace is young and inexperienced, he is by no means an idiot who has received strict education since he was a child.

Alsace's think tank had raised the risk of a possible reversal of the situation to him after the large-scale demon worshipers rioted in the royal city.

As expected, the original prediction came true. Alsace, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was still a little bit unacceptable for a while, but he would not be in a desperate situation, and he could still maintain his demeanor as a royal family.

He forced his smile to admit his failure to his radiant sister Calia, and forced himself to walk out of the throne hall with his head held high.

Jia Liya didn't use any tricks in this competition, except that the initial surprise attack was a bit unethical, and thereafter it was always an upright confrontation.

As for the outbreak of the Devil's Rebellion at the right time... It can only be said that timing is fate. Alsace, who has been watching Calia's every move, knows very well that his sister, who is also concerned about the country, has no reason and room for maneuvering to detonate the Devil's Rebellion. .

Starting today, the throne of Lordaeron has nothing to do with Arthas, and the depressed prince needs time to adjust his mentality.

With Arthas voluntarily admitting defeat while maintaining his demeanor, Calia's status as the heir to the throne was finally clearly recognized.

The princes and nobles in the royal city of Lordaeron inevitably had some joy and some sorrow, but seeing that the chaos caused by the battle for the throne was coming to an end, most of them still breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the restraint of the siblings, although the battle for the throne has had a considerable impact on the country, it is not enough to hurt Lordaeron, which has a strong capital.

In contrast, the demons lurking all over the kingdom are more concerned by officials who worry about the country and the people.

The thunderous means of the Knights of the Silver Hand expelled most of the demons in the royal city, but as the saying goes, it can be seen that there are so many demon worshipers in the most heavily guarded royal city, and even more in the vast Lordaeron Kingdom. Worrying.

Both Tirion and Saidan have already decided to temporarily put aside the affairs of the knight order after attending the enthronement ceremony of Queen Calia, and rush back to their respective territories to take the lead in self-examination, leaving only the leader Uther to lead the knights The main force of the regiment defended the royal city.

At the same time, Calia, who was about to ascend the throne, took over the remaining half of the power from Alsace, who voluntarily let go, as the Crown Prince Regent.

Her first order was to order the lords all over the country to investigate the traces of demons in their respective territories as soon as possible.

But... the aristocratic lords in the feudal era had great power in their own territories, and Calia, who just took over the position, could only convince those royal city officials who had seen her abilities, but she couldn't make all the lords feel for the central government like Terenas did. awe.

Fortunately, Uther, Tirion, and Saidan guarantee that all members of the Knights of the Silver Hand will strictly follow the orders.

Including Lord Abbendis who sits in the Hand of Tyr and Lord Tyrosus who sits in the Light's Hope Chapel, the noble lords belonging to the Knights of the Silver Hand will immediately start self-examination in their territories.

With the end of the battle for the throne, the turbulent kingdom of Lordaeron is about to turn from chaos to rule.

But the burden on Jia Liya's shoulders is still heavy, and many important matters that have been accumulated during this period need to be reviewed one by one and arranged for suitable people to handle them.

For at least the next year, Lordaeron's main energy will be on housekeeping, and he won't have much time to take care of other chores abroad.

This is also a good thing for Quel'Thalas, which is adjacent to Lordaeron.

Calia, who treats Quel'Thalas more gently and is more prudent, is in charge, at least she doesn't have to worry about the powerful neighbor next door calling suddenly on a whim.

It's not that Quel'Thalas is afraid of Lordaeron, it's just that facing the upcoming invasion of the Burning Legion, it's obviously inappropriate for the internal friction between the two to suddenly break out at this time.

At Sharlayan's suggestion, Kel'Thuzad convinced Ner'zhul.

The Scourge Legion did not rush for success, but took advantage of this internal struggle in Lordaeron to continue to expand the influence of the Cursed Sect in the major noble territories outside the king's city.

Calia has been busy dealing with many affairs in the Tirisfal Glades directly under the direct control of the Menethil family for a while, and she is temporarily unable to investigate the sect of the curse, which has been relatively low-key. The Burning Legion, which dances more happily, has attracted her attention Most of the attention.

And with the end of the situation in Lordaeron, Galad Broken Star, who came to the front line to personally supervise the work of the Intelligence Bureau, also retired.

After this intelligence battle behind the battle for the throne of Lordaeron, the spies of the newly established Intelligence Bureau gained valuable experience.

Although there is still a big gap from the Backlight Blade with a long history and a large number of elites, it is always making progress in a good way.

Galad Brokenstar, who was sent back to Silvermoon City, told the whole process of Lordaeron's civil war to the Sun King who had been waiting for the information ahead.

At this time, Sharlayan and Valeera had just helped Alonsus Faol, who had been out of touch with Azeroth for several years, sort out the status quo.

"The Burning Legion..."

Faol's expression was very serious: "I read the legends about them from the ancient books collected in Dalaran. I didn't expect the enemies who invaded Azeroth 10,000 years ago to appear again."

For Faol, a contemporary Azerothian who has never seen a demon with his own eyes, the Burning Legion is a terrifying existence that only exists in legends.

The War of the Ancients has been going on for 10,000 years, and the rise of human civilization is only 3,000 years old.

It was not until the establishment of the Arathor Empire more than 2,800 years ago and the alliance with the high elves that they won the war against the trolls that human beings, who had existed in the form of primitive tribes before, really had the concept of "civilization".

For young humans, 10,000 years ago is too long ago, so long that none of their ancestors experienced that tragic war.

The existing documents in Dalaran were copied from the great library of Quel'Thalas with the permission of the high elves after the Troll War.

These are ancient history books that do not involve the secrets of Quel'Thalas, and Quel'Thalas, who was in the honeymoon period with the Arathor Empire at the time, did not prevent anthropologists from transcribing.

Knowing the potential crisis faced by Lordaeron and even Azeroth in recent years, Faol fell into long-term contemplation.

Sharlayan received a note from Kael'thas not long ago. He was appointed as the representative of Quel'Thalas and will attend the enthronement ceremony of Queen Calia in the Royal City of Lordaeron in half a month.

"Bishop Faol..."

Faol, who was awakened by Sharlayan, waved his hand: "I am no longer the archbishop, and you don't have to use the formal address now, just call me by my first name."

Sharlayan nodded obediently: "So, Alonsus, what are your plans next?"

Fao smiled wryly and nodded his forehead with his fingers: "This is what I am worrying about. There are too many things I want to do, and I don't know where to start."

"Sharlayan, do you have any suggestions?"

"In my opinion..."

Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Recently, Calia will definitely not be able to spare her hands to face the threats of the Burning Legion and Scourge at the same time."

"Compared to the Scourge that has been hiding in the dark, the danger of the Burning Legion is more imminent."

"Since the central government is too busy for the time being, why don't you form a brand new secret organization to secretly investigate the movements of the Scourge across Lordaeron?"

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