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Chapter 988 Long-term plan of the free undead

There is a saying that goes well, paper cannot contain fire.

Although the fact that Faol was resurrected as an undead has not been exposed at this stage, such a large tomb was dug up, and the body that should have been buried in the soil was also missing.

The Church of the Holy Light will inevitably spend a lot of energy in finding the whereabouts of Saint Fao's body in the recent period, and will also inform Queen Calia of this important event for help.

Instead of passively exposing Fao's identity as a dead soul and triggering large-scale turmoil in the Church of the Holy Light, it is better for him to actively contact some trusted high-level people in the church and the central government.

With their cooperation, Fao can suppress the heat of this matter, at least not to make a commotion all over the city.

In the original history, Faol, who woke up from his turmoil, founded the Secret Cult mainly composed of undead priests, and continued to practice the way of the Holy Light in his mind in a different way from the Church of the Holy Light.

As the Scourge gradually come to the fore, more and more people will be awakened from the dead by them.

It is impossible for Sharlayan to watch the uncontrolled growth of the Scourge.

The Scourge Legion was a pawn he raised to divert the attention of the Burning Legion, and he could not allow the pawn to escape his control.

Regardless of whether Illidan will bombard the Frozen Throne with the Eye of Sargeras in this timeline, it is necessary to weaken the mental power of Ner'zhul who controls the Helm of Domination when necessary.

The only difference is who is doing it.

Once cracks appear on the Frozen Throne and Ner'zhul's soul essence leaks out, his will control over the undead of the Scourge will inevitably decline, and more undead with free will like Faol will appear at that time.

Sharlayan was not sure whether these free undead would still name themselves the Forsaken. After being freed suddenly, the bewildered undead must need someone to guide them.

The Banshee Queen is doomed to never appear, and Sharlayan hopes that Faol, who once led the Church of the Holy Light, can take on this important task.

After hearing Sharlayan's long-term plan, Faol was very impressed by his foresight and layout ability, but at the same time, there was a wry smile on his face.

"You really gave me a difficult task."

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Having a long-term goal worth fighting for is better than running around aimlessly, right?"

Faol smiled relievedly: "That's right, after becoming an undead, I have endless time, and I really need to find something to do for myself, so as not to think about it all day long."

The dead and the living are two completely different groups. Individuals with strong willpower like Faol are only a minority after all. Most of the undead can't restrain their inner instinctive jealousy towards the living.

If no one is responsible for guiding, sooner or later, this jealousy will turn into a rage that burns their sanity.

The pastors of the Church of the Holy Light, as the name suggests, their duty is to shepherd the believers of the Holy Light, and guiding believers to be good is also one of the important tasks of the pastors.

Faol, who once served as the archbishop, is very good at this. At least at this stage, Sharlayan can't think of anyone who is more suitable to lead the free undead.

Although he said that the burden given by Sharlayan was not light, Faol finally accepted the task happily.

Next, he planned to hide his identity and follow Sharlayan and Valeera.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the two to go to the royal city to observe the ceremony, Faol planned to return to the center of Lordaeron, try to contact some trustworthy people, tell them the truth about his resurrection, and gain their trust and assistance.

These people also included Calia, who was about to ascend the throne as king.

Sharlayan does not need to worry about the subsequent development of the situation, and Faol, who is experienced, can handle everything by himself.

As Sharlayan expected, after discovering that Faol's tomb had been dug up and his body disappeared without a trace, the monastery immediately informed the church investigation team who came to check the situation.

Three days later, the news that Faol's body had been stolen reached the ears of Calia, who was overwhelmed by a lot of chores.

Considering the possible huge impact on the believers of the Holy Light after the exposure of this matter, the big-headed Jialia chose to press the news temporarily and dispatched intelligence personnel to secretly investigate the whole story.

Lordaeron, whose throne has been vacant for several months, urgently needs a successor to stabilize the situation.

In a hurry, after discussing with the confidant ministers, the enthronement ceremony that Calia arranged for herself was half a month after Alsace surrendered, and there was only less than a week left until today.

The top priority is to straighten out the long-standing chaotic situation in the country, and no more variables can be added.

It was at this time that Sharlayan and Valeera entered the Royal City of Lordaeron as representatives of Quel'Thalas, and Alonsus Faol, who was covered in black robes, followed him as an attendant. back.

After arriving at the Quel'Thalas embassy in Lordaeron, Sharlayan briefly explained the situation to the current ambassador, and got in touch with Unicorn City and Silvermoon City with the help of the embassy's equipment and personnel. .

Due to the lack of mages among the entourage who went out this time, Sharlayan could only rely on his poor knowledge of space magic to pass some notes to his family to report his safety.

Now that she finally saw Salayan and Valeera again, Stellagosa, who had been a little uneasy recently, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Inas, on the other hand, comforted her heartlessly: "Look, I just said that this kid is not that easy to get into trouble, he's pretty solid."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes helplessly: "In short, in order to ensure the smooth transmission of information, Stella, at least one of you, Tina, or Jaina will come, and you can discuss who will come."

Jaina took the opportunity to raise her hand and said, "Me, me! I can represent Kul Tiras at the same time."

"Tandre is busy accepting his father's teaching of the way of being a king. Originally, his father planned to let Priscilla accompany his mother to watch the ceremony. With me, my mother would not have to make this trip."

Catherine Proudmoore's government affairs abilities in all aspects... can only be said to be disaster-level, and she is well aware of this.

Even with the assistance of Priscilla Ashvane, some occasions still need to be handled by Catherine herself, and she really doesn't know what to do with her lack of ability.

Jaina volunteered to take over the task, and Catherine would definitely agree with it.

It just so happens that Queen Calia Menethil, who is about to ascend the throne, is also a young man, so there can be more topics among young people.

Stellagosa and Tinagosa looked at each other, and agreed to give this opportunity to Jaina who looked forward to it.

Recently, Valeera has been by Sharlayan's side, and Jaina, who was left in Unicorn City, is quite disturbed by this.

Distraught, she quickly teleported over that afternoon after completing the connection with Kul Tiras.

Lordaeron's relations with its neighbors have been in decline due to the perverse actions of Terenas in the latter part of his reign.

Except for Dalaran, who is confirmed to be attended by the new speaker Luo Ning, no second head of state is willing to come to watch the ceremony in person.

It can be said that there is a long way to go for Jialia to start repairing diplomatic relations with other countries after officially taking the throne.

Calia had been silently looking forward to it since she learned that the representative of Quel'Thalas was her life mentor Sharlayan Deepshadow.

Hearing that Sharlayan had arrived in the royal city, Calia temporarily put down her busy work and immediately sent an invitation to the Quel'Thalas embassy.

For Sharlayan, Calia's invitation came at the right time, like being offered a pillow when one is dozing off.

Fao was a little hesitant at first, should he first contact a few old buddies who had the best relationship with him before his death, and use them as a breakthrough point to inform the senior members of the Holy Light Church of his return.

Now that Calia sent the invitation first, Faol just entered the palace with Sarlayan as an entourage to communicate with Calia.

Jaina also wants to act with Sharlayan, but she is currently the representative of Kul Tiras, so it is not good to follow her as the entourage of Quel'Thalas, so she can only look at it with a depressed face. The proud Valeera walked away gradually holding Sharlayan's hand.

In fact, Valeera's mood was not as good as it appeared.

Although Sharlayan denied it repeatedly, she boldly guessed with a woman's intuition that the queen-to-be, who had been in correspondence with Sharlayan for a long time, had ulterior motives towards her man.

Calia, who was too busy to touch the ground, unexpectedly invited Sharlayan, who had just arrived, into the living room of the palace to meet her in such a hurry. Valeera further affirmed her speculation.

On the way to the palace, Valeera whispered helplessly in Sharlayan's ear, "How many women do you want to provoke? At least tell me the truth."

Sharlayan looked inexplicable: "Huh?"

"When did you see me provoke a woman? Do you blame me for being too attractive?"

[? 】

[Xiao Sa, let's show some face. 】

[When I put a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but that you have a problem. 】

[Grass, is this the so-called Peach Blossom Tribulation? Learning is useless. 】

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