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Chapter 986 Saint Faol

Alsace, who received the elite education of the crown prince of Terenas since he was a child, is not bad in ability, but because he is young and energetic, he acts a little emotionally, and he is not experienced enough in dealing with state affairs, so he seems a little impetuous.

If the general environment of Lordaeron can give Alsace enough time to grow, no one would doubt that he will transform into an excellent king sooner or later as he grows up.

However, it is a pity that a large number of demons headed by two high-level Nathrezim caused such a big turmoil in the most core royal city of Lordaeron. The current international situation has no time for Alsace to level up slowly.

Compared with Alsace, who is younger and more enthusiastic about military operations, Calia has been assisting Terenas, who is getting more and more ill, to manage the internal affairs in the past two years, has accumulated rich experience in government affairs, and won more than Half of Lordaeron's civil servants approve.

At this juncture, Uther did not dare to gamble on the growth rate of Alsace with the future of Lordaeron. He made the safe choice that was most beneficial to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

As early as Uther entered the throne hall with an abnormal expression, Alsace had a bad premonition in his heart.

Hearing the final decision of the Knights of the Silver Hand with his own ears, he still felt his eyes go dark, and he leaned back on his crown prince's seat like a collapse.

On the contrary, Jia Liya pursed her red lips slightly, and clenched her hands under the large sleeves of her toga into fists excitedly.

Concerned about Alsace's mood and the majesty of being soon to be the queen, Calia tried her best not to let her ecstasy show on her face.

"Suck ~ exhale ~"

Following Sharlayan's past teachings, Calia took a deep breath to adjust her mood, stood up with a smile on her face, and thanked Uther and other paladins.

"Thank you for the support of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and I swear here in the name of Calia Menethil, the eldest daughter of Terenas Menethil, that I will do my best to lead Lordaeron Back to the top."


Jia Liya added with a smile: "It is different from the 'overbearing' way of the father."



Sharlayan, who had just found a cave to take shelter, received the latest information from the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Galad Brokenstar.

"Finally the dust has settled."

After the boots finally fell off, Sharlayan, who was already very confident, breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and said to the curious Valeera, "Calia won, just as we planned, and the silver race will win." The Knights of the Hand showed their attitude at the most critical time."

"Oh~" Valeera was not very excited about the news, but glanced at Salayan with a half-smile: "I remember, this Princess Calia is also one of your lovers, right?"

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "I don't have so many friends. It's just that I taught her for a while. If you want to define it, our relationship should be regarded as a teacher and a friend."


Valeera showed disbelief clearly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to delve into it for the time being, let's find a way to solve the problem in front of me first."

Pointing at Faol who had a big hole in his chest, Valeera asked in distress, "How should he deal with his injury? Can't we just leave it like this?"


Sharlayan smiled wryly and spread his hands: "You ask me, I don't know either."

"Druid's healing techniques are all derived from the power of life. They heal injuries by stimulating physical activity, which is completely different from the overbearing repair ability of the Holy Light."

"Perhaps using holy light can heal Archbishop Fao's broken sternum, but unfortunately I can't."

"Ahem...don't bother you two."

Faol, who was lying on the ground on his back, woke up at some point, and said softly in a hoarse voice different from his life: "I'll do it myself."

Sharlayan's life force detection is specially aimed at the living, and it has no effect on undead like Faol, and he doesn't know when Faol regained consciousness.

Moreover, judging from his speech and behavior, Xia Dingren had already got rid of the undead rage left by Gading before leaving, and regained his sanity.

Sharlayan and Valeera glanced at each other, their imperceptibly tensed muscles heightened their vigilance.

Valeera, who was in charge of the negotiations, tentatively asked Faol who had just sat up: "Archbishop Faol, can you understand the current situation?"

"Heh..." Faol smiled bitterly and stretched out his blue-gray hands to look at it: "I probably know what's going on, but I didn't expect that I would return to the world in this way. The world is unpredictable."

Just like the information provided by the barrage, after Faol's body died, his soul was not taken away by Kyrian, the usher of the Shadow Realm, but wandered around his graveyard in the form of an earthbound spirit.

Through the broken information provided by the believers who came to the pilgrimage, Faol was very worried about the situation in Lordaeron after his death.

Terenas was seriously ill in bed, and the two successors both planned to inherit the throne. At that time, the sharp-eyed Faol boldly predicted that there would be a civil war for the throne in Lordaeron in the future.

It can be said that Faol watched Alsace and Calia grow up, and he knew the characters of the two children.

Whether it is Alsace or Calia, Faol believes that they have the ability to be the king of a country, but the two siblings have completely different styles of handling things and the concept of governing the country.

Arthas, who was instilled by Terenas with the authoritarian tradition of Menethil since he was a child, perfectly inherited Terenas' will. In Calia's words, the "Tao" of Arthas is the tradition of the Menethil clan. overbearing.

Calia, who has been taught and guided by Sarlayan, realized a long time ago that this path was not suitable for her, so she chose a gentler kingly path.

When Faol's soul was worried about the future of Lordaeron, under the operation of the group of psychics who came suddenly, his soul was forcibly pulled back into his dead body, and he returned to the world in the form of an undead. years of life.

Faol, who was a little dazed, couldn't react for a while. When his soul and body were reintegrated, he was affected by the undead berserk spell and couldn't control his body.

Faol was very clear about what happened during his period of madness. Fortunately, the powerful Sarlayan and Valeera stood in front of him. If he accidentally hurt innocent people, his heart would definitely be even more serious. I'm sorry.

Faol is not a pure bad guy, otherwise he would not be able to lay such a large foundation for the Church of the Holy Light during the peak period of Terenas, who wanted to control so much.

But in any case, Alonsus Faol's alignment classification is definitely orderly good, there is no doubt about it, but his way of doing things is not as pedantic as a real saint.

No matter what the reason was, Faol, who had cleared his mind, clearly recognized the status quo.

He was "resurrected" and awakened by the psychics as an undead creature, commonly known as the undead.

Faol's calm attitude surprised both Sarlayan and Valeera. They thought that the saint would not be able to accept his "fall" into an undead.


Noticing the change in the eyes of the two, Faol, who was repairing the breastbone with the warm holy light as always, smiled kindly.

That's right, kindness.

It is somewhat strange that this word is used on an undead with a hard expression, but this is the true feeling of Sharlayan and Valeera at the moment.

"You two, don't be so surprised. I have lived my whole life, old man, and I have seen many strange things."

"Although I was a little surprised to be transformed into an undead, it is not completely unacceptable. After all... there are still things I can do in this world, and there are places where I can use my spare energy, right?"

Sharlayan was quite impressed by Faol's mentality. Perhaps only such a person who is not happy with things but not sad with himself is worthy of the title of "Saint" given to him by the people of Lordaeron and the Holy Light Cultists.

"So... let's get back to business."

Quickly repairing the hole in his chest with the domineering holy light, Faol's expression became a little more serious.

"Children, what happened to the world after my death? Who are the minions of those black-robed men who manipulated the power of death? What happened to the battle for the throne of Lordaeron?"

Through Faol's last question, Sharlayan can roughly determine when his consciousness will wake up.

Sharlayan smiled and pressed his hands down slightly: "Don't be in a hurry, please allow me to tell you one by one."

"Your first two questions involve too much, and they can't be explained clearly in a few sentences. Let me answer the last question you are most concerned about first."

"Just now, I received the latest news from the Royal City of Lordaeron."

"The Knights of the Silver Hand's final statement has officially ended the battle for the throne that has lasted for more than a year. Terenas' eldest daughter, Princess Calia Menethil, has received their full support."

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