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Chapter 944 Who is more difficult to deal with, N'Zoth or Yogg-Saron?

When he first met Sharlayan, Kael'thas was only out of his father's admonition, and deliberately drew closer to him because of his special status.

After many times of cooperation starting from Dalaran, Kael'thas deeply realized Sharlayan's ability to solve problems, and began to put aside the identities of the two parties and truly intersect on an equal footing.

There is a not-so-nice saying in the different world where the barrage is located.

The royal family has no family.

Due to the tragedy of the birth rate, the single-line Sunstrider royal family does not have to worry about their children fighting for the throne.

But in the position of Kael'thas, it is not so easy to make a sincere friend who doesn't care about his status as the crown prince.

When he first debuted, Sharlayan was a proper young man, and he didn't care much about Kael'thas' noble status at all.

Under the dissatisfied stares of Kael'thas' entourage, he casually made friends with Kael'thas on an equal footing, and that rude gesture made Valeera, who had followed him all the way, break into a cold sweat for him.

Contrary to Valeera's expectations, Kael'thas, who was still a prince at the time, did not blame Sharlayan for his rudeness. After a long period of cooperation, the two people with similar ideas developed a sincere friendship instead.

This friendship did not fade in the slightest until Kael'thas became king. The new Sun King still maintained full trust in Sharlayan, and would ask him for opinions on many things that he could not decide.

There is one thing to say, due to his own personality problems, Kael'thas occasionally behaves more indecisively when dealing with government affairs.

The aggressive Sharlayan can just complement the soft-spoken Kael'thas at this time, helping him make important decisions that easily cause people to choose difficult.

Sharlayan was not surprised by Kael'thas' inquiry, after all, this was not the first time such a thing had happened.

"My personal can agree."

"Naga is the aquatic species with the largest number of people and the strongest comprehensive combat effectiveness in the sea. It has always belonged to the ancient god faction before."

"Because of well-known reasons, the underwater combat capabilities of the major races in Azeroth are not satisfactory. Fighting the ancient god soldiers under N'Zoth's command in the sea will be very disadvantageous."

"Although I strongly advocate the creation of the Flood Dragon Legion, due to the population and fertility problems of the high elves, we are destined to be unable to invest too many resources in the underwater combat troops."

"Under such circumstances, it is unrealistic for Quel'Thalas to compete with Naga in the sea. At best, he can only protect himself."

With the return of the tide hunter Neptulon's clone leading a large number of elite water elements, the Naga finally has an opponent in the sea.

But the water element is the water element, and the high elf is the high elf, and the two are two different groups after all.

Now the two sides can indeed reach a cooperation because of the common enemy, but... who can say for sure about the future development.

Just like the navy, even though it has always maintained a close cooperative relationship with the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras, Quel'Thalas will still firmly develop its own naval fleet.

This is a very simple truth, only what you hold in your hands is your own, and you cannot pin all your hopes on others.

Once there is a situation of disagreement, the consequences of relying too much on outsiders will be mercilessly revealed.

Sarlayan does not expect the dragon army to grow to the level of the Quel'Thalas army, but at least it must have the most basic self-protection ability in the underwater attacks of the ancient god faction that may appear in the future, and at least it must support it. Reinforcements from other allies arrived.

"If we can pry the establishment Naga headed by Azshara from the hands of Enzos, Enzos will have one less card in his hand, and we will defeat and reseal Enzo. Si's confidence can also be greater."

The number of ancient gods thrown into Azeroth by the Lord of the Void at the beginning was huge. After a long period of mutual devouring, there were only four winners left, namely Y'Shaarji the Seven-headed Demon, N'Zoth the Thousand-bearded Demon, and the Thousand-bearded Demon. Throat Demon Yogg-Saron and Thousand-Eyed Demon C'Thun.

The man-made ancient god experiment body G'huun and the half-mutilated Xalatas created by the titans are not counted.

Among the four ancient gods, Y'Shaarji was torn apart tens of thousands of years ago by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods.

Although its remnants are still affecting Pandaria, because of the lack of core will, generally speaking, no major disturbances have been caused.

...unless some idiot will put Y'Shaarj's heart on himself in the future.

Ke'thun was sealed again by the dragon kings in the second quicksand war a few years ago, and now only N'Zoth who is hiding in the deep sea and quietly occupying the furnace of will are still active in Azeroth. — Yogg-Saron of Ulduar.

There is one thing to say, compared to the stronger Yogg-Saron, Salayan thinks that N'Zoth will be more difficult to solve.

Although Yogg-Saron took control of Ulduar by instigating Loken, and played tricks on the Titan Guardians including Mimiron, Freya, and Hodir, it is not difficult to solve him. A thing of the sky.

As early as many years ago, Sharlayan began to prepare for the counterattack against Ulduar. As long as the engine of Nalaksha produced a sufficient number of Titan creations, Yogg-Saron, who was trapped in Ulduar and could not leave, was just a turtle in the urn.

The only troublesome thing is the ban set by Odin back then. The dragon clan, which should have been the main combat force, cannot enter Ulduar to assist, and can only rely on Azadas and Thorim, who has not yet fallen, to carry the banner of counterattack .

Of course, it would be even better if the great guardian Raiden, who is still traveling and trying to adapt to the new world, can come back in time.

In contrast, due to the impact of the War of the Ancients, N'Zoth's cage Ny'alotha accidentally sank into the sea, giving it a natural defensive barrier of the sea.

In addition, Azshara, who was eager to save the people, was won over later, and she was protected by such a powerful aquatic race as the Naga.

During the period when the two sides were still in the honeymoon period of close cooperation, almost no one could threaten N'Zoth hiding in the deep sea.

But now times have passed, and because of N'Zoth's long-term suspicious behavior of mixing sand around Azshara, Azshara, who had long been dissatisfied with its inaction, finally became dissatisfied.

In Sharlayan's view, instigating the Naga's rebellion is only the last step.

As long as Azshara's long-cherished wish to return to the night elf form can be fulfilled, the Night Queen, who is constantly at odds with N'Zoth, will most likely kick him away and resolutely turn to the defenders of Azeroth camp.

Sharlayan knew what Kael'thas was worried about.

With the strength of Queen Azshara, once she returns to the defenders of Azeroth, she may start to snatch the dominance of the alliance of various countries, causing internal fighting to stir up chaos within the alliance camp.

For this reason, Sharlayan asked Azshara for a guarantee.

She will not use the restoration of the Night Empire as an excuse to emphasize claim rights to branch races including Quel'Thalas, Suramar, and Syndra, but will generously recognize the independence of these elf countries, city-states, and organizations.

After listening to Sharlayan's explanation, Kael'thas finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Quel'Thalas is the property he inherited from his father's generation. It's hard to see the dawn of Quel'Thalas' progress again. Kael'thas absolutely doesn't want to hand over the dominance of the country to others.

"In that case."

Kael'thas said solemnly to Sarlayan: "I will immediately order Rommath to select scholars who are willing to join this large-scale research project and transport them to Nazaras College."

Among the existing elf branch races, the Nightborne, who have completely inherited the inheritance of the Highborne, are most favored by Azshara.

In addition, Suramar is only an independent city-state. According to Elisande's consistent governance philosophy, Suramar has always been neutral in terms of political opinions, and is unwilling to participate in the internal struggles among the countries of Azeroth.

After discussing with Sharlayan, Kael'thas agreed to put the collaborative research site in Naxalas, a relatively pure neutral academic city.

The next related cooperation matters will be handed over to Romans, the president of the Royal Arcanist Association, to connect with other partners, and Sharlayan, who is not professionally suited, will not ask further questions.

After negotiating the deal with Azshara, Kael'thas changed the subject and talked about the development of Northrend before the scheduled time for the conversation was over.

After several years of hard work, Quel'Thalas finally managed Crystalsong Forest into a monolith with the city of New Sandarra as the center.

The borders with Zul'Drak, Storm Peaks, and Icecrown have all been built with towering walls and fortified outpost camps. As long as there is a little trouble, it will immediately reach the military command center in New Sandarra.

A few years ago, after the high elves fought with the grizzly-maw furbolgs against the Drakkari trolls and Loken's steel army, the situation around Crystalsong Forest basically returned to calm.

I don't know if he was frightened by the news of Raiden's reappearance. Loken, who is in charge of Ulduar, hasn't made any new moves for a long time.

After being captured by Quel'Thalas, the Drak'Saron Fortress, who knew they were invincible, did not try to regain their territory. Vereesa and her Northland Ranger troops have undergone a large-scale reconstruction Dak'Saron Fortress has been boring for a long time.

The naturally warlike Drakkari trolls are not idle. They just didn't set their target on the side of New Sandara, who they knew they couldn't beat, but continued to go back and forth with their old rival, the Grizzly Maw Furbolg at the border of Grizzly Hills pull.

"Vereesa is temporarily useless in Northrend, and I plan to transfer her back as a mobile combat force to be dispatched at any time."

Kael'thas hesitantly nodded his forehead with his fingers: "I plan to let Lylas, the youngest of the Windrunner family, take Vereesa's place. As his younger brother, do you think the current Lylas Windrunner Are you up to the task?"

Diabetes was found out, and my mood was a bit complicated.

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