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Chapter 943 Alpha's Help

Orfa has always been a strict teacher and loving father in front of other apprentices.

For those apprentices who are older and more mature, his attitude will be more severe.

And when facing those young children, Alfa will patiently and slowly guide them on the right path.

Because of Orfa's ability to teach students according to their aptitude, all the apprentices in the Thorn Whisperer's Great Den respect him very much, even those Drust who joined later.

Because they know that following Alfa can really learn useful things.

Except for the older druids who voluntarily stayed to assist Alfa in teaching the juniors, many apprentices saw the scene of their mentor joking with other people for the first time.

When Sharlayan spread his wings and left, many people were still whispering to those senior apprentices who were smiling but not saying a word about his origin.

After watching Sharlayan's figure gradually disappear into the sky, Alfa withdrew his gaze and turned his head. He saw the commotion of the apprentices, but he didn't explain it.

"Anton, in my name, send a letter to the children who are still active in the Kul Tiras Islands, telling them to return to the Great Beast Den as soon as possible."

"I just received a large-scale research project from that stinky boy in Sariya, which requires the participation of a large number of people."

The senior apprentice named Anton hurried away, and then Alfa turned to look at another female senior apprentice.

"Jenna, I'm going on a trip to visit some old friends I haven't seen for many years."

"During this time, the children of the Great Beast Den will be temporarily handed over to you. Don't let their cultivation progress fall too far."

Jena saluted Alfa respectfully and solemnly: "Please leave it to me, teacher, I wish you a smooth trip."

For a long time, the apprentices of the Thorny Whisperer's Great Den have been quite speechless about Orfan's life habits that have exploded.

Some people even opened the market privately, betting on when Ulfa would leave the Thorny Whisperer's den.

Even by the standards of the long-lived Drusts, Alfa's age is far beyond the average level, and he is an out-and-out old man.

Having witnessed the ups and downs of the Drust clan with his own eyes, Alfa has long been able to calm down.

As the old friends who met in the clan in the early years passed away one after another due to reasons such as life limit or war, Alfa has not left the big beast den for a long time.

Malfurion had repeatedly invited Alfa, who was highly respected in the druid circle, to join the Cenarion Council, but every time Alfa would decline on the grounds that he was old and inconvenient to travel far.

Even so, night elf druids have occasionally traveled thousands of miles to Drustvar over the years to visit this knowledgeable fellow man.

They hope to improve their understanding of the druid way by understanding the Thorn Whisperer.

In the communication with these druids, Alfa was always in a passive state, and never took the initiative to go out to contact the night elves who came to visit him.

In order to help his successor, Orfa finally planned to leave the big animal den where he had been squatting for countless years, and do some activities.

On the other side, after leaving Drustvar, Sharlayan transformed into a sharp-tailed swift, crossed the Tiragarde Strait at the fastest speed, and landed at Boralus Harbor, the capital of the Kul Tiras Kingdom.

Through the permanent portal connecting Boralus and Silvermoon City, Salayan directly returned to Quel'Thalas without notifying Daelin, and immediately sent Kai Ersas conveyed the meaning of the audience.

About the beginning and end of the Estorante battle, Kael'thas had already obtained detailed information from Donali and Valeera who returned earlier, so Sharlayan did not continue to repeat it.

"A deal with Azshara..."

After listening to Sharlayan's description of what he saw and heard during his trip to Nazjatar, Kael'thas, who temporarily put down his work, touched his chin thoughtfully.

Since becoming king, Kael'thas chose to grow a beard in order to make himself appear more mature to convince the public.

His feminine and handsome appearance was not affected by the neatly trimmed short beard on his chin, but added some sense of stability.

There is an old saying in the different world where the barrage is located, that if you have no hair on your mouth, you can't do things well.

Although this common saying is somewhat generalized, it has to be said that young people with white faces and beardless faces are indeed more likely to be questioned under universal values ​​than those older people who look more mature and stable.

Kael'thas himself does not agree with this practice of judging people by their appearance, but in such a general environment, he can only follow the trend and show his mature side by growing a beard.

When Kael'thas was still a child, he heard many stories about Queen Azshara from his great-grandfather, grandparents, and parents.

Don't doubt, with the natural lifespan of the high elves, it is not strange for four generations to live together.

It's a pity that most of the Sun Kings in the early days of Quel'Thalas died in the long war with the forest trolls, and the time of death was far from the average lifespan of the high elves.

It wasn't until Anasterian's generation experienced the soul-stirring troll war that Quel'Thalas truly stabilized.

The history book of Quel'Thalas followed the one published by the night elves after the War of the Ancients, that is, the version that was also revised by Tyrande Whisperwind himself.

The general public of the high elves didn't like Azshara for recruiting the Burning Legion.

However, due to the long history, people who have never been in contact with Azshara just regard her deeds as stories in history books, and they don't have much dislike for Azshara.

As a descendant of the royal family, the education Kael'thas received from an early age was significantly different from that of ordinary people.

For example, regarding the evaluation of Queen Azshara, starting from Dath'Remar, the education of the Sun Kings for their offspring has been the same in all generations.

They believe that Azshara, the Light of Light, has made contributions to the elves, and they cannot deny her achievements in the past just because of the mistake of incurring the Burning Legion.

Azshara's experience is of great vigilance to the descendants of the Sunstrider royal family. The Sun Kings of all dynasties have strictly prohibited the younger generations from over-exploiting the Sunwell, so as not to attract demons like the Night Empire.

From the standpoint of Kael'thas, as long as Azshara does not forcefully claim that Quel'Thalas is part of the Night Empire, he can evaluate this ancient night queen from an objective perspective.

Since he had no personal contact with Azshara, Kael'thas' knowledge of her was limited to the stories told by his elders.

Since it is likely to deal with Azshara for a long time, the cautious Kael'thas first asked his chief advisor about his evaluation of Azshara.


Sharlayan scratched his cheeks and pondered for a moment: "I don't have much contact with Queen Azshara, and it's only a few hours, and I can't make a comprehensive and detailed evaluation. I just say that I saw that part of it."

"The first is the aura of being a king."

Sharlayan smiled wryly and spread his hands: "It might be rude to say that in front of you, but in terms of kingly demeanor, Azshara is far above any king I have ever seen."

Kael'thas was not surprised by this, and explained with a light smile: "This is normal, after all, she is the queen of merit who has developed and expanded the Dark Night Empire."

"The Night Empire in its heyday had a vast territory, covering more than half of ancient Kalimdor."

"As the Light of Light and the Queen of Destiny recognized by the entire Dark Night Empire, Azshara's tolerance has naturally increased with the blessing of various psychological advantages and pampered court etiquette."

Even excluding the 10,000 years after becoming a naga, Azshara served as the Queen of the Night for more than 5,000 years, far longer than any king of a mortal race.

Sharlayan shrugged noncommittally and continued: "The second is ability."

"Your Majesty, you should also know that my way of thinking is more unconstrained, and I often go to some strange places while chatting."

"During the few hours I spent talking with Azshara, she was able to keep up with my sudden change of subject without any pressure, and with her rich experience in governing, she pointed out that there might be some problems in my assumptions. Defects."

"In general, the title "Light of Light" is definitely not wrong."

"This title not only refers to her flawless beauty, but Azshara is also outstanding in terms of personal ability."

"Unfortunately, due to the big mistake of incurring the Burning Legion, many people, under the long-term publicity of the night elves, only remembered the big basket that Azshara made, ignoring the countless achievements she made before she made a mistake."


Kael'thas said with great interest: "It seems that you have a high opinion of Queen Azshara, so, do you think we should accept the deal she proposed?"

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