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Chapter 945: The Door of Darkness That Is Ready to Move

Lyras Windrunner was a playmate who grew up with Sharlayan and Valeera, and the three of them were inseparable and talked about almost everything.

Compared with Sharlayan, who was not fighting or was on his way to fight when he was a child, although Lyras was a bit stubborn, the troubles he caused were far less than that of Sharlayan.

After the defense of Quel'Thalas caused by the large-scale invasion of the Horde ended, the "awakened" Sharlayan left his hometown with Valeera and embarked on an adventurous journey to become a legendary hero.

Lyras stayed in the ranger army because of family factors, and as an ordinary soldier, he followed the alliance army and defeated the Horde in the decisive battle in the scorching canyon.

Before the three separated in Quel'Thalas, their strengths were almost the same.

After the war, Lyras returned to Quel'Thalas with his second sister, Sylvanas, while Sharlayan and Valeera continued to travel abroad. The speed of progress was gradually left behind by the two of them.

As a member of the Windrunner family, Lyras also inherited the strong and unyielding spirit from his ancestors from his blood.

Under Sharlayan's guidance, Lyras, whose strength had lagged behind, began to catch up, and successively served as the captain of the Ranger Troop, the adjutant, and the leader of the Farstrider.

In the past two years, Lyras led the Farstriders to the Hinterlands Highlands many times, and with the cooperation of the Wildhammer dwarves, he used the local Vilebranch trolls for actual combat training.

He also responded to the invitation of the Wildhammer dwarves and established a Farstrider camp called Quel'Dani in Cintra.

Under the supervision of the two sisters in turn, the strenuous Lailas progressed much faster.

Although his ascension speed cannot be compared with that of a genius like Jaina, it is not much slower than her.

Since Lyras had a higher starting point than Jaina, now he, like Jaina, is stuck before breaking through the bottleneck of becoming a legendary ranger.

The ranger troops in the Northland cannot be easily mobilized. Even if Vereesa, the commander, is ordered to return to the mainland, someone must take her place.

The ranger army has always been in charge of the Windrunner family. Kael'thas is well aware of the Windrunner family's loyalty to the country and their contributions from generation to generation, and has no intention of changing this tradition that has lasted for thousands of years.

Among the core members of the Windrunner family, the head of the family, Li Reisa, sits in the cabinet and serves as the Minister of Defense, with a high position and authority.

Cirvanas took over the position vacated after her mother left, and succeeded her as the new Ranger General, and she couldn't easily leave the Eversong Forest.

Alleria and the Alliance Expeditionary Force stayed in Draenor on the other side of the Dark Portal. She didn't know when she would be able to return to her hometown.

After being excluded in this way, only the third sister Vereesa and the younger brother Lailas of the Windrunner family can be mobilized at will as mobile forces.

In contrast, Vereesa is stronger and more experienced, and will be more suitable than Lailas when someone needs to be employed in an emergency.

Right now, the situation in Northrend is fairly stable, and it would be a waste to keep Vereesa there. Kael'thas plans to transfer this powerful legendary ranger back to his native land.

"Hmm..." Sharlayan groaned and rubbed his chin: "After Lailas gave up playing and gradually matured, the speed of his progress in the past few years is visible to the naked eye. He has already touched the threshold of legend, and he is only short of the final goal. kick."

"And he has experienced a lot of practical experience as the leader of the Farstrider, so there should be no problem sending him to Northrend to take over Vereesa's position."

"...Of course, the premise is that Northrend will not encounter any major changes in a short period of time. Otherwise, with his current strength, it may be difficult for him to win over those old and cunning enemies."

With the drake vrykul's crushing defeat at the hands of Kul Tiras, there are only a few forces left in Northrend that can pose a threat to New Sandarra.

Loken, Drakkari trolls, and the Scourge quietly growing in Icecrown Glacier.

According to Sharlayan's speculation, Loken should not dare to make any big moves in a short period of time. If Raiden suddenly descends from the sky... With Raiden's supreme authority in Ulduar, this guy might not be able to make a big move on the spot. GG.

The Drakkari trolls... can't be completely defenseless, but Sharlayan doesn't think they dare to jump out to make trouble, otherwise they wouldn't be so quiet in the past few years.

The last Scourge was also the force that made Sharlayan most wary.

On the one hand, it is because the Scourge Legion is secretly extending its tentacles to the Eastern Kingdom, using the "Eternal Life" sect to win over those old nobles who are greedy for life and fear of death to strengthen themselves.

On the other hand, it is also because of the Burning Legion hiding behind the Scourge.

Those dread demon kings seem to be fairly honest in recent years, but even Sharlayan can't guarantee whether these big bats that can change shape at will have quietly sneaked into the interior of the major kingdoms to make troubles.

In any case, Northrend should remain peaceful until the Scourge gathers enough strength.

Once there is any trouble, Kel'Thuzad, who is lurking inside the Scourge as an undercover agent, will inform Sharlayan of the news as soon as possible.

After listening to Sharlayan's analysis, Kael'thas nodded reassuringly.

"Then there is no problem. The pressure on Northrend is not great at this stage. It is just enough for Lyras to stay away from the warm homeland and the elders who have always taken care of him, and go to the ice and snow land of the Northland Continent to experience it."

"Maybe we can take this opportunity to let him break through the bottleneck."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "I have no objection, but... what should the leader's position become vacant again? It is impossible to return it to Vereesa."

Kael'thas shook his head: "Of course that's impossible. I, Vereesa, have other uses. Let the Farstrider be managed by that lazy fellow Halduron Brightwing for the time being."

"During your absence, there have been frequent warnings from Fort Watch in the Blasted Lands."

Talking about this matter, Sharlayan's expression became serious: "What happened to the Dark Portal again?"


Kael'thas's expression was also a bit dignified: "According to Archmage Ansrem Luinvivor's inspection, someone is trying to restore the teleportation channel that was blown up by Khadgar on the other side of the Dark Portal."

Sharlayan frowned and rubbed his temples: "The Burning Legion? Did the Expeditionary Force lose control of the Dark Portal?"

Kael'thas shook his head: "We don't know yet, but we must prepare for the worst in advance."

"The mages of Dalaran are actively interfering with the progress of the people on the other side in repairing the Dark Portal, but there is a limit to this after all."

"According to Archmage Ansrem's forecast, if this progress continues, within a year at the latest, the portal of darkness connecting Azeroth and Draenor will open again."

"One year..." Sharlayan sighed with a wry smile: "At that time, I'm afraid the Scourge will take the opportunity to rise up... what a disaster."

Kael'thas comforted him with a smile: "This situation of being attacked on both sides was originally within the scope of your prediction, but I didn't expect it to come true."


Sharlayan rubbed his cheeks vigorously, and quickly adjusted his mood: "So, you are planning to let Vereesa lead a part of the ranger troops to enter the Fort Watch in advance, so as to prepare for the battle to defend the Dark Portal that will inevitably start in the future. Prepare?"

"That's right, this is the suggestion of Minister of National Defense Le Reza, and the cabinet ministers and I think it makes sense."


As the saying goes, there is specialization in the art industry. Li Reisa has led the ranger army for many years, and has extremely rich experience in commanding troops and fighting.

The judgment she gave based on professional knowledge and experience should not be wrong. Of course, Sharlayan would not command an expert to question her decision.

The Backlight Blade in Kael'thas' hands can quickly produce a detailed report on Lylas, but his spiritual abilities are difficult to be defined by outsiders.

This is also the reason why he would ask Sarlayan, Lailas's friend, for advice.

After gaining Sharlayan's approval, the transfer orders for Vereesa and Lylas were basically settled in this way.

Both Vereesa and Lailas chose to obey the sudden order without hesitation.

Now that the surrounding area of ​​Quel'Thalas is very peaceful, Lyras can't always lead the far traveler to take a boat to the Hinterlands to fight trolls. He should change some enemies for him to practice.

Vereesa had no objection to being transferred to Fort Watch.

Alleria has been lost in Draenor for several years. Knowing that the Dark Portal will open again soon, not to mention Vereesa, Sylvanas, who also misses her eldest sister, almost didn't hesitate to recommend herself. .

Knowing that Sharlayan planned to go to Northrend for business in the near future, Kael'thas approved his request without saying a word, and let him set off with Lilas by the way, and handed over the official transfer order to Vereesa , Let the siblings complete the handover of duties on the spot.

Kael'thas's way of throwing the pot with the stick made Sharlayan a little speechless, and complained angrily: "When are we going? I have old and young in my family. You should let me go home for a few days to recuperate." .”

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