Jarod knows the truth of the value of speed.

Although Duke Hydraxis' surprise attack caused a lot of damage to Dorothy's Naga army, it also exposed the information that the night elves had reinforcements arriving.

Garrod speculated that Dorothy, who suffered heavy losses, would definitely ask for help from the rear.

According to the information provided by Sharlayan, Dorothy does not belong to the orthodox Naga Empire under the management of Azshara, but is under the orders of N'Zoth, the Demon with Thousand Beards.

For the time being, Sharlayan still doesn't know how many Naga legions N'Zoth has won over.

In order to defeat Dorothy before the reinforcements sent by N'Zoth arrived, Jarod ordered the whole army to attack without saying a word.

Sharlayan asked somewhat unexpectedly: "Don't you need to familiarize yourself with the strength and usage of water elements?"

Jarod shook his head confidently: "The Republic of Night and Hydraxia have cooperated for many years, and we have long been very familiar with the tactics of water elements."

"Although the new water elementals are much stronger, they are all of the same race, and their fighting methods are basically the same."

"Besides, I didn't let them directly participate in the decisive battle with Dorothy. That bitch fox will never sit still. There will definitely be a lot of resistance when attacking her camp. We can train our soldiers through actual combat."

Sharlayan rubbed his temples dumbfounded: "All right, you are the boss, you have the final say."

[That's Garrod, change to a more conservative commander, who the hell dares to train troops in actual combat. 】

[This is nothing new to Jarod, he also did the same thing during the War of the Ancients. 】

[Those natural allies, dragons, and wilderness demigods who temporarily joined the guardian camp back then had their own strange tactics, and Jarod was able to knead them together very well. What is this little water element? 】

[Sure enough, God rewards the food, genius is self-willed. 】

Knowing that the reinforcements are coming, the morale of the coalition soldiers is in a high state, and Garald ordered the immediate dispatch of troops in a hurry, which is in line with their current eagerness to fight.

After a period of running-in, whether it was the reinforcements sent by Suramar or the dragon army of Quel'Thalas, they were able to stop Garrod's command.

Donali, the leader of the Jiaolong Army, learned a lot during his time under Garrod, and he also sincerely lamented the unparalleled commanding talent of this genius commander.

Sharlayan looked back at the six mages who were in a weak stage due to excessive consumption of magic power due to the summoning ceremony.

"Valeera, you can only display about half of your strength in the water battle, so why don't you just stay and take care of Stella, Jaina, and Tina."

Although Valeera also received the water combat training of the dragon army with Salayan, her talent in this area is not as high as that of Salayan, and the training time is shorter than that of Salayan, so she cannot fight underwater. Play enough fighting power.

Although she was unwilling, Valeera also knew that Sharlayan's arrangement was reasonable, so she gritted her teeth and agreed in the end.

"Well, the rear is empty when the army attacks, and these meritorious mages really need to be taken care of, so leave it to me."

Vali stretched out her hand to help Sharlayan tidy up her collar: "Don't be brave on the battlefield, strictly follow Garald's orders and act, and don't engage in personal heroism."

"Let me put it bluntly, you are not qualified now, let's wait until you can break through the limit of mortals."

Sharlayan nodded amusedly: "Okay, listen to you, I won't rush to the front in a fever."

"However, someone must stop Dorothy and her adjutants in this decisive battle. I will probably fight her."

The clone of Neptulon and the water elemental lords returned to Azeroth after more than 20,000 years, and they were somewhat unfamiliar with the water conditions in Azeroth.

Duke Hydraxis had noticed it before when he made a move. It is much more difficult to set off a waterspout in the material world than in the Maw of the Abyss.

All water elementals need to re-adapt to the new environment during the battle, and it would be embarrassing to directly increase their strength to fight Dorothy, a high-level legend.

Neptulon needs to stay in the camp as a beacon, and continue to summon more water elementals from the Maw of the Abyss to Azeroth, and 6 of the water elemental lords will stay to assist him.

In other words, only three water elemental lords and all high-level water elementals who entered Azeroth will participate in this big counterattack, led by the Duke of Hydraxis.

Dorothy happened to have three powerful Naga lieutenants, and it was just right to use them to do "rehabilitation training" for the water elemental lords.

Among the 9 water elemental lords, less than half of them could barely be considered humanoid, including the chief lord, Duke Hydraxis.

Among the two water elemental lords who followed Duke Hydraxis on the expedition, one of them was named Moraka, who had the shape of a huge crab and could speak human words.

Although Moraka has the shape of a crab, he is still a water element in essence, and he chose this form because of his personal preference.

The other person has nothing to do with the water element at all.

This iron giant named Hercules is a sea giant, and his race is different from the water elemental family.

As the main pusher to guide the water elementals back to Azeroth, Sharlayan consciously assumed the responsibility of leading the water elementals into the camp of defenders of Azeroth during the march.

Through talking with Duke Hydraxis, Sharlayan learned about the origin of Hercules.

Although the sea giants live in the sea, they have no connection with the water element, but are the creations of the Titan of the Pantheon, Gorgonath the Drinker.

To be more precise, the sea giants that are mainstream in Azeroth today are degenerate flesh and blood created by Gorgoneth.

The original sea giants were created by Gorgannath himself, and their duty was to guard Azeroth's oceans.

After the fall of the Pantheon, the titan creations in Azeroth lost contact with the titans, and the sealed ancient gods took the opportunity to make trouble.

The curse of flesh and blood that spread throughout Azeroth also affected the sea giants who guarded the sea.

They lost the platinum metal skin bestowed by Goganes. Due to the long-term living in the sea and the influence of the surrounding environment, the sea giant's skin turned dark green like water plants.

Most sea giants have forgotten their mission during countless years of flesh and blood deterioration, wandering aimlessly in the sea.

It was a coincidence that the sea giant named Hercules became the lord of the water element.

In the ancient times, when the dark empire fought against the forces of order headed by the guardian of the titans, Hercules was a senior officer of the sea giant family.

Under the order of the great guardian Raiden, a large number of sea giants went deep into the sea and fought against the water elementals that were still under the orders of the dark empire at that time, causing heavy casualties on both sides.

When the chief manager Odin instructed Hela to separate the four elemental worlds from Azeroth, some frontline sea giants including Hercules failed to receive the new order in time, and they were still performing their original duties .

In the fierce battle with the water element, Hercules and other sea giants were unfortunately affected by Hela's spell, and they were sealed together in the throat of the abyss in the water element world.

There are more than 500 sea giants under Hercules' command. After falling into the Maw of the Abyss, he still did not give up his mission, and fought with the water element for tens of thousands of years.

It wasn't until Neptulon, the tide hunter, came to his senses and decided to jump ship to the defenders of Azeroth that Hercules, who had only more than 170 subordinates, stopped his endless battle with the water elementals.

The sea giant's brain is not very easy to use, and Hercules couldn't see whether Neptulon's decision was sincere.

Hercules, whose subordinates were fighting less and less, knew that it was not an option to keep fighting like this.

After being recruited by Neptulon, he decided to take orders from Tidehunter temporarily to help him fight other elements, and judge his true thoughts through Neptulon's actual actions.

In this way, a sea giant who is not a water element has become one of the water element lords, and it has been more than 10,000 years ago.

"Sea giant..."

Sharlayan looked at Hercules thoughtfully.

Trapped in the Maw of the Abyss for a long time, Hercules and his subordinates were lucky not to be affected by the curse of flesh and blood that spread throughout Azeroth, and they still maintain the original metal skin of the sea giant.

Hercules proudly patted his hard chest to assure that, in terms of combat ability alone, no one among the water elemental lords was his opponent except Neptulon himself, and Duke Hydraxis was no exception.

It is impossible for Neptulon to only look at strength when choosing a water elemental lord, but strength is indeed an important part of his personal value.

Sharlayan didn't expect to see a group of original sea giants who were not weakened by the curse of flesh and blood one day. He was very interested in Hercules and came up with a brand new plan because of his existence.

Sharlayan: "Heracles, do you know the current situation of those sea giants left in Azeroth?"

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