After seeing Neptulon with his own eyes, Sharlayan always felt that this old man's manifestation of elemental duality was a bit...subtle?

The positive expression of water should be calm, but Neptulon, the king of water elements, is a passionate and upright old man, which makes everyone present, including Sharlayan, feel a little weird.

But after all, this is just a personal personality deviation, and it is a proper positive feedback, as long as it does not affect the water element to fulfill its promise.

According to the agreement made by Sharlayan and Neptulon, the water element needs to assist the defenders of Azeroth to break through the Molten Core, defeat the Naga invaders who invaded the territorial waters of the Night Republic, and guard the sea of ​​Azeroth for a long time. , to resist the attack of N'Zoth's subordinates.

In return, Sharlayan will find a way to summon the water elementals headed by Neptulon to Azeroth from the Maw of the Abyss, which is isolated from the world of water elementals.

At this point in time, the catastrophe mentioned by the barrage has not yet happened, and the barrier between the elemental world and the material world is still strong.

Except for Ragnaros, the Firelord Lord who took advantage of the loophole to enter Azeroth as a clone, few people know how to pull the army of water elements far away in another plane to the material world.

Thanks to the many secret information provided by the barrage, Sharlayan knew the cause and effect of Ragnaros' appearance in advance, and successfully obtained important elements from the Black Iron Dwarves after formulating a targeted plan in advance. Summoning of the King.

After more than 2 months of urgent research and transformation by the Royal Arcane Society of Quel'Thalas, after more than 20,000 years, the tide hunter Neptulon finally returned to Azeroth after a long absence in the form of a clone.

Since Sharlayan has fulfilled his promise without any discount, Neptulon, who is the king of water elements, will naturally not renege on his promise.

The conditions for breaking through the Molten Core have been fulfilled first, and the second requirement of the covenant is to assist the night elves in repelling the Naga army.

Neptulon waved his hand, because the peripheral members of his own Hydraxia had been oppressed by the Naga for a long time, the Duke of Hydraxis, who had long been enraged, led more than 200 high-level water elements to rush out of the night elves underwater base.

Water elementals can display their greatest strength in the sea. At the same level, the combat effectiveness of water elementals is by no means weaker than that of Naga, and even better.

After all, Naga is just a heretical species transformed by N'Zoth, and water elementals are Azeroth's native creatures that are naturally adapted to water warfare.

The high-level water elementals led by Duke Hydraxis were very mobile, and they disappeared in the dark deep sea in the blink of an eye.

Sharlayan asked curiously: "Your Excellency, Tidehunter, where is Duke Hydraxis planning to go?"

"Heh~" Neptulon smiled confidently: "Although those who stay in Azeroth are only the peripheral members of Hydraxia, they are still the subjects of Hydraxis, and that guy always protects his weaknesses. , at this moment, it is likely to go directly to the retreating Naga."

Garald questioned in astonishment when he heard the words: "Only relying on those 200 people? Counting the cannon fodder troops, there are tens of thousands of Naga under Dorothy's command. This is too reckless..."

"Ha ha!"

Neptulon looked up to the sky and laughed indifferently: "You too underestimate the fighting power of the water elemental lord at home."

"Just wait, if the Naga commander you are talking about doesn't raise his alert in time, this time Naga will definitely suffer severely."


Water elementals are extremely sensitive to water flow, and the traces left by the Naga army that had just withdrawn not long ago were accurately captured by the Duke of Hydraxis, and more than 200 water elementals marching at full speed quickly caught up with them. The retreating Naga rear army.

Under the interference of Duke Hydraxis disrupting the water flow, the Naga Cannon Fodder who was ordered to cut off did not even notice that someone was chasing after him.

Duke Hydraxis, whose upper body was humanoid, suddenly raised his arms, and without warning, a high-speed rotating waterspout was set off in the depths of the sea.

Unprepared, Naga's rear was trapped by the waterspout. Surrounded by elite subordinates, Dorothy, who was bowing her head and thinking about how to break the situation, heard the screams from behind and hurriedly turned her head to check.

The larger and larger waterspout wrapped thousands of cannon fodder Naga inside, and it was expanding outward step by step, quickly approaching Dorothy's central army position.


One of Dorothy's lieutenants was about to order a rescue, but Dorothy, with an ugly face, suddenly pressed his shoulder.

"It's too late, let the soldiers who haven't been affected immediately evacuate!"

Fortunately, as the commander, Dorothy was sensible enough, and the real elite of Naga was not harmed.

But after losing thousands of cannon fodder at one time, Dorothy, who had already retreated to a safe sea, still felt a little pained.

The Naga who were treated as cannon fodder were not born in the same way as the real elite Naga.

A normal Naga needs to go through the mother's October pregnancy to give birth, and there will only be one fertilized egg in a batch of eggs.

Does it sound familiar?

That's right, the production method of Naga is very similar to that of Dragon Clan.

As extraordinary creatures, the sterile eggs born by the dragon clan can also hatch young dragons, but their potential is much lower than the gathered descendants born from fertilized eggs.

Naga did not have this ability at the beginning, and the sterile eggs they gave birth could not hatch little Naga.

The well-informed Queen Azshara referred to the experience of the Dragon Clan, and used the very developed magic technology during the Dark Night Empire to build a special hatching nest. With the help of external force, those sterile eggs can also hatch Naga hatchlings. .

However, these weak Naga who were not born with enough innate abilities could not grow to the height of normal Naga, and over time they were used as cannon fodder for the Naga army to go ahead and consume the enemy's strength.

Compared with the elite Naga trained by elite education, the cost of Naga cannon fodder is much lower.

But this spermless egg hatching technology has always been in the hands of Queen Azshara's direct subordinates. Before revealing her position, Dorothy threw tens of thousands of cannon fodder into her army.

After a complete break with Azshara, Dorothy naturally no longer received relevant technical support.

In other words, the cannon fodder in her hand would be less if she used it, and could not be replenished.

If you ask the master N'Zoth for help, you should be able to add some low-level faceless men who are also worthless.

But in underwater battles, the Faceless, who are also cannon fodder, are not as useful as Naga.

Dorothy, who had suffered heavy losses, couldn't care less about whether it would be useful or not. The lack of troops in her hand made her feel really hopeless.

This wave of attacks undoubtedly came from the side of the night elves, but Dorothy didn't see where the enemy was from the beginning to the end, and this was what worried and disturbed her the most.

"Did the group of landlubbers find a new helper? Who will come to help them at this time?"


Although the defending Duke Hydraxis was burning with anger, he was not dazzled by the anger.

After getting the initial results, the Duke of Hydraxis, who vented his anger, did not choose to pursue the victory.

After all, he only brought more than 200 elites here, and it was definitely not a wise choice to go head-to-head with the Naga who had already started to be on high alert.

The waterspout that was still spinning rapidly in the sea completely changed its color, and a small piece of sea area centered on the waterspout was dyed a permeating bright red hue.

"Hmph! Let's stop here for now."

Duke Hydraxis raised his hand to stop his subordinates from continuing their efforts. Without the control of the water elementals, the powerless waterspout began to slow down gradually.

"Go back, we still have the opportunity to continue to avenge Naga."

When the slowly decelerating waterspout finally stopped, no Naga corpses could be seen in the calm sea. Their bodies were all cut into pieces by the high-speed rotating high-pressure water.

Dorothy, who had already retreated to a safe distance, looked at the messy waters with a very gloomy expression.

"Immediately ask the master for help! It is best to send an additional legion, if not, at least send an additional batch of Faceless!"


On the other side, when Sharlayan, Garrod and the others heard about the brilliant results of being voted a certificate by Duke Hydraxis, everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

"Thousands of Naga were killed so easily?"

Garrod patted his forehead in disbelief: "What have I been doing for more than a year..."

Sharlayan sighed, and patted Jarod's shoulder lightly: "With the cards in your hand, it's not easy to delay Naga to this point."

"Fortunately, the days of suffering will pass."

A smile appeared on the corner of Sharlayan's mouth: "With the assistance of the water element, the situation will be very different."

"Garrod, I am an outsider in battlefield command, and the dispatch of the coalition forces is still in your charge."

"A layman?" Garald rolled his eyes angrily: "You don't think I can't receive information from the Eastern Kingdoms when I'm far away in Kalimdor, do you? The real hero behind the Battle of Alterac, or Want me to roll my name?"

Sharlayan smiled indifferently: "That's not me directing the battle, I'm only in charge of the layout, and the subtle operations are all handled by professional people."

"If you insist on saying that...well, you also know that I don't like arguing with people."

Garrod raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes became sharp.

"Being unilaterally suppressed by Naga for so long, it's time for us to launch a counterattack."

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