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Chapter 920 Azshara, the Loser of Online Dating

Vashj has been by Azshara's side longer than any of the Highborne.

Azshara has always been honest about people she is not interested in, and it is usually Vashj who acts on her behalf to get rid of those crazy bees and butterflies.

Among these crazy bees and butterflies, there is also a former minister of the Dark Night Empire who thinks highly of himself - Xavis.

Although Sharlayan always laughed at Xavius ​​as a house slave with three surnames, a licking dog who would never be favored by his master.

But in fact, Sharlayan knew that Xavius, who once had a status of less than one person and more than ten thousand people in the Night Empire, was not bad.

He was just too infatuated with Azshara, who never gave him any response, and finally hated Azshara because of his twisted love.

As the Chief Minister of the Night Empire second only to Azshara, Xavius ​​is qualified to study the Well of Eternity.

It was under the recommendation of Xavius ​​that Azshara came into contact with Sargeras, a powerful existence from outside Azeroth, which eventually led to the tragedy of the War of the Ancients.

Xavius ​​desperately wanted to win Azshara's heart. In order to satisfy her ambition of exploring the starry sky, he even turned into an ugly satyr as a link between the Night Empire and the Burning Legion.

It's a pity that Azshara has no interest in Xavius, who is too enthusiastic about expressing emotions, and usually tells Vashj to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Not just Xavius, the Night Empire is full of admirers and admirers of Queen Azshara from top to bottom.

It is in this environment that Azshara's lonely and self-admiring character has been developed.

The first opposite sex that Azshara saw was Sargeras...Of course, it was Sargeras disguised as the bronze Titan of the Pantheon, not the ugly demon with horns.

In the words of barrage, Azshara's first love ended before it even started. It is a typical failure of online dating. Unfortunately, she met a PS expert. The reality and the appearance on the Internet are completely different.

As the saying goes, there are many people who are popular.

After the world fell apart, the mighty Dark Night Empire disintegrated.

The high elves who were once the rulers of the empire went their separate ways, and the legacy of the night empire gradually fell into the hands of the night elves led by Malfurion and Tyrande.

As the winner of the political struggle, Honest Malfurion has no interest in discrediting Azshara.

In the eyes of the archdruid, Azshara has made contributions to the night elves, and cannot be defined simply as a good person or a bad person.

However, from the standpoint of Tyrande, she could not allow the shameful news that she had been captured by Azshara as a favored one of Elune to be exposed to anyone.

Azshara had a delicate relationship with the Church of the Moon God when she was in power. She always claimed to be on the same level as Elune, and this was obviously unacceptable to the devout priests of the Church of the Moon God.

However, Azshara did not push the Church of the Moon God into a corner very well. She managed to balance the power of theocracy and kingship. She even personally supervised the construction of a large temple city dedicated to Elune—the Sea of ​​Heaven. Salazar.

If the successor to the position of High Priest is an old and prudent Luna priest, the evaluation of Elune in the history books should be clear about its merits and demerits.

Unfortunately, Tyrande is not such a rational person.

For personal and class reasons, Tyrande ordered the historians to "fine-tune" the evaluation of Azshara, and added a lot of "unofficial history" that discredited Azshara's image.

Among them, there are countless faces of Azshara, and the princes entrusted to various places are actually princes who have an affair with her.

Vashj was very angry at the rumors that Tyrande spread shamelessly. She had served Azshara since she was a child, and she knew very well that the queen with extraordinary vision had never had any guests.

Sargeras had a chance to become the Queen's mate, but Azshara was very angry and ashamed that the online dating failed.

She didn't expect that as smart as herself, she would be "deceived" by someone using a fake identity one day because of her emotions.

After experiencing Sargeras, Vashj, who was a personal maid, could vaguely feel that the ice in the queen's heart became stronger.

Vaschi has always known that since the time of the Night Empire, there have been many rumors that she is a lesbian who is fanatically obsessed with the Queen.

Vaschi can pat his thick chest to prove undisguisedly... This is not a rumor, but a fact.

Not only Vashj, but all the maids in the Eternal Palace have similar feelings for the Queen.

As the head maid, Vashj will strictly select the maids who are qualified to serve Azshara.

They can be obsessed with the queen, but they can't have an alien with twisted emotions like Xavis.

Over the years, Azshara's handmaidens, including Vashj herself, have witnessed her lonely life.

In the eyes of outsiders, Azshara is the glamorous queen of the night, the light of the light, and she seems to always maintain that confident and proud demeanor.

But Vaschi and other maids know that the strong woman Azshara also has a weak side behind her.

One can imagine the pressure on Azshara's shoulders carrying the huge Dark Night Empire alone.

In the middle of Azshara's reign, she led the army of the night empire to conquer all the known lands of Azeroth, and established several large metropolitan areas in ancient Kalimdor, which are the so-called six major cities of the night empire. .

Except for the holy mountain of Hyjal, inhabited by a large number of wild demigods, there is no territory in Azeroth that Azshara cannot set foot on.

As long as she has that thought, Zudazar, the sacred mountain that the Zandalari trolls are proud of, can also be promoted.

After losing the motivation to fight, Azshara didn't know how to continue to lead the empire forward for a while.

Until she set her sights on the vast starry sky beyond Azeroth, and met Sargeras, who claimed to be the Titan of the Pantheon.

This is where the tragedy began. Azshara, who had never had a relationship experience, fell into the hands of Sargeras, a habitual Internet scammer, and the serious consequences of this failure were unbearable for Azshara, who has always been proud. .

Leaving Azshara who had entered a dormant state, Vashj swam lightly to the outside of the bedroom, and looked at the dark sky above Nazjatar through the window of the palace.

"Hey~ When will there be a prince who can truly sit on an equal footing with the queen, share the pressure, and shoulder the burden?"

"Moon God Elune, if you really exist, please answer my prayer."

Just when Vaschi folded his hands together and prayed to Elune for the first time, Azshara, who stayed in the dormitory with her eyes closed and rested, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the direction Vaschi left with a somewhat complicated expression.

"Pray to Elune... Heh~ That Moon Goddess does exist, but she doesn't have the ability to fulfill the wishes of believers."

Elune looked up at the ceiling of the Eternal Palace with an inexplicable expression: "Gods are not omnipotent, at best they are 'people' with stronger strength and more transcendent life forms."


What happened in the Eternal Palace has nothing to do with Sharlayan for the time being. When Azshara sighed about the existence of gods, he was having a good conversation with an old demigod of Azeroth.

Most of the elemental creatures in Azeroth are relatively pure in character, strictly following the law of elemental duality.

Just like fire elementals, fire elementals including Ragnaros have both passion and rage.

When they are deeply influenced by the ancient gods, the negative rage character will gradually suppress the positive enthusiasm. Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, is a typical example.

The duality of the air element is keenness and madness, and Sunderland and Al'Akir perfectly embody the two-faced character of the duality.

The water element is characterized by calmness and hesitation.

Neptulon, who served in the age of the Old Gods, was negatively affected by the power of the void, mainly reflecting his suspicious side.

This is also why, in the past years, the water element has often been at war with the earth element and fire element.

Neptulon himself also realized this problem. After the last war with the fire elemental, he finally made up his mind to defect from the camp of the ancient gods.

As Neptulon became farther and farther away from the influence of the mind of the ancient gods, the calm side of the water element gradually gained the upper hand.

Neptulon specially convened a meeting of the water elemental lords to discuss the way forward.

The water elemental lords who have escaped the influence of the ancient gods almost unanimously believe that they should completely draw a line with the ancient gods who have already faded away, and take refuge in the guardians of the titans...that is, the camp of the defenders of Azeroth.

Of course, there were also water elemental lords who had different opinions. Neptulon did not embarrass them, allowing these lords to leave with their own subjects.

Now that the rest of the people have unanimously decided to join the defenders of Azeroth, it is only natural that the water elemental who has done wrong things will hand over his vote to prove that he has really completely changed his position.

Sharlayan's plea for help before conquering the Molten Core came at the right time.

Neptulon agreed to his request without saying a word, and even went into battle in person, entering the Firelands and performing a good show with all his strength.

This war that disrupted N'Zoth's plan completely cut off the possibility of the water element returning to the faction of the ancient gods, and thus won the trust of Sharlayan.

After returning to the hometown of all elements after many years, Neptulon and other high-level water elements seemed a little excited, and it took a while to calm down gradually.

"Annihilate Naga? No problem!"

Neptulon, who had calmed down, patted his chest and promised: "This is the content of our covenant. Besides, we should also give a sigh of relief to the children who have been bullied by Naga all the year round. Leave it to us!"

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