Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 923 Sharlayan's two-handed preparation

The sea giants originally had a noble status. As the creations given life by Gorganes, the lord of the sky and the sea, they shouldered the important task of guarding the oceans of Azeroth.

Even in ancient Azeroth, the ocean was far larger than the ancient continent of Kalimdor.

At that time, there was no threat from the ancient gods in the sea of ​​Azeroth, but many ancient sea monsters were always threatening the ocean, making people afraid of the ocean dare not leave the coast easily to explore the whole picture of the entire planet.

Azeroth's Titan star soul has not yet awakened. It was personally certified by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods. In the future, the mature Titan Azeroth will become the strongest among all the Titans in the pantheon.

In order to pave the way for this compatriot with infinite potential, the Pantheon has made a lot of preparations, and the energy they put into Azeroth is far higher than any other planet that also has a star soul.

The sea giants with heavy responsibilities have been guarding the oceans of Azeroth since ancient times, and they have eliminated those powerful sea monsters that may threaten the development of Azeroth civilization.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and today, there are very few sea monsters that can survive, and the most powerful one was taken in by N'Zoth who fell into the sea.

The sea giants who lost their target were unfortunately affected by the curse of flesh and blood. They lost their platinum metal skin and became barbaric creatures in the eyes of the mortal kingdoms.

As far as Sharlayan knew, sea giants mostly lived in the deep sea and would not have much intersection with land kingdoms.

Occasionally, one or two sea giants who have broken away from the ethnic group will wander near the coastline, and they will also be attacked by local troops or adventurers because they interfere with the lives of the people in the coastal countries.

Although the ancient god N'Zoth hadn't completely escaped from his predicament, the combat power he could display now was by no means something ordinary mortals could handle.

Unlike C'Thun, N'Zoth hidden in the deep sea has a natural geographical advantage.

The four dragon kings are used to soaring in the sky, and it is doubtful how much combat power they can maintain when entering underwater combat.

If N'Zoth is to be taken, Sharlayan must ensure that the Defenders of Azeroth have more underwater forces available, especially the gap in high-end combat power must be filled as soon as possible.

Neptulon's main body is indeed powerful, but the four elements in ancient times failed to beat the ancient gods. Today, tens of thousands of years later, the strength comparison between the two sides that have already entered the mature stage should not change much.

Although N'Zoth was imprisoned in the seal and was unable to exert his full strength, Neptulon only had one avatar to enter Azeroth. After the strength of both sides was discounted, there was still a gap.

If Azshara can be successfully recruited for assistance, the strength gap between the two sides should be filled to a large extent, but... Sharlayan still doesn't dare to trust Azshara completely.

No one knows what kind of conditions the proud Queen of the Night will put forward for this cooperation.

If she still tries to rebuild the Night Empire and uses the claim right to touch the red line of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan can only reject her request on behalf of the Sun King.

Therefore, Sharlayan needs to prepare a backup option that cannot be negotiated with Azshara.

The original sea giants headed by Hercules appeared at the right time.

Titan Creation is a relatively general name, and all creatures of the Titan series can be called this title.

The mechanical gnome, who is weak but has a good brain, is a Titan creation, and the storm giant is also a Titan creation. There is a world of difference in strength between the two.

The first generation of storm giants under Thorim, like the sea giants, were created by Goganes, who came to Azeroth with his colleagues from the Pantheon.

The fighting power of these first-generation giants should not be underestimated. Although they are not as good as those secondary titans called Titan Guardians, they are also much stronger than the mass-produced machines produced by the Titan Guardians later.

According to the information provided earlier by the Hydraxia water element, in the vast sea, there are only 4 intelligent species that can be called a group.

Naga, murlocs, water elementals, and sea giants.

Needless to say murlocs, although they are also called intelligent species, these stupid creatures have extremely low intelligence and act entirely on instinct. Sharlayan doesn't think he can take murlocs for his own use.

...Besides, he didn't like the clumsy fighting power of the murlocs either.

Before Neptulon returned with the elite of the Maw of the Abyss, the water elementals left in the material world were no match for the Naga at all.

And the sea giant is too low-key and doesn't like to fight with others, which makes Naga the overlord of the sea.

With the return of Neptulon, the water element, which has been suppressed by Naga for a long time, is about to usher in a chance to turn around.

After removing the murlocs, there is still a hopeful help in the sea, and only the sea giants who have always been indifferent to the world are left.

Even though they have been corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood, sea giants are still creatures of order after all, and under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to provoke fights.

If there can be a sea giant leader who maintains the original form of ancient times and still keeps in mind the long-standing mission, there should be a greater probability of regrouping those sea giants who have forgotten their oaths and lived in a muddle to form a good team. fighting power.


Hearing Sharlayan's initial plan, Hercules scratched his head in a daze.

"I... can I really do it?"

Hercules said distressedly: "It's not that I look down on my strength, but I'm just an officer after all. I'm good at fighting, but I'm really not sure about winning people's hearts."

Sharlayan smiled and patted Hercules' hard metal calf.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

Sharlayan injected part of the guardian power left to him by Raiden into Hercules' body, and Hercules, who was half crouching on the ground, suddenly shook his whole body, with an unbelievably excited expression on his face.

"This is! The power of the Great Guardian Raiden, mortal, you... where did you get this power?"


Sharlayan closed his left eye and winked at Hercules, who had a loud voice: "Don't rush to speak out, I'll tell you later."

"Now, let's focus back on the decisive battle that is right in front of us."


As Garald expected, the unwilling Dorothy did not withdraw her army, and her underwater camp remained where it was. It should be a bet that N'Zoth would arrange a reserve force to help as soon as possible.

The night elves got new reinforcements, while Dorothy lost thousands of cannon fodder naga.

Under the ebb and flow, the offensive and defensive positions of the two sides have changed, and now it is Naga's turn to take the defensive.

Dorothy had long expected that the night elves would take the initiative to attack instead of the defensive, but she did not expect the enemy to come so quickly.

N'Zoth, who sits in Ny'alotha, has also been paying attention to the battle ahead.

After receiving Dorothy's request for help, it immediately contacted the ancient gods' Naga Legion scattered in every corner of the ocean.

N'Zoth made a rough estimate and came to a conclusion that annoyed him.

None of the legions could reach the battlefield before the decisive battle ended.

In desperation, En'Zoth could only adopt Dorothy's suggestion, planning to send her as many as ten thousand low-level faceless men as cannon fodder to consume the enemy.

However, N'Zoth had just started to move, and the fast-moving Garrod marched all the way from defense to offense, leading a large army to the city.

"time does not wait."

Floating in front of the underwater camp full of Naga ethnic style, Jarod calmly ordered to the herald: "Notify the whole army, the battle begins, the sea giant of Hercules will lead the battle, and the other troops will follow in the pre-arranged formation. In the back, take advantage of the situation to hide and kill."

Sea giants are generally more than 20 meters tall. Such a huge target can easily attract Naga's attention, making them subconsciously skip the other troops behind the sea giant.

The original sea giants with metal skins have strong defenses, and even the elite Naga will not be able to break through their defenses for a while.

What's more, the other troops following behind the sea giant would not just watch their comrades suffer one-sided attacks from the enemy. With these fire-attracting meat shields in front, they could devote most of their energy to the attack with confidence and boldness.

Donali, who was in the middle of the dragon army, turned his head and cast a questioning look at the Marquis of Deep Shadow standing next to Jarod when the sea giant as the vanguard started to move.

After noticing Donali's gaze, Salayan didn't respond immediately, and whispered a few words in Jarod's ear.


Garrod nodded with a serious expression: "It's time, there is no need to hide anything, let's attack with all our strength!"

With the permission of the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Sharlayan nodded to Donali with confidence.


Donali, who got the permission, showed a slightly presumptuous smile on his face: "Command! Lift all the restrictions, let this group of rotten fish heads corrupted by the power of the void see the true strength of the Flood Dragon Legion!"


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