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Chapter 906: The spray path is like a long night, key!

If anyone wants the return of King Azshara the last, it must be the Republic of Night, which has inherited almost all of the legacy of the Night Empire.

Thousands of years before Azshara sank into the sea with Zin-Azshari, all night elves who survived the War of the Ancients thought Azshara was dead.

As the meritorious emperor who led the night empire to its peak, Azshara's prestige in the country was unparalleled. Her admirers spread across the two classes of high elf nobles and night elf commoners.

Although many people still believe that there is another reason for condoning the demons to slaughter civilians, it is not out of Queen Azshara's original intention, but the matter has come to this point, these Azshara worshipers can only accept the reality and embrace the new post-War of the Ancients. Life.

Without the high elf nobles who used to be domineering over their heads, the night elves finally lived the free life they had dreamed of.

But at the same time, without the many conveniences provided by the Highborne mages and the Well of Eternity using spells, the development of the night elves' civilization has not advanced but retreated, and the quality of life has also declined sharply due to the cliff-like decline in the level of magic technology.

The road of banishing all the highborne was chosen by oneself, and now, the night elves can only continue walking with tears in their eyes.

Fortunately, the Druid sect headed by Malfurion made up for the extinction of mages to a certain extent. With the power of life, they spawned a variety of plants such as food and side dishes, so that they would not make the post-war life of the night elves difficult. .

When Naga had just left the sea and landed, the night elves led by Tyrande didn't take these fish tails seriously at all. They classified Naga and murlocs into the same category, thinking that their combat effectiveness would be weak.

But the earliest generation of Naga were essentially night elves, and even if their form changed, their combat effectiveness would not decline significantly.

When Tyrande sensed something was wrong and panicked and personally led the reinforcements to the seaside, she got an important message from the battle cries of those fish tails.

"For Nazjatar! For Queen Azshara!"

Azshara did not die, the Eternal Queen who had already become a demigod led the Naga back from the depths of the sea.

For Tyrande, the self-proclaimed uncrowned king of the night elves, this was undoubtedly the worst news she had heard in the thousands of years since the end of the War of the Ancients.

But surprisingly, Azshara did not let her naga attack the land like crazy.

After one encounter with the night elves on the beaches of Darkshore, the naga disappeared again.

In the thousands of years that followed, the night elves would receive news from time to time that the naga would come ashore again to attack the coastal villages.

But at this time, the Naga was no longer the elite first-generation Naga.

In Tyrande's own words, these descendants of Naga are trash fish with weak combat effectiveness.

So the question is, where did the first-generation Naga who defeated the night elves go?

Tyrande guessed that the night elves who became naga lost their original longevity, and she had believed this idea for a long time.

During the Naga's general attack on the Bay of Storms this time, Tyrande, who followed Malfurion to the front line, saw a very familiar Naga on the battlefield. One of the senior Naga officers.

At this point, Tyrande finally understood.

Naga's strength has not declined with the passage of time, they have been saving their strength in a low profile.

But now, maybe Azshara thought the time was right to counterattack the land, and finally released these elite forces, intending to destroy the port of the night elves and completely trap them to death on the land.

Regardless of whether Tyrande's guess is true or false, after obtaining relevant information from her mouth, Malfurion immediately ordered Maiev to send people to spread the news that Azshara led the army to attack Estorante Port to the whole country. everywhere.

The Night Republic was indeed born from the legacy of the Night Empire, but after tens of thousands of years of development, under the long-term guidance of the Cenarion Council and the Church of the Moon God, the three views of the night elves today are quite different from those of the Night Empire.

The top leaders of the Night Republic, including Malfurion, do not welcome Azshara's return. Regardless of whether this large-scale attack was originally intended by Azshara, they intend to confirm the news.

Facts have proved that Malfurion's choice is correct.

Even today, there are still many old and young loyal to Azshara among the immortal night elves.

These people have always been dubious about the statement released by the Night Council, and some people plan to go to Estorante Port to find out the truth behind the news.

Sharlayan understood Malfurion's intentions through the mixed information revealed by the drunken night elves in the tavern.

"In order to prevent Azshara from returning, the Council of Darkness has taken great pains."

Once the emperor and the courtiers, the Dark Night Empire was shattered as early as 10,000 years ago.

From the perspective of Malfurion and other high-level officials of the new country that inherited the legacy of the Dark Night Empire, Azshara, the remnant of the old era, should be buried in the sea with Xin Aishali.

Otherwise, the legitimacy of the Dark Night Republic, which relies on druids and moon god priests to rule, will be seriously questioned.

Had Sharlayan been on Malfurion's side, he would have made the same decision.

The night elves have lived independently for 10,000 years, and now, the top leaders of the Republic don't want to have another bossy emperor on their heads.

But this is only the thinking of the members of the Night Council who are in power.

In this tavern called the Heart of Waves, Sharlayan heard the true voice of the people.

"Bah! What a shit druid, life is no better than it was back then!"

A flushed bearded drunk complained in distaste: "Druids, moon priests, and highborne are essentially the same thing. It's nothing more than a group of people replaced by the exploiting class."

"We assholes are still at the bottom of society, and there is no difference at all compared to when Queen Azshara ruled 10,000 years ago!"

"Exactly! A few days ago, a druid came to knock on my door, saying that I added too much fertilizer when planting the land, and they wanted to fine me!"

"I can QNMD! I grow my own vegetables and eat them myself. Why should you teach me how to grow them? Why should I be fined?!"

"Damn! This is not some kind of committee established by the second generation of druids? It is said to encourage the public to eat green food and eliminate additives and fertilizers that may damage the body."

"I think these young masters who don't work hard and don't distinguish between grains and grains are just too full! They have nothing to do!"

"It's good for us assholes to fill our stomachs, who the fuck cares if you're green or not!"

"If there is nothing to eat, will you make up for us?"

"The most fucking thing is not that these ridiculous proposals of theirs can be approved by the parliament? I really don't know what the Stormrage Speaker thinks."

"Shh~ gossip, some people say that Chairman Stormrage doesn't know about these trivial matters at all, and that the grassroots officials below have made their own proposals to go through the trial secretly. They just want to make more money for themselves, and by the way, please those big shots in the second-generation family. .”

"Tsk! The so-called republic is like this, it's better to let Queen Azshara come back."

"If there were still those convenience magics used by the Highborne, at least our standard of living would be much better than it is now."

"Yes, I heard that Quel'Thalas on the other side of the sea was founded by Dath'Remar Sunstrider who was driven away by the High Priest."

"After so many years, the high elves who are still using arcane arts are also enjoying a prosperous life, and I haven't seen any disasters caused by them."

"I heard from the merchants at the port who traveled between the two continents that the living standards of the high elf civilians are much better than those of us who are miserable. Why do they sit at home without working and receive... Unemployment benefits?"

Hearing this, Sharlayan knew that there was no need to listen any longer.

What followed was nothing more than these unsatisfactory drunks complaining about the high-level officials of the Dark Night Republic, and delusional speculation based on the moon being rounder in foreign countries.

Unemployment benefits, which Quel'Thalas did have in the past, are one of the dross left over from the old days.

Precisely because they can lie down and receive money without working, the high elves' work enthusiasm is extremely low, and all the labor pressure is thrown to various types of arcane puppets powered by the energy of the sunwell.

This kind of policy of completely relying on machinery to raise and waste the people is not advisable.

After Kael'thas ascended the throne, he began to reform these outdated policies.

It's not to say that you can't use arcane magic and other external assistance. It's a purely stupid behavior to abandon it when you have high technology.

Sharlayan believes that everything should be done to a certain degree, and one cannot blindly believe in any kind of thing.

After walking out of the noisy tavern, Valeera said with some emotion: "No matter which country you are in, the people at the bottom have the same habit of discussing government affairs... Obviously they don't understand the real situation at the top."

Sharlayan smiled indifferently: "Master Jianzheng is like this, let them go, anyway, I don't expect these guys with high eyesight and low abilities to govern the country."

"However..." Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "After so many years, I never thought that Azshara still has a lot of prestige among the night elves."

Jaina asked curiously: "What are you going to do? You don't want to bring Azshara back to seize power with the Council of Darkness, do you?"

Sharlayan shook his head and laughed: "How is it possible, the times have long been different."

"The Night Empire perished 10,000 years ago. Even if Azshara can really come back, I don't think she can successfully restore it."

"The crux of the problem is not here, I don't know if you have noticed."

Tina Gosa asked puzzledly, "What did you notice?"

"Heh~" Sarlayan glanced at Valeera who was showing a thoughtful look: "The espionage war to guide the direction of public opinion."

"Believe it or not, among the night elves who sat drinking together, there are definitely spies sent by Naga."

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