Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 905 Humiliation Today (1/1)

Chapter 905 Humiliation of Thailand Today (11)

For the new tribe, Sharlayan believed in Goel, who had received his own education, but he did not trust the orc generals who had survived from the old tribe.

Among them was Grom Hellscream, Warsong chieftain with a single-minded focus on fighting to the death.

According to the information provided by the barrage, for the orcs, Grom will undoubtedly become a hero who sacrifices himself to save the group.

But his hero is my enemy.

As an enemy, or a potential competitor, Sharlayan will not let down his vigilance against Grom Hellscream who may cause trouble at any time.

Of course, he didn't intend to stimulate the new tribe that survived the catastrophe too much. The outpost of the Echo Islands was mainly used to house Lordaeron soldiers who had a relatively mild attitude towards orcs.

As for the sailors of Kul Tiras, Sharlayan planned to place them on another offshore island a short distance south of the Echo Islands, lest they get too close and cause the two sides to fight each other due to daily friction.

In the original history, Jaina chose to build the Dustwallow Marsh in Theramore City was also one of the choices.

However, the environment of Dustwallow Marsh was too harsh, and the miasma in the swamp could easily lead to a pandemic. After some consideration, Sharlayan chose Alcaz Island in the eastern sea of ​​Dustwallow Marsh.

The range of activities of the night elves and tauren is mainly concentrated in the central and western parts of Kalimdor's central axis, and the eastern Azshara region, the barren land, Durotar, Dustwallow Marsh, Thousand Needles and Tanaris, etc. The land is always sparsely populated.

Due to the lack of development, Okaz Island is still an uninhabited island until today, but there are many ferocious hydra living on the island.

For Kul Tiras, which has fierce firepower at sea, a mere hydra is not a threat at all. At worst, it surrounds the island and washes the ground with artillery.

In fact, for Kul Tiras, there is another choice as a frontline base, and that is the Lost Islands off the east coast of Durotar.

However, there are a large number of brutal indigenous people called Pygmies living on the Lost Islands, and there is an active volcano on the island that may erupt at any time.

After discussing with the barrage, Sharlayan temporarily excluded the Lost Islands.

After experiencing the invasion of strong winds and waves at sea, and a little battle with Naga, when they finally arrived in Kalimdor, the sailors in the fleet were already very tired.

Although Sharlayan wanted to seize the time and go north immediately, but after all, he was not the kind of cold-blooded superior who didn't care about the lives of soldiers.

After clearing the murlocs on the Echo Islands with the bow artillery, Sharlayan ordered the army leader Donali to lead the dragon army to repair on the island temporarily, and the tidesages headed by Lord Stormsong will also follow them.

Sharlayan planned to lead his team to go north by land first... To be precise, he flew there first from the air.

Durotar is directly adjacent to the Azshara region, and at the flying speed of Sharlayan, walking in a straight line from the air, it only takes a few hours to pass through this red land and enter the Azshara region, and reach Ace first. Port of Torrante for updates.

However, if you start by sea, you need to bypass the reef area in the southeastern part of the Azshara region and enter the Gulf of Storms, which will take about a day.

After the Flood Dragon Legion is repaired and restored to its state, Donali will lead the fleet northward as soon as possible to join up with Sharlayan and his party who arrived earlier.

After confirming the plan, Sharlayan turned into a griffin on the spot, carrying Valeera, Jaina, and Tinagosa to the north at full speed.

Looking down from a high altitude, the red land of Durotar (unnamed) is so barren that it is scratching your head. In terms of soil vitality alone, it is more miserable than the veritable barren land next door.

However, what is lost is what is gained. Durotar is indeed not suitable for growing food, but this area has many high-quality mineral resources.

Valeera and Jaina lived in the rich Eversong Forest and Tiragarde Strait since they were young. They doubted whether this piece of red land that could not produce food could live in people.

Sharlayan said indifferently: "Whatever it is, we don't live anyway."

"It would be nice for the new tribe to get a base, it's better than they are wandering around now."

"Because of the population problem, the tauren have not been able to completely eat the barren land for so many years. They only occupy the southern part of the barren land south of the Taurajo camp, and a large piece of land in the north is still idle."

"Although the barren land is worthless waste land to us, it will be much better than this nameless red land, right?"

Jaina shrugged and complained: "Okay, anyway, it's not us who will have a headache then."

Going north along the species-barren Durotar, Sharlayan entered the Azshara region in just over 2 hours.

Although only separated by a mountain, the low scenery of the two areas is completely different.

After crossing this low-altitude hill, the red land that was infested by the blood of demons in ancient times disappeared, replaced by golden grasslands all over the mountains.

Although it is still not as good as the Ashenvale forest at the core of the night elves, the soil vitality in the Azshara area is at least much better than that of Durotar.

For a long time in the past, the Azshara region, which is a part of the ruins of Zin-Aisari, has always been disliked by the night elves... To be precise, it was disliked by the Luna Church headed by Tyrande.

During the 10,000 years that Tyrande was in power, the night elves never intended to develop the Azshara region.

In Sharlayan's view, this is undoubtedly a reckless waste, and it once again proved Tyrande Whisperwind's clumsy governing ability.

As the leader of a country, Tyrande should not abandon this excellent port for a long time because of Azshara.

It is true that Azeroth is spherical, and it is possible to reach the east coast of the Eastern Kingdoms across the vast sea of ​​mist from the dark shore to the west.

However, compared to the endless sea with the acceleration of the whirlpool ocean current, the sea of ​​mist not only has thick fog, but also the speed of sailing is far slower than starting from the east coast.

It is precisely because of Tyrande's wrong decision that the night elves have never been able to establish any official relations with many kingdoms on the other side of the sea during the thousands of years of the rise of the eastern kingdom, and they are stuck in the Kalimdor continent alone.

After Malfurion awoke from the Emerald Dream and took over the position of Speaker of the Night Council, he quickly adopted Sharlayan's suggestion.

The new Dark Night Republic developed the Azshara region that had been idle for many years at the fastest speed, and built a large-scale port - Estorante - on the beach in the east of the Aedalas ruins near the Gulf of Storms.

The Port of Estorante took on the important task of connecting Northrend and the Eastern Kingdoms, and a large number of related supporting work will naturally attract a large number of night elves to come.

In recent years, night elf villages and towns in the Azshara region have sprung up like mushrooms.

The once uninhabited Azshara region has become one of the most dynamic regions in the Night Republic, providing a large amount of tax revenue to the Night Republic every year.

Leaving aside the low-level people who don't know the inside story, the middle and high-level people of the Dark Night Republic, who are enjoying huge dividends from sea trade, have a steelyard in their hearts.

Even within the Luna Church, there were complaints about Tyrande's catastrophic governing ability, thinking that she had ruined the image of the Luna Church in the hearts of the people.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the old story of some priests of the Luna Church.

These priests hoped to abolish Tyrande, an incompetent religious leader, and help Maiev Shadowsong, who was supposed to inherit the position of high priest.

But there is a problem with this plan that cannot be circumvented.

Elune's favor.

The reason why Tyrande was able to squeeze out the veteran Maiev to take over by airborne was mainly because she was the favored one favored by the moon god Elune.

Even with the mediation of Malfurion, the speaker, the internal divisions of the Luna Church became more and more serious.

Malfurion intends to let Tyrande and Maiev, who are also councilors, shake hands publicly, but they are held up by their supporters for the sake of this. Some things are no longer up to Tyrande and Maiev. It is just the spokesperson of two different ideas.

If there is anything that can unite the increasingly divided Luna Church, it is the night queen Azshara who once overwhelmed the Luna Church.

Sharlayan purposely landed on the outskirts of Estorante Port, and asked Tinagosa to cast a magic spell on several people, turning them into the appearance of night elves.

After entering this large-scale port city, Sharlayan first found a seaside tavern with a thriving business.

This kind of cheap tavern is undoubtedly a place where fish and dragons are mixed up. Only here can you understand the current situation of the people at the bottom of a city most intuitively, and you can also inquire about some gossip that cannot be obtained at the official level.

After holding the wine glass and listening to the gossip from the drinkers for a while, Salayan frowned thoughtfully.

"Haven't the Estorantes believed that the Naga's attack was planned by Azshara before they got any definite news?"

Jaina tapped her forehead lightly with her fingers and said, "This uniform tone, I feel like someone is deliberately guiding it."

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