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Chapter 904 Echo Islands Development Plan

From Sharlayan's point of view, this raid launched with the help of a sudden change in the environment looks decent.

The storm and waves drew most of the tide sage's attention. If they continued to fight, not to mention defeating the flood dragon fleet that had been prepared for a long time, it would at least cause a lot of damage.

However, Vashj's quick retreat made the near-perfect ambush run anticlimactic.

Sharlayan boldly guessed that this should have been Azshara's order to target the dragon army...or Sarlayan's ambush was also part of Azshara's test.

During the years of lurking in Nazjatar, Inas and Julian obtained a lot of secret information related to N'Zoth from Queen Azshara at close range.

Azshara has also heard from Inas many times about the baby son who was blown up by her.

Out of caution, it was impossible for Azshara to take what Inas said seriously, so it was natural to send someone to test it.

The results of the first round of testing made Vaschi very satisfied, but at the same time somewhat surprised.

She hadn't expected before that the sons of Inas and Julian were the behind-the-scenes pushers who used the pressure of the blue dragon to force the Naga peace talks.

Knowing this level of experience of Sharlayan, Vashj has more confidence in Inas's bragging.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Vaschi didn't want to waste too much of his soldiers who were completely loyal to the queen, so he led the team to evacuate from the battlefield without hesitation.


Shaking off the blood stained on Quel'sera's knives, Valeera walked over to Sharlayan while sheathing the short knives, looking curiously at the snow-white shell in his hand.

"You go to the sea to fight a battle and still have the time to pick up shells? You don't take Naga too seriously."


Tinagosa looked at the shell with a serious expression: "This is not an ordinary shell, it has powerful magic power attached to it."

"This deep and thick magical definitely not something that mortals can possess."

People will grow up. Although Tinagosa still shows her playful nature occasionally, under the strict teaching of Stellagosa over the years, her mentality has gradually matured, and her abilities have also improved. more and more trustworthy.

When Stellagosa was away, Tinagosa, who was also a blue dragon, was an expert in magic knowledge, and her analysis rarely made mistakes.

After hearing Tinagosa's explanation, Valeera's expression also became serious.

"Sharlayan, where did this thing come from?"

Sharlayan temporarily put the phonograph back into the space package: "It's a long story, let's go back to the cabin and talk about it in detail."


Jaina, who was going to other ships for mobile support, also flashed back at this time, and the four of them returned to the luxury cabin specially prepared by Sharlayan on the upper deck of the flagship.


"Azshara asked Vaschi to give you... a voice shell?"

After listening to Sarlayan's story, Valeera rubbed the center of her brows with a headache.

"What exactly does the Naga queen want to do? Did she instigate the Naga invasion in the Bay of Storms?"

There was a thoughtful look on Jaina's face: "I personally think...the Naga in the Bay of Storms may have nothing to do with Azshara's will?"

"Oh?" Sharlayan raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Gianna, tell me what you think."

Jaina nodded and continued: "Actually, this is a logical question."

"If Azshara really intends to capture the Gulf of Storms, why not send the core combat force led by Vashj to the battlefield to add fuel, but let her send a note to Sharlayan in the name of a sneak attack?" ?”

Tina Gosa hurriedly echoed: "Indeed, considering Vashj's identity, her Naga must be completely loyal to Azshara, and to some extent is equivalent to acting as the agent of Azshara's will."

"Since Vashj didn't personally go to the first-line battlefield in the Gulf of Storms, it means that Azshara has no intention of taking down the Gulf of Storms quickly."


Sharlayan's eyes flickered: "N'Zoth?"

Jaina licked her rosy lips: "It's almost the same, but I don't know why it left Azshara to storm the Gulf of Storms. Is there any treasure in the Azshara area worthy of N'Zoth's covet?"


Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "As far as I know, there is none."

"The Azshara region is the former capital of the night empire—part of the wreckage on the outskirts of Xin Aisha. I don't think that Azshara...or the high-level leaders of the night empire will bury important secrets on the outskirts of the city."

"If Xin Aisalie really has any secrets that N'Zoth doesn't know or can't touch, it should also be in the Eternal Palace where Azshara personally sits."

"There's no point in guessing so much."

Jaina cast her eyes on the phonograph shell on the table: "Let's find a way to unlock this encrypted shell, maybe all doubts will be solved with Azshara's personal explanation."

"Tina, come and help me."


Among the four people present, Jaina and Tinagosa knew the most about magic encryption methods, and Sharlayan confidently entrusted them with the task of deciphering the shells.


As Sarlayan predicted, the next two days of the voyage went very smoothly.

Due to the impact of the previous ambush and the storm, the Jiaolong Fleet deviated slightly from its course. After entering the offshore area, it failed to reach the Azshara area directly, but deviated to an overseas island in the east of the Barrens.

Sharlayan turned into a Stormcrow and went to investigate the archipelago. It is basically confirmed that this is the stronghold of the Darkspear trolls in the original history - the Echo Islands.

The Echo Isles are located in the southeast of the barren red land named Durotar in the original history.

Because the Darkspear trolls did not escape across the sea, the archipelago was still in a state of desertion, with only a few murlocs on the island, and no other intelligent life could be seen.

The Darkspear trolls are flourishing in Stranglethorn Vale. As long as the Gurubashi clan's plot to revive Hakkar is foiled, it will be a matter of course for them to ascend the throne of the jungle troll suzerain clan instead.

Since the Darkspear trolls are unlikely to travel west to Kalimdor, it would be a waste for the Echo Isles to be so empty.

There is a high probability that Durotar, which has not yet been named, will be reserved for new tribes who will cross the sea in the future.

In order to monitor all the actions of the new tribe at close range, and also to keep in touch with the new tribe at any time, Sharlayan plans to build an outpost on the Echo Islands.

Jaina, who was busy with her schedule, agreed with Sharlayan's idea.

"If my father knew your plan, he would definitely raise his hands to support him, and he would recommend himself to send someone to settle here."

Jaina on this timeline is not the idiot in the original history who always adhered to the ideal of peace and even sacrificed her father.

In the years of studying in Quel'Thalas, due to frequent contact with the black-bellied Sharlayan, Jaina inevitably became colored by him, and her perspective on things became more realistic, and she had long since faded from the little girl style. fairy tale ideal.

And because of the influence of Daelin's hatred of orcs, and the fact that her elder brother Drake was buried in the hands of orcs, Jaina did not have any good feelings for orcs. She agreed with Daelin's plan to monitor every move of orcs at any time.

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "I am indeed going to bring in some Kul Tiras sailors. After all, this is an overseas archipelago. Once there is a conflict, naval battles will definitely be inevitable."

"But I can't fully use the Kul Tirans, after also know that Daelin's overly aggressive attitude towards the orcs must be reconciled."

Jaina shrugged and didn't make any further comments, she lowered her head and continued to concentrate on studying the Echo Shell.

Valeera took over the topic and asked, "Who do you plan to find as a mediator?"

There was a strange gleam in Sharlayan's eyes: "You may not believe it, but I plan to contact Calia and let the Kingdom of Lordaeron send people to settle in."


Sharlayan's astonishing words made everyone on the scene exclaim.

Valeera tilted her head and asked suspiciously, "Why Lordaeron?"

"There are many reasons."

Sharlayan said calmly: "First, the Kingdom of Lordaeron has always used humanitarianism as an excuse to deal with orcs with a milder attitude, which just complements the overly aggressive Kul Tiras."

"Second, I plan to leave a way out for Lordaeron...or Princess Calia just in case."

Valeera's expression moved slightly, and her originally confused expression became serious: "You mean..."


Sharlayan sighed softly: "The Scourge is destined to focus on Lordaeron, the most populous city, once the Scourge breaks out... I'm not sure whether Lordaeron can survive this disaster. "

"As compensation for 'doing nothing but death', I must leave a way of escape for Lordaeron."

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