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Chapter 907 Classes Are Everywhere

Among the four people present, only Valeera was specialized in intelligence work. Jaina and Tinagosa were not professionally matched, and they were not sensitive enough to the existence of spies.

Of course there is another reason.

They will more or less look down on the ugly Naga, and subconsciously think that Naga is just a rough person who relies on physical ability to fight.

But is this really the case?

The answer is obviously no.

It is true that in the perception of most Azerothians, the naga who often appear in their sights are indeed rough and weak, not much better than murlocs.

But these low-level Naga who are widely distributed near the major coastlines do not represent the entire Naga group.

Sharlayan also said before that the early Naga were essentially night elves... or Highborne.

The transformation of form did not take away their powerful arcane affinity obtained by the long-term transformation of the Well of Eternity, and even because of the transformation of adapting to the environment and the blessing of the ancient god N'Zoth, they added the affinity of water element and shadow energy.

Theoretically, high-level Naga spellcasters can add false illusions to themselves, change into any race, and easily mix into the local area.

Sharlayan doesn't know how long the average lifespan of a naga is. According to the information provided by Tyrande, at least those high-level naga, like the night elves, have an extremely long lifespan, and they are probably "blessed" by N'Zoth. "Influence.

If these high-ranking Naga had long wanted to lurk among the night elves, they could even have spent hundreds or even thousands of years laying out their plans.

With such a long incubation time, even the locals who are instinctively alert to outsiders cannot always have doubts about them, and sooner or later they will subtly agree that they have also become a member of the locals.

Perhaps there is something unique about the illusion taught by Azshara, even Jaina and Tinagosa, who are proficient in arcane arts, didn't see any clues.

Valeera sensed something was wrong out of professional instinct, but Jaina and Tinagosa, who were very sensitive to arcane arts, didn't speak up. At first, she thought it was her nervousness.

It wasn't until Sharlayan brought up the topic that Valeera finally affirmed her sensitivity to the traces of spies' activities.

Looking back at the half-closed door of the tavern, Valeera could still hear the noise of the drunkards bluffing from here.

"Sharlayan, you don't intend to expose the identity of that Naga spy?"

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Why should I expose it in person? This is not about our Quel'Thalas. The long-arm ruling other countries' internal affairs is easy to cause supercilious glances."

"Let's go, we've got enough information. When we see Malfurion, we'll tell him what's going on here. Don't startle the enemy for now. I believe he will handle it properly."

Valeera has partnered with Sharlayan for many years, and she could tell at a glance what Sharlayan wanted to do with this secret piece that she thought hadn't been exposed, so she simply didn't ask any more questions.

Estorante Port has just been built a few years ago, and it is definitely the youngest among the many night elf cities with a long history.

Because there have been a large number of ship exchanges with Northrend for a long time, it has also undertaken the important task of maritime trade with the Eastern Kingdom.

In just a few years, Estorante quickly surpassed the old port of Dark Coast, Auberdine, and became the largest, most prosperous port city in the Night Republic, with the largest daily throughput of ships.

When it was first built, Estorante had only one port area, and all activities revolved around the relatively shabby dock at that time.

As a large number of passenger ships and merchant ships arrived, Malfurion approved the expansion of Estorante Port many times.

Today, in addition to the port area that has become more atmospheric, Estorante Port has extended three brand new areas inland, namely the oak area, the temple area and the military area.

There is nothing to say about the military area and the temple area.

The temple of Elune, the moon god, exists in all night elf cities. Larger cities will expand an entire temple area around the temple of the moon god.

The military zone was built to deal with the endless attacks from the Naga. As the conflict with the Naga intensified, the scale of Estorante's military zone was also expanding rapidly.

The last oak area is an area where a large number of residents of Estorante live, and the interior is divided into three small urban areas, namely the upper city, the lower city and the big market.

It is also ironic.

The Dark Night Republic had abolished the aristocratic system of the Dark Night Empire long ago, but the class gap between the common people and the upper class did not disappear because of this. Those elders just changed their identities and continued to exploit the lower class people.

They used to be called the High Elf Nobles, but now they are called Druids, Great Merchants, and Luna Priests.

When Malfurion and Tyrande made up their minds to get rid of the noble class and mage privileges, not all the Highborne left as hard as Dath'Remar.

There are also a considerable number of high-level elf mages who "recognized their mistakes" and chose to bow their heads to the druid sect. These people later became the earliest balance druids without exception.

The so-called balance druid refers to the use of the power of life to balance the arcane energy that will "cause harm to the world".

To put it simply, the early balance druids must also learn the druid's life force, and the high-level sect prohibits them from abusing arcane.

Although this approach has an obvious political purpose, it has to be said that using the power of nature to balance the power of arcane is indeed a stroke of God.

Just like the principle of Arcandor, the miracle tree, the gentle force of nature gradually cured the magic addiction of those highborne mages who lost the Well of Eternity.

Magic addiction is the ultimate problem that plagues all high-level elves. Seeing that the druid's way of balance can cure magic addiction, more and more high-level elf mages hold their noses and join the druid sect. Malfurion, who has educated all peoples in the way, is happy to see it succeed.

There is a saying in another world that goes well, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Occupation and identity can be changed, but the set of tactics in the bones of the high elves is difficult to change.

After 10,000 years of development, most of these original high-level elf mages have mixed into the middle and high-level Cenarion Council by virtue of their skillful political struggle skills.

If Malfurion could keep awake and suppress them all the time, these highborne elves who had already experienced Malfurion's power would dare to be too presumptuous.

With Malfurion sleeping in the Emerald Dream for a long time, the carefree Fandral couldn't suppress, and didn't even think about suppressing these old and cunning guys.

From the point of view of the straight-tempered Fandral, he doesn't need to care about the identities of his subordinates, as long as they can be used by him according to the order.

It was also during the period when Fandral acted as the druid leader that several druid sects in the Cenarion Council quickly grew, and the methods of forming gangs were exactly the same as those of the highborne.

It is true that there are no nobles in the Republic of Dark Night, but ordinary people are still ordinary people, and the upper class people are still upper class people. There is no essential change, just the same group of people have changed their identities.

The upper city of Estorante is mainly populated by the top leaders of the major druid sects.

These unprofitable high-ranking people keenly noticed the huge business opportunities contained in the increasingly prosperous Estorante Port, and hurriedly sent people over to make arrangements in advance like sharks smelling blood.

The vision of these old big families is indeed very sinister. Estorante has developed to its current scale in just a few years, and the generous capital injection of these high-ranking people has played a big role in it.

Of course, as the saying goes, the wool comes from the sheep.

The money invested by the faction bosses in the early stage will definitely be rewarded, and it is the vast number of dock workers who work hard in the port area to pay for their investment.

[Grass (modal particle)! I really thought that night elves had no class distinctions, my dream was broken. 】

[You are purely thinking too much on your own, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and class differences will exist wherever there are people. 】

[Indeed, the night elves are not the white lotus of the Holy Mother, otherwise Tyrande, who relies on the nepotism of his "boss" to parachute to the top, can sit firmly in the position of the country's leader for 10,000 years? 】

Sarlayan only took a few moments to glance at the content of the barrage discussion, and did not personally participate in it.

"Here we are."

Malfurion's temporary office was chosen at the junction of the oak area and the temple area.

The so-called office building is actually a big tree spawned by Druid spells, and a large number of tree houses used as temporary offices are distributed on this big tree that grows in a spiral.

When the four of Sharlayan arrived at the stairs at the bottom of the big tree, Tyrande Whisperwind, who had an unattractive expression, had already been waiting there, with his hands wrapped around his chest impatiently, and the soles of his feet subconsciously sprinted on the ground. step on.

"too slow!"

Finally seeing the Sharlayan group of four who had used the messenger in advance, Tyrande asked angrily: "Didn't you say it will arrive in half an hour? It's already an hour! You high elves have no sense of time." !"

The grumpy Grandma Tai who was stopped by Sarayan raised her hand and continued to attack: "Don't worry, we didn't waste this half an hour for nothing."

"Anyway, let's talk about it after seeing the Stormrage Chairman in the advanced office. This private visit is an eye-opener for us."

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