Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1018 Shaman Bishop Nobundo

Another leader of the Broken, the former garrison archbishop Akama, is still missing, and the Broken who live with the draenei now all serve the shaman archbishop Nobundo.

Thanks to Nobundo and Velen's efforts to bridge the gap between the Broken and the draenei, most draenei have accepted their brethren who are different from their own appearance.

After all, the two are originally of the same origin, but they have different appearances because of different encounters.

Although he didn't know what Sharlayan wanted to consult with Nobundo, Velen readily agreed to introduce them.

Nobundo, who used Volos to cover the entire New Shattras Holy Light Network and taught apprentices in the elemental area of ​​the city, soon received the news.

A few minutes later, a translucent ghost wolf rushed from outside the door, and immediately transformed into a thin and thin broken man after entering the door.

This plainly dressed, crystal staff-wielding Broken One is none other than Shaman Archbishop Nobundo.

Nobundo bowed politely to Velen and the two naaru before turning his attention to Sharlayan and the others standing aside.

"This is Sharlayan Deep Shadow, the Duke of Quel'Thalas that Volos mentioned, right?"

Nobundo nodded friendly to Sharlayan: "I am Nobundo, the shaman leader of the bishop's council. It's a pleasure to meet you, Duke of Deep Shadow."

Sharlayan also responded to Nobundo's gentle kindness with a smile: "Nice to meet you, Archbishop Nobundo."

"I don't like to go round and round, so I just get straight to the point."

"If the elemental sub-plane near Azeroth and the material world quickly draw closer, is there a way for you to minimize the series of harm caused by elemental tides?"

Not to mention Nobundo who is the person involved, Velen, who is well-informed, was also stunned for a while when he heard the words.

"The distance between the elemental plane and the material world is getting closer?"

Nobundo frowned and thought for a while before answering: "I've never considered this question before."

"There is no so-called elemental plane in Draenor. We can directly contact the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind that form the foundation of the world on the Throne of Elements."

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "There are historical reasons for the formation of this situation in Azeroth. This is a long story."

Nobundo smiled understandingly: "It's okay, we need to care about the essence of this problem, and it won't be too late to study it slowly after the origin of history."

"Elemental plane..." Nobundo rubbed his chin subconsciously and meditated: "I don't know the principle of the sub-plane and the material world getting closer. According to what you said, when the elemental plane approaches, it will cause violent elements. Tides? This doesn't make sense."

Sharlayan said with a serious expression: "If the normal planes are approaching, it may have a more or less impact on the material world, but it will definitely not cause a large-scale elemental tide."

"As far as I know, the approaching of the planes this time is not a natural phenomenon, but someone deliberately promoted it behind the scenes. The purpose is to cause large-scale turmoil in Azeroth, and I will take the opportunity to hide behind and fish in troubled waters."

Nobundo's expression became serious: "Who has such a big hand, can actually forcibly pull the sub-bit closer to the material world, and also take the opportunity to trigger the elemental tide?"


Sharlayan explained with a sneer: "The Draenei have not moved to Azeroth for a long time, and you may not know enough about the enemies of Azeroth."

"Your Excellency Velen, when you led the draenei fleet to wander in the star sea, did you ever hear the name of the Old God?"

Velen, who had been listening quietly, had a flash of light in his eyes: "I see, are those monsters from the void side playing tricks behind the scenes?"

Even without mentioning the huge amount of knowledge Velen accumulated as the three major consuls of Eredar, just in the tens of thousands of years wandering in the universe, Velen, who has an infinite lifespan, has seen more than one time being deeply parasitized by the ancient gods. The tragedy of the planet.

He even has some understanding of the Void Lord behind the Old God.

As far as Velen knows, Void Lords, also known as Void Lords, are living entities made of pure shadow energy.

Driven by endless hunger and thirst, the Void Lord will instinctively expand the coverage of the void realm until one day completely transforms the entire material universe into a void realm suitable for their survival.

Because the existence of the Void Lords is too special, they cannot directly intervene in the material universe. They can only continuously project the "seeds" containing their power into the material universe, allowing these seeds to take root and germinate on various planets.

And the life hatched from these seeds is the so-called ancient god, the culprit who parasitizes the planet, absorbs the planet's nutrients, devours and corrupts all substances on the planet.

In the material universe that most people are familiar with, a small number of planets will give birth to a special existence called the soul of the world... also known as the soul of the star.

The reason why the Void Lord keeps sowing seeds to the material universe is to corrupt the souls of these worlds.

Once the world soul is completely corrupted by the ancient gods who are the extension of the Void Lord's power, the mature corrupted star soul will become the best carrier for the Void Lord to enter the material universe.

Back then, the bronze titan Sargeras had personally seen a planet with a star soul that was about to be completely corrupted.

He instinctively felt the catastrophic consequences that this star soul might have on the material universe when it matured, so he split the entire planet in half with his sword on the spot.

Since then, Sargeras has changed his usual milder way of action, prioritizing the purification of the planet corrupted by the power of the void before hunting down demons.

Sargeras' overly aggressive style of action caused dissatisfaction among the Titans of the Pantheon headed by Aman'Thul, and the two sides had many conflicts due to disagreement of ideas.

Sargeras, who couldn't get help from his compatriots, became more and more extreme. He turned his mind on the demons he had sealed on the broken planet Mardum.

With unparalleled super strength, Sargeras easily conquered the demons who admired strength, and the Burning Legion was established.

"Purify everything with flame", this is the purpose of the Burning Legion when it was first established.

Perhaps Sargeras's original intention of trying to purify the power of the void is good, but in the eyes of individuals on the order side such as Sharlayan and Velen, after leading the evil demon army and experiencing countless years of bloody conquests, he has long deviated from himself. original intention.

King of demons, this title is worthy of the name for today's Sargeras.

When traveling to Azeroth in the early years, Velen vaguely heard that Azeroth also hosts the Old God.

However, unlike other sad planets corrupted by the ancient gods, due to the favor of the Pantheon, the ancient gods who came to Azeroth were rectified by the Titans tens of thousands of years ago.

The seven most powerful Y'Shaarj were torn apart by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, and C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and N'Zoth, who survived by chance, were also sealed in their prisons.

Although the curse of flesh and blood created by the ancient gods later affected the entire Azeroth, it also gave birth to a more brilliant mortal civilization, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Generally speaking, the damage caused by the Old Gods to Azeroth is not too much, and the situation is still within the controllable range.

But Velen has also heard that the ancient gods have never given up their plans to further erode Azeroth. During the years when the titan guardians gradually fell silent, they relied on the dragon guardians to resist their various small actions.

However, among the original five complete dragon guardians, Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, was seduced by the ancient gods and fell 10,000 years ago. The dragon army suffered heavy losses in that sudden rebellion. Almost exterminated.

After that, Nozdormu, the guardian of time, has been missing for many years, Malygos the spellweaver is insane, Ysera the lord of the dream is sleepy, and Alexstrasza the life-binder is alone.

The guardians of the titans and the guardians of the dragons, who were supposed to stand up and take responsibility, lost their voices one after another, and the task of resisting the pressing of the ancient gods could only fall on the mortals.

A few years ago, under Sharlayan's matchmaking, the Azeroth coalition forces won the second battle of the shifting sands in Silithus.

The reunited four dragon kings once again sealed the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun underground, making it impossible to pose a threat to Azeroth for at least tens of thousands of years.

Among the only two remaining ancient gods, N'Zoth is far away in the deep sea, and it is difficult for the Azeroth civilization dominated by land creatures to harm him.

And Yogg-Saron secretly corrupted Ulduar's titan guardian, but because of the ban of the chief manager Odin, the dragon family is not allowed to enter Ulduar.

This gave Velen a headache.

Now that Sharlayan has taken the initiative to talk about the threat of the Old Gods, Velen is raising his doubts about how to deal with N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron.

Sarlayan didn't intend to keep it secret, and explained to Velen straight to the point: "I already have a complete set of plans for Yogg-Saron, but I'm currently in the stage of secretly accumulating strength."

"As long as the time is right, I am confident that the corruption in Ulduar will be completely wiped out in a short period of time, so that the guardians of the titans can return to their origin."

"As for N'Zoth..."

Sharlayan sighed with some headaches: "This guy is the problem that bothers me the most."

"Before Naga turns his back on the water completely, it is very difficult for us as land creatures to go deep underwater to destroy his minions."

"The elemental tide I just mentioned was planned by N'Zoth and his loyal lackeys. Before we find the best way to solve it, we can only choose to let it go."


Sharlayan rounded up the topic again, looking expectantly at Nobundo who bowed his head in deep thought.

"Archbishop, let's go back to the original question, shall we?"

"Do you have a way to minimize the geological disasters that will be suffered across Azeroth during the time of the elemental tide?"

Nobundo frowned slightly: "Is it just a geological disaster?"

Sharlayan nodded calmly: "That's right, as for man-made disasters...don't underestimate the determination and fighting spirit of the people of Azeroth to protect their homeland, we can deal with those swarming elements."

"Is that so..." Nobundo breathed a sigh of relief, "That would be much easier."

"I need to convene all the shaman priests to work together to formulate a complete elemental disaster defense plan. This will take about 1-2 years... Is there still time?"

Thanks for the reward of "Zi Feiyu, how would you know Yu Zhile".

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