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Chapter 1017 The Draenei Vote

In her spare time, Onyxia, who likes to listen to all kinds of gossip, has heard many stories about the Draenei from Sharlayan, including the grievances and entanglements between Kil'jaeden and Velen.

Unlike Archimonde, the rebellious apprentice who later relied on conspiracy to replace Sakir, Velen and Kil'jaeden have been the second of the three consuls of the Eredar civilization since tens of thousands of years ago. There is no rebellion between people.

Faced with the seduction of Sargeras disguised as the bronze titan, Velen had serious differences with Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

Due to the two-to-one vote, the Eredar civilization finally fully surrendered to the Burning Legion, and has since become the backbone of the Legion.

Today, advanced technologies such as space battleships and interstellar space portals possessed by the Burning Legion are almost all brought by the Eredars who have been transformed into demons.

With the addition of the Eredars, the Burning Legion has really embarked on the road of rapid development.

However, the prophet Velen, who has the ability to foresee, has noticed something wrong with Sargeras from the very beginning. He believes that following the Burning Legion will bring the Eredar civilization to a point of no return.

It's a pity that the arms cannot hold back the thighs. With the two consuls and colleagues having made up their minds, Velen can only secretly summon some Eredar who also have doubts about the Burning Legion and secretly plan to escape.

With the help of the naaru, the holy light aggregates from the stars, Velen finally escaped from their home planet with some eredar who were willing to follow him after paying a great sacrifice.

This part of Eredar who wandered among the stars for a long time is the later Draenei. This word means exile in Eredar.

This long journey of escape lasted for 50,000 years, and the Draenei traveled between multiple planets, each time being found and chased by the Burning Legion.

Kil'jaeden used to talk about everything with Velen, and he thought that the two of them had a life-threatening friendship.

Only in the matter of following the Burning Legion, Velen betrayed his friendship with him and chose to lead some "rebels" to flee alone.

This made Kil'jaeden, who felt that he had made a mistake with his true feelings, extremely angry. For tens of thousands of years, he never gave up his plan to pursue the draenei, and made up his mind to capture Velen back to accept the cruelest punishment.

With the help of Velen's foresight ability, the Draenei narrowly escaped the encirclement of the Burning Legion time and time again.

During this long journey of escape, Naruk Ure, Kara, and Deori, who had been helping the Draenei, gradually exhausted the holy light energy stored in their bodies.

Kara was the first to degenerate into a dark naaru due to the failure of the holy light, which caused a huge commotion among the Draenei fleet.

As a last resort, Velen ordered the fallen Kara to be thrown from the ship.

But his decision was too late. The fleet suffered irreparable damage due to Kara's attack, and all the Draenei were forced to land on the surface of Draenor.

Since then, the Dark Narukala has roamed the skies above Shadowmoon Valley, earning it the nickname the Dark Star by the Orc Shadowmoon clan who are good at stargazers.

During this turmoil, Narudori was "killed" by Kara in order to protect the Draenei, and his body was buried in the Auchenai tomb by priests headed by Archbishop Maladar.

But in fact De'Ori didn't really die, he just fell into a deep sleep because the Holy Light was exhausted, and gradually began to transform into a dark naaru.

Keurei, who was the least injured, unfortunately crashed with the spaceship in Nagrand. Due to the obstruction of the local orc clan, Velen, who did not want to conflict with the local aborigines, never found a chance to return to the spaceship to rescue Keuree.

The place where the spaceship crashed formed a hill due to the impact, which was later called the sacred mountain Oshu'gun by the orcs.

By accident, Keure, which can attract souls with holy light, is regarded as some kind of sacred thing. There are constant orcs who follow the guidance of the ancestor's soul and come to Oshu'gun to worship and listen to the teachings of their ancestors.

This situation lasted for hundreds of years, and Keurei also maintained his injuries under the water of holy water containing a large amount of elemental energy brought by the orcs, without further deterioration.

It wasn't until the Burning Legion...or when the Trickster set his sights on Draenor, that the habits of the orcs changed dramatically.

After learning that the draenei led by Velen were hiding in Draenor, Kil'jaeden, who was full of trivial matters, was unable to go out in person. He tempted Gul'dan, whose heart was full of dark emotions because of his disability, and let him corrupt the original worshiper step by step. Orcs who believe in shamanism.

After the orcs gradually abandoned their shaman beliefs and turned to fel energy to become a warlock, Keure could no longer be nourished by elemental energy, and his injuries became more and more serious day by day.

When Sharlayan went to Draenor last time, he awakened Archbishop Maladar in the Auchenai tomb, and gathered a large amount of holy light to reawaken De'ori, who was transforming into the dark naaru.

The return of this naaru provided a lot of help for the draenei's retreat. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, they failed to rescue Ke'ure who was still trapped in Oshu'gun before evacuating from Nagrand, let alone time Retransform "Dark Star" Kara back.

Before leaving, Sharlayan handed over the task of rescuing Ke'ure to Turalyon, Maraad and others who stayed behind in Draenor.

Even if Keuree's injury cannot be completely healed, at least the situation must be controlled to prevent him from continuing to degenerate into the dark naaru.

Before Velen left Draenor, Naruvolos, who had followed and helped the Draenei for a long time, sent a distress signal to the Legion of Light who was fighting in the Twisting Nether.

If nothing else, the reinforcements sent by Zera, Mother of Light, should have already arrived in Draenor.

This reinforcement fleet consisting of the flagship Storm Fortress and several frigates is led by the high-ranking Naru Adar, and the fleet also includes Kieras, Fuelu, Kexili, Kiru and Muru multiple naaru.

With the help of these naaru, maybe Turalyon, Maraad and others really have a way to rescue Keurei.

Sharlayan noticed Onyxia's strange expression, but he kept his composure for the time being, and planned to ask Velen in detail after the private conversation with Velen was over.

In Velen's private office, Sharlayan accidentally met two naaru who were still doing their best to help the Draenei—Volos and Deori.

There is one thing to say, although Sharlayan knew that the naaru helped the Draenei to draw them into the Legion of the Holy Light and jointly fight against the threat of the Burning Legion, but not everyone can do tens of thousands of years of watch of.

There is a common saying that the draenei have long been accustomed to the symbiotic relationship with the naaru after so many years of getting along, and some of them have also received the blessing of the naaru, and have a stronger control of the holy light than other companions. force.

Zela, the Mother of Light, is indeed a bit radical and self-centered, but naaru are also individuals, and each naaru has different ideas. Perhaps some naaru also disapprove of Zela's radical behavior in some aspects. pull.

In the version 7.0 timeline that players are familiar with, the Legion of the Holy Light suffered a beheading attack, including Zela himself, and the main force of the Legion of the Holy Light suffered a devastating blow.

When Turalyon reactivated Zera's consciousness with the Heart of Light, there was no one around her who could persuade her to change her mind.

Zela, who was eager for success, tried to forcefully transform Illidan into a light-forged form, but Illidan was a stubborn ass who took the soft but not the hard.

Annoyed, Illidan beat Zela, who was still very weak after just recovering, to pieces... and was thrown into the ground by the pragmatic Turalyon and Velen. Furnace waste utilized.

What puzzled Sharlayan was that the Outland had already returned to calm at that time, so why didn't the reinforcement Naaru headed by Adal not drive the Storm Fortress back to join the Legion of the Holy Light?

Disagreement? Or what other reasons?

In any case, Zela's death was to a large extent the inevitable result of her too tough character. Aurelia, who had been transformed into a void elf (Londore) in the original history, also complained about Zela A stone head that can't turn around.

D'Oli was rescued by Salayan himself, and this naaru came to Velen's office to formally express his gratitude to him.

As for Volos... He just followed his colleagues to see the benefactor he mentioned.

According to Velen, after coming to Azeroth, Volos guarded the Blue Secret Island for a long time and helped the Draenei build the capital city of New Shattras.

And D'Ori followed another group of Draenei to Bloodmyst Isle. With his help, the Draenei established another temple city - New Karabor.

Since then, D'Ori has been resident in New Karabor, and the two naaru have worked together to help the draenei build a new home in Azeroth.

Deoli hurried back to New Shattrath after learning that Sarlayan would be visiting not long ago. After this meeting, he will return to New Karabo to sit in town.

After exchanging pleasantries, Sharlayan gradually brought the topic to the main topic with Valeera's support.

As Sharlayan had expected, Velen nodded and agreed almost without hesitation to his request for reinforcements at Fort Watch.

"The Draenei have spent a few years in Azeroth smoothly, and it's time to show our value to other races in Azeroth."

Velen stroked his beard solemnly and said: "The Burning Legion is our common enemy, and our compatriots are working hard to hold on to the other side of the Dark Portal. Even if you don't mention this matter, I will suggest to the Council of Bishops Send troops to the cursed land to check the situation."

[This can also be regarded as a certificate of honor handed over by the Draenei to other races in Azeroth. 】

"in addition……"

Velen looked at the two naaru floating next to him with deep meaning.

The more eloquent Deori's body surface began to flicker with soft light, sending his words directly into the brains of Salayan and others in a special way.

"Our compatriots Keule and Kara are still suffering in Draenor, and Volos and I also want to take advantage of the opportunity of the Dark Portal to be opened again to rescue them."

Sharlayan nodded understandingly: "Then it's settled, and Quel'Thalas will be in charge of connecting them to ensure that the Draenei army will not be garrisoned by the Warden Fort due to their unfamiliarity. treat each other with cold eyes."

"As for the second matter..."

Sharlayan turned his gaze to Velen: "I have questions about the elements and would like to ask Archbishop Nobundo. I wonder if he is free now?"

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