Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1016 Undercurrent of New Shattrath

Although the Draenei have been trying to adapt to the new environment of Azeroth in recent years and concentrate on building their new home, this does not mean that they are ignorant of the changes in the world situation of Azeroth.

As the spiritual leader of the Draenei, Prophet Velen doesn't need to stay in the tribe for a long time, and the daily government affairs and military affairs will be assigned to the bishop's council.

According to the former Sun King Anasteria, who had long since abdicated, this old-hearted prophet has already traveled all over Azeroth, and has a preliminary grasp of the current international situation.

The seemingly peaceful Azeroth actually hides many hidden dangers. The immature Titan star soul of Azeroth has always been coveted by various forces such as the Burning Legion, the Old Gods, and the Shadow Realm.

This is a beautiful world, but if they want to live in Azeroth safely, the Draenei also need to contribute their own strength.

Since the draenei came to Azeroth, they have been busy building new homes, apart from cooperating with the high elves to study magic technology, they have not made any visible contribution to Azeroth, which is not conducive to the draenei People really integrated into Azeroth civilization.

Years ago, Velen extended an invitation to Sharlayan, mostly as a thank you for what he had done for the draenei.

It's a pity that Sharlayan was so busy running around that he couldn't spare time to respond to Velen's invitation.

As Aegwynn said, Velen, who had lived for more than 50,000 years, didn't care much about it.

Regardless of the white beard on Velen's face, no one knows how long this old prophet who has already broken through the limits of mortals and became a demigod can live.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no accidental death, the natural lifespan of a demigod is infinite.

What? Why is Velen a demigod when he comes out?

If anyone can live for 50,000 years, as long as their aptitude is not so dull that it is unbearable to look at it directly, even if they are slowly honed with water, they will be able to overcome the bottleneck that restricts mortals sooner or later.

Not to mention that Velen was already extremely talented, and he was also blessed and favored by Naaru.

When they first came to Draenor, the draenei elected five archbishops, and under the guidance of the spiritual leader Velen, they formed a council of bishops, leading the draenei to struggle for survival in that wild world.

The five archbishops are Osar representing scholars, Hataru representing technicians, Maladar representing priests, Neri representing rangers, and Akama representing defenders.

During the long and turbulent period when the orcs were bewitched by the Burning Legion, Orthar betrayed the Draenei and joined the Burning Legion, Hataru was assassinated by a traitor, and Akama was eroded by evil energy at the end of the Battle of Shattrath. After becoming the Broken, he disappeared.

Maladar held the Auchenai tomb for a long time, and Sharlayan freed him only when the crusade entered Draenor.

Ranger archbishop Nelly was seriously injured and unconscious in the last battle between Shattrath and the orcs. After being rescued by his subordinates desperately, it took several years to be reawakened by Sharlayan and his party.

When retreating from Draenor, Maraad, the hopeful leader of the new Vindicator, voluntarily stayed on Draenor to delay the Burning Legion with the Alliance Expeditionary Force.

Originally the shaman leader Nobundo also wanted to stay and help, but at the last moment, he was unexpectedly kicked into the Dark Portal by Maraad, and he could only settle his fellow Broken in Azeroth dumbfounded .

The Broken Ones are a special branch of the Draenei race. These people were all mutated and mutated by a lot of evil energy during the Battle of Shattrath.

Perhaps because of psychological factors, the Broken could no longer get the response of the Holy Light, and they fell into despair because of this. Many Broken abandoned themselves and embarked on the path of self-destruction.

Fortunately, Nobundo, who was also transformed into the Broken, was recognized by the elements of Draenor at this critical moment, bringing another way of life for the Broken.

At that time, the Throne of Elements in Draenor had been destroyed by Gul'dan, and there was no King of Elements anymore. The elements just instinctively responded to the call of the local creatures.

This precious response has saved many Broken Ones who were already in despair.

And as the leader of all the Broken Ones, Nobundo shouldered the important task of appeasing the tribe, so Vindicator Maraad kicked him into Azeroth.

After coming to Azeroth, after several years of development, the Draenei re-elected new bishop council members.

Ranger Archbishop Nelly and Priest Archbishop Maradar still maintained their original official positions. The post of Vindicator Archbishop was left to Maraad who was temporarily absent. The scholar Archbishop in charge of government affairs was held by a rising star named Onara.

By the way, Onara is Velen's personal apprentice.

Originally Velen wanted to hand over the title of Technician Archbishop to Hattaru's chief apprentice, Romuel, but Romuel declined the Prophet's kindness on the grounds that he and the remaining technicians were not ready yet, and the position of Technician Archbishop was temporarily Hanging.

In the end, Velen defied all opinions and established a new archbishop—the shaman archbishop Nobundo.

From a political point of view, Velen's approach is undoubtedly correct.

The shaman archbishop served by the Broken can effectively close the relationship between the Broken and other Draenei, so that they will not be regarded as aliens outside the mainstream society, and solve a hidden problem in disguise. Social Issues.

Under the leadership of the Ranger Archbishop Nelly, Sharlayan and his party entered the magnificent Draenei capital New Shattrath.

Sharlayan had seen the old Draenei capital that had fallen into ruins in the Talador forest in Draenor.

In terms of design pattern, New Shattrath still follows the circular city distribution style of Shattrath City.

In the center of the city is the Dome of Holy Light where the Council of Bishops and Velen work. With the Dome of Holy Light as the center, each city area spreads out in a circular shape.

When following Nari across the city from the central avenue, Sharlayan and the others witnessed the draenei society gradually returning to normal life.

The spiritual outlook of the residents in the city is no longer the restlessness and hesitation they had when they fled Draenor, and their yearning for a better life in the outside world can be seen from their faces.

Of course, this beautiful life cannot be obtained out of thin air, and it must be someone who pays silently in a place that ordinary people cannot see.

Sarlayan came to New Shattrath for an appointment this time, not only to discuss the catastrophe with Nobundo, but also to invite the Draenei to send troops to join the reinforcements for Fort Watch.

The Draenei and the Burning Legion have fought guerrilla warfare for tens of thousands of years, and there has been a hatred between the two sides that will never be resolved.

As long as Kil'jaeden is still alive, the Burning Legion will not give up their obsession with hunting down the Draenei.

Similarly, the long-lived Draenei will not forget those relatives and friends who died tragically at the hands of the Legion.

Previously, due to Velen's too gentle, even weak attitude towards the orcs, the Draenei, who obviously had stronger technology and individual strength, suffered a big loss in Draenor.

After learning from the pain, Velen has been reflecting on his logical mistakes in Teledore afterwards, and he gradually realized a truth.

In the face of barbarians like orcs whose bodies move faster than their brains, it is useless to blindly reason with them. When necessary, they must show stronger strength than them in order to be eligible to compete with orcs on an equal footing.

Unfortunately, it was too late when Velen realized this idea. After the orcs drank the blood of demons in large quantities, the situation in Draenor was completely irreversible.

This world, once favored by Aggramar, is doomed to die, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

After entering the Dome of Holy Light, the number of draenei has decreased significantly, but this is the core of New Shattrath, and everyone who works in the dome bears the important task of leading the group.

I haven't seen him for several years, but the Prophet Velen's appearance looks the same as before, he is still so old, but his spirit is as hale and hearty as ever.

"Thank you, Archbishop Nelly."

Velen first smiled and nodded to Nellie: "Leave this to me, and you can return to your post."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prophet."

Nelli saluted Velen in a businesslike manner, turned around and nodded friendly to Sharlayan, and then strode away from the Dome of Holy Light.


Looking at the back of Nari leaving, Velen sighed softly.

"She still hasn't forgiven me for the disastrous consequences of my weak decisions."

One thing to say, Salayan thinks there is nothing wrong with Nellie's attitude.

As one of the archbishops in charge of the Draenei military, Nari and Akama jointly shoulder the important task of leading the army to protect the tribe.

The military's foreign stance is usually relatively tough. As early as many years ago, Nellie complained about Velen's overly gentle diplomatic strategy.

Later developments also proved that Velen was indeed wrong, and wrong very wrong.

Although this will not shake Velen's achievements and status accumulated in leading his people to escape from the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years, there is still a knot in Neri's heart.

In the years since she came to Azeroth, Nellie has always treated Velen in a business-like manner, and there will never be any private communication.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this first."

Velen shook his head and put aside the problems within the group, his wise eyes looked gently at the six people headed by Sharlayan.

"Duke Deep Shadow, you brought your confidante friends to the appointment this time, not just to visit my old bone, right?"

Sharlayan silently smiled and spread his hands. Valeera stepped forward and said to Velen, "Your Excellency, we do have other important matters to discuss with the Draenei. Here..."

Noticing Valeera's gaze to the left and right, Velen nodded in understanding.

"It's confirmed that there are a lot of people talking here. Please come with me, everyone, and talk in detail in my office."

When the others followed Velen who was walking slowly with his staff, Onyxia, who was yawning, suddenly noticed something strange.


Onyxia rubbed the corners of her eyes with her fingers calmly, half-closed her eyes and looked at a certain corner of the Holy Light Dome from the corner of her eyes.

‘Surveillance eyes? What does it mean? Why did the draenei spy on the foreign envoy received by the prophet Velen himself? '

'Could it be...'

Thoughts flashed imperceptibly in Onyxia's eyes: "It seems that there are still hidden dangers buried in New Shattrath, the Burning Legion...or maybe Kil'jaeden really has a deep obsession with Velen." '

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