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Chapter 1019 Invitation from Moonlight Grove

It is no easy task even for shamans who are closely connected with the elements to prevent the global geological disasters caused by elemental tides.

After mutating into the Broken One, Nobundo has gone through countless ordeals, and his mind has grown to be extremely stable. He will not pat his chest in a boastful manner, but give a relatively conservative promise.

Judging from the meaning of his words, although this huge project is destined to be very difficult, it is not completely impossible to realize, but there must be enough preparation time before the arrival of the elemental tide.

Due to the many changes that Sharlayan has made to the original history of Azeroth, he cannot guarantee when Deathwing and N'Zoth will launch.

Considering Deathwing's huge size as the Dragon King, forging a set of elemental armor that completely covers his body will definitely not be completed in a year or two. The collection and smelting of materials alone requires a lot of time and energy.

After Grim Batol suffered heavy losses due to his armor being torn apart, Deathwing, who suffered from a fall and gained wisdom, will definitely pay special attention to this issue, and try to prevent similar situations from happening again.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Deathwing chose a group of goblins as partners to help him create a set of extremely strong elemental armor after hiding in the deep rock continent of the earth elemental world through the maelstrom as a portal.

Said to be partners, in fact, the status of these goblins is more like slaves.

The black dragon has had the custom of enslaving slaves since ancient times. Before the birth of Hun Gaoling, the Drogobal clan of Highmountain were slaves who served the black dragon for countless years.

Goblins are not as skilled at forging as dwarves who specialize in the craft, but these mercenaries are the most suitable "partners" Deathwing can find.

The earth elemental world is barren, with no vegetation to be seen, and various resources are lacking, but there is no shortage of ores.

This is also the reason why Deathwing would rather face the hostility of Stonemother Therazane than hide in Deep Rock Continent for several years with the cheek.

He needs a large amount of high-quality ore produced by Deepholm.

According to the original historical timeline provided by the barrage, it is roughly speculated that Deathwing led the return of the elemental world in the Cataclysm version in the 28th year of the Black Gate.

It's only been 15 years since the Black Gate, and even taking into account the changes in the world line brought about by Sharlayan's change of history, it will still take at least 10 years for Deathwing to get his body armor covered with elementium armor.

10 years is enough for shamans such as Nobundo who started preparations in advance.

And Sharlayan doesn't intend to leave the draenei shaman alone.

Although the inheritance is more fragmented than that of the Draenei, there are also scattered half-baked shamans in the Wildhammer dwarves.

In this joint operation for the second opening of the Dark Portal, Sharlayan just planned to let the Draenei formally integrate into Azeroth, so as to establish normal exchanges with other races and communicate with each other.

In this way, the Draenei can spread the orthodox shaman inheritance to other countries in Azeroth, and perhaps allow the international shaman organization, the Ring of the Earth, to come out in advance.

In addition, the orc tribe, which also has a complete shaman inheritance, cannot be let go.

After the doomed Battle of Mount Hyjal is over, Sharlayan intends to entrust Goel to also send orc shamans to join this major project prepared in advance to protect Azeroth.

No matter how the Alliance and the Horde conflict because of their mutual interests, at least on such a major matter of global security, Sharlayan does not want the two sides to stand side by side, and the cross-camp cooperation that should exist cannot be broken.

With Nobundo's prudent promise, Sharlayan's two main missions to New Shattrath were completed.

It is said to be a honeymoon trip, but in fact, from the time of departure to the present, Sharlayan has been doing business most of the time.

Valeera, Jaina, and the others knew his style very well, so they didn't say much about it. The five of them, plus their sister-in-law Tinagosa, all cooperated with him and assisted him.

Valeera didn't stand up as an opinion representative until all the official business of this trip was done, and suggested that she take this opportunity to take a good tour of Kalimdor.

Sharlayan, who was fine for the time being, would naturally not object to this.

Although he was a little worried about the rebuilding of the alliance on the other side of the sea, Kael'thas and the professional foreign minister Calpurnia and others were watching, so he didn't have to pay attention to the whole process in person.

Otherwise, why does Quel'Thalas raise so many diplomats? You can't just go to the Duke of Deep Shadow when you are undecided, Sharlayan is not the omnipotent blue fat man mentioned in the barrage.

After bidding farewell to Velen and the two naaru, Onyxia returned to the form of a black dragon, and carried a group of people across the strait back to the Darkshore. Amidst the exclamation of many night elves, they flew at low altitude, all the way to the direction of Moonglade Slow flight.

Due to Deathwing's defection during the War of the Ancients, the black dragon did not have a good impression on the night elves who had experienced that tragic war.

Onyxia flying swaggeringly caught the attention of the sentinel troops in charge of homeland defense, and the news quickly spread to the sentinel general Shandis Yuyue who was stationed in the capital Andarius.

Before the Second War of Quicksand, in order to ensure the unimpeded logistical supply between the north and the south of Kalimdor, Shandris stayed in the hidden capital of Erethalas abandoned by Syndra for a long time.

After the war, the Qiraji were almost exterminated, and all the high-level officials were slaughtered. Only some scattered soldiers fled in all directions, and they could no longer pose a systematic threat to Kalimdor.

Shandris, who was sitting in the rear, was the first to receive the order, and led the elite sentry troops back to defend around Mount Hyjal.

Followed by Cenarion Stronghold stationed in Silithus.

After several years of eradicating most of the buggers remaining in the desert, the new Cenarion Council chairman, Rensa Gianthoof, also returned to the Cenarion Council headquarters in Moonglade with peace of mind.

At this point, the biggest threat in southern Kalimdor can basically be declared completely eliminated.

Even if C'Thun breaks out again tens of thousands of years later, it will still face the embarrassing situation that no one can use it.

Moreover, the tol'vir and Anubisas guarding the furnace of origin are staring at Uldum next door. Sharlayan can pat his chest to assure that C'Thun can no longer become a threat to Azeroth.

Knowing that there was a black dragon flying over Darkshore, Shandris didn't take it too seriously.

She had already known from the Council of Dark Night that Sharlayan would bring several companions to visit Azuremyst Island, including Onyxia, the black dragon princess who had reformed from evil.

Ordinary people's stereotypes of black dragons are not so easy to change, but as a senior executive of the Night Republic, Shandris is very well informed.

Malfurion and Tyrande had learned through the channels of the Green Dragon Clan that the Black Dragon had split into two factions, the Establishment faction and the Rebel faction.

The establishment faction headed by the black dragon prince Ebisian and the dragon queen Sinestra returned to the Dragonbone Wilderness and was recognized by the other four races of dragons.

Onyxia is undoubtedly also a member of the establishment faction, and is completely different from the rebel black dragons who are still planning to bring disaster to Azeroth.

What made Shandris even more curious was why Sharlayan and his party went to Moonglade.

Under the ten-thousand-year management of the night elves, the entire northern part of Kalimdor has been acquired by them, and Moonglade is no exception.

There are not many valuable resources in this small basin, and a large lake in the center occupies about half of the forest land, leaving even less space for the land.

For many years, Moonglade served as the headquarters of the Cenarion Circle.

However, there is one thing to say, compared to the largest branch established in the capital, Andalius, the headquarter's traffic has always been low, and only those druids who don't care about foreign affairs and devote themselves to practice will choose to retreat here.

In fact, Sharlayan and his party didn't think much about it, it was just because Valeera casually mentioned that the scenery of Moonglade is very beautiful, and it is very suitable as a place for leisure and vacation.

Anyway, the Sharlayan family didn't have any clear travel goals, so they simply set their first stop at the Moonlight Glade, which is rarely visited by people.

But besides sightseeing, Sharlayan has other things to confirm.

After crossing the northernmost mountains of Darkshore, Onyxia officially entered the range of Moonglade.

The druids who had already received the news looked curiously at the huge black dragon gradually descending from the sky, and the forest guardian Remulos who stood at the front showed a kind smile on his face.

"Sharlayan, old friend, long time no see."

Remulos is the second son of Cenarius, the demigod of the forest, and the younger brother of Zaetar. Although his strength cannot reach the demigod standard of his father, he can be regarded as an outstanding generation among mortals.

As early as many years ago, Sharlayan had visited Moonglade in order to enter the Emerald Dream to save the soul of Inas, and was also instructed by Remulos at that time.

It was also during that operation that Sharlayan accidentally obtained the family of the wolf god Goldrinn, who saw the dragon's head but never tail, received the blessing of the wolf soul, and was able to incarnate into a silver wolf with part of Goldrinn's power.

Salayan's visit to Moonglade this time wasn't just for sightseeing.

Before crossing the sea to Azuremyst Isle via the Dark Coast, Sharlayan unexpectedly received a weak signal.

After tracing back, Sharlayan was surprised to find that the signal actually came from the wolf god Goldrinn.

Goldrinn, Tortola, and Cenarius are the only three remaining demigods after the War of the Ancients. Among them, Goldrinn and Tortola were severely injured in the war and have not recovered yet.

Cenarius, on the other hand, benefited from his father Malorne's death protection, and miraculously survived the war without any injuries.

The tortoise demigod Tortola's defense is extremely strong, so he absorbed a lot of demon damage in the battle of the ancients, and it is not difficult to understand that the injury has not healed for a long time.

Before Sharlayan sent back the ancestor sea turtle, he met Tortola, who was temporarily awakened. According to him, his injuries are almost healed, and he will be able to return to his peak within 10 years at the latest.

The situation of the wolf god Goldrinn made many druids worried. The Cenarion Council had privately discussed that Goldrinn, whose soul had disappeared, might be in some trouble.

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