In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 126 124 The carriage unable to leave British soil

Chapter 126 124. The carriage that cannot leave British soil

The third level of the Knight Bus has a very wide view.

Jon leaned back against the bed, and through the window beside him he could see the bus passing through a Muggle city.

This modified magic car travels extremely fast, and the way it moves forward is very unique. Compared with rolling forward on four wheels, it is more like jumping forward, which also causes it to move forward. Unusual bumps.

The houses in front of the car jumped to the sides before the bus was about to hit them, and then returned to their original positions after the bus left, without causing any disturbance to the Muggle pedestrians and pedestrians on the roadside. The attention of people in the house looks very magical.

As Jon passed between these houses, on one recent occasion he could hear two boys plotting to steal grapes from a neighbor's vine through a glass window.

This feeling was very novel, a bit like the scene when Jon was in the driving seat of the carriage and watched Hagrid drive the Hogwarts carriage, but it was obviously different.

"The day after I came back, I went to see Professor Potter and planned to return the Invisibility Cloak to her, but she didn't accept it." Jon and Dumbledore told what happened when they returned the Invisibility Cloak, "she said Leave this thing to me for safekeeping for the time being, and if she needs it, she will get it back from me."

Dumbledore was also lying comfortably on the bed. It seemed that taking Jon out this time was really just an ordinary trip.

"That thing is a past worth remembering for her, but it is extremely painful to remember it. It is a good thing for you to help her keep this invisibility cloak."

Jon quickly changed the topic to something else and turned to look at Dumbledore.

"Professor, even if we are going to travel and don't apparate directly to France, why do we still need to go through the official channels of the Ministry of Magic? Isn't there a risk of exposure?"

"There will only be risks if we leave the country privately." Dumbledore explained softly. "Of course, the Order of the Phoenix can establish an independent and safe temporary floo network, and there are also some door keys left across Europe. We must really If you want to avoid it, you can also use these methods.”

"But the Ministry of Magic under the control of the Dark Lord has been strictly restricting the entry and exit management of British wizards for the past two years. The Floo Network management branch in Wales was also a new department established only two years ago. I am very I’d be interested to see if two mixed-race wizards with clear backgrounds and valid reasons for leaving the country want to leave the UK, what preparations they need to make.”

Jon could tell that Dumbledore was not hiding anything. He really just wanted to know these things personally. But there must be a deeper reason why he wanted to know about the British wizards leaving the country. He didn't say it, and neither did Jon. ask.

However, his answer reminded Jon of another question that he had wanted to know since he was first brought into the carriage, and he asked curiously.

"Then why do we have to stay in Britain, Professor Dumbledore? I think the Dark Lord's rule over the British wizarding world cannot be accepted by every magical government, right? Why don't we Wouldn’t it be safer to just leave the UK and go to a country that can accept the new Hogwarts?”

Dumbledore shook his head calmly.

"It's not as simple as you think. The carriage we live in now is not only a mobile teaching place, it itself is actually the inheritance of the Hogwarts Castle that was not captured eight years ago. It has a very special significance to this land. This means that its wheels can only rotate on the ground in the UK forever, but there is no way to contact the land outside the island of Great Britain.”

When he said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes became a little deeper.

"Of course, nothing is absolute. No one can see clearly where our future will go."

Just as Jon was thinking about what he said, the Knight Bus suddenly stopped.

The curly-haired wizard they had originally laid down in Devonshire was on his way to Scotland to send Mrs. Vieira to quarrel with her husband, and the roadside where they stopped was a deserted countryside. , and there was no sign of the wizard raising his staff to hail a car.

Just as Jon was about to sit up from the bed in confusion, a cold, icy, despairing and deadly atmosphere suddenly enveloped the entire bus!

Dumbledore, who was lying peacefully, could not help but frown slightly. He retracted his hand into the sleeve of his robe. When he stretched out his hand again, there was already an extra stick in his hand that looked ordinary on the outside. apple wood wand.

The deathly silence became stronger and stronger, and Jon even subconsciously pulled the quilt to wrap around his body.

And just two seconds later, from the position of the spiral staircase, he saw a man covered in a gray cloak that seemed to have been soaked in water. He was extremely tall and exuded an aura that made people feel deep in his soul. Feeling a monster of despair.


The dark magic creature, a specialty of the British magical world, feeds on the passion in people's hearts to survive, leaving only boundless despair. Apart from the fear of the Patronus Curse, it has no weaknesses and cannot be eliminated.

Long before Azkaban became an exclusive prison for wizards, dementors existed on that island.

Because the British Ministry of Magic had no solution for these monsters, one of the ministers decided to find another way to appease these emotion-sucking monsters.

Azkaban is used as a prison, and the dementors living on it are hired as jailers. Wizard prisoners who have made major mistakes will be imprisoned here and become a source of food for the dementors. , in order to appease these monsters and prevent them from going to the British mainland to cause chaos.

Although this measure has been used by the Ministry of Magic to this day, it has always been controversial during its implementation. The key is that creatures like dementors are the purest evil. It is really against the wishes of the magical government for the Ministry of Magic to have anything to do with them. justice.

The current Voldemort government certainly has no such worries. Under his control, the current Ministry of Magic has become the magical government with the most in-depth exchanges with dementors in history.

So much so that they are now allowed to come directly to the British mainland to search for escaped prisoners.

"We don't have the person you're looking for here."

When he saw the Dementors for the first time, Dumbledore emphasized in a calm tone.

But the Dementor didn't seem to want to listen to his words. It floated slowly and continued forward, and its cold and desperate aura became stronger and stronger, almost making Jon breathless.

At this moment, a silver thread flashed on the tip of Dumbledore's staff, and he spoke slowly in a non-threatening tone.

"I suggest you. It's best to leave now."

The end, good night

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