In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 127 125 Bribery and Privileges

Chapter 127 125. Bribery and Privileges

The moment the silver light lit up, the Dementor obviously stopped moving forward.

It didn't continue to move forward or retreat, as if it still didn't want to give up on the delicious food in front of it. It wasn't until the silver light on the tip of Dumbledore's staff became brighter and brighter that it had to go back and float down the third floor.

Dumbledore and Jon looked at each other without speaking. Soon there was a sound of hurried footsteps on the stairs. Ern Plan, who was the driver and part-time conductor, walked up the stairs with a pale face. , and then breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that nothing unexpected happened to them.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, these monsters want to inspect the inside of the car. I can't stop them. Their actions are all promised by the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Now is a special period. We can understand. Hurry up and hurry up, Mr. Plan. We also want to taste Baba Rum Cake in Paris tonight."

Pulan lowered his head to apologize to them again, and then walked down the stairs.

After the sound of his footsteps completely disappeared, Jon turned to look at Dumbledore and whispered.

"It seems these dementors have great privileges."

"Without the prisoners in Azkaban, they have also lost their food." Dumbledore said solemnly, "The Ministry of Magic allows them to come to the UK to search, hoping that their chances of successfully catching escaped prisoners are very small. , more importantly, I want to appease them in this way. As long as they don’t directly suck the soul, eating some wizard’s enthusiasm is not a big deal in the eyes of the Ministry of Magic.”

Jon smacked his lips and said no more.

They stayed in the car for another hour or so and arrived in Wales on time at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Dumbledore took Jon out of the car. In front of them was a manor that looked a little dilapidated.

This manor is located in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, on the edge of the Muggle city. Muggles who occasionally pass by here seem to turn a blind eye to this building. It is obviously blessed with a powerful Muggle expulsion spell. .

Dumbledore stood in front of the rusty door and rang the doorbell, and then a man's voice seemed to ring from above their heads.

"Visitor's name, ancestry, purpose of visit."

"Richard and Jack Williams, mulattoes, planned to leave the country for Paris, France."

The man was silent for a moment, as if he was checking information to verify their identity. After about ten seconds, the iron door in front of them suddenly opened.

"Follow this road directly to the main hall. Do not go to other areas, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

The voice issued a warning, then disappeared completely, and Dumbledore and Jon walked into the manor together.

After they entered, the iron door closed by itself. They walked forward along the stone road and entered the main hall of the manor.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a dozen fireplaces on the wall opposite the door with green snake fires dancing. From time to time, wizards come out of the flames of the five fireplaces on the left, and the fireplace on the right is lined with fires. There was a long line of people, one after another, pouring Floo powder into the fireplace.

This place is far less deserted than it looks from the outside. There are people coming and going in the main hall, and most of the wizards are in a hurry.

But there was a space that was deliberately left empty, where two dementors were floating quietly, silently watching everyone in the main hall with their vision shrouded in gray cloaks.

It is precisely because of their existence that even though there are more than a dozen fireplaces burning, the main hall that should be hot is as cold as winter. This also leads to the fact that no one wants to stay here at all, and people keep walking from various rooms. Use the fireplace immediately when you come out and leave.

Dumbledore and Jon didn't stay in the main hall any longer. They continued forward to the registration office, where a witch with an impatient look on her face received them.

"Brother Williams? Want to go through the exit procedures for France? Go to Room 5, register first and then wait in line. There are 13 people in front of you waiting for approval."

Dumbledore calmly took out 5 gold galleons from his pocket, placed them in front of the witch under the registration desk, and asked with a smile.

"Madam, we have a very important business to discuss in France. Is there any channel through which we can quickly apply?"

The witch raised her head and glanced at Dumbledore, then turned her attention to the five brand-new gold galleons. There was no expression on her face, and she did not reach out to take the five gold coins.

"If you have read the newspapers recently, you should know that a big thing happened in the past few days. The Ministry of Magic has tightened restrictions on the entry and exit of wizards, especially mixed-race wizards. Look at those two disgusting dementors. You know it. So if you want to apply for special channels, it will be more troublesome than before."

Dumbledore placed 10 gold galleons in front of her again without changing his expression.

"I wonder if these can solve the problem?"

"There are two of you."

Dumbledore looked hesitant, but in the end he gritted his teeth and took out another 10 Galleons.

This time the witch didn't hold back any more. Jon felt his eyes blurred. She didn't even take the initiative to reach out. The 25 gold galleons on the table disappeared in front of his eyes in the next second. Then the witch moved quickly. handed Dumbledore two badges.

"Take it with you and go to room three. Someone will help you save this time."

Dumbledore took the badge from her hand and walked towards Room Three with Jon.

There were far fewer people here than in the main hall. Jon muttered quietly beside Dumbledore.

"Are they just accepting bribes so openly?"

"This is not called bribery." Dumbledore said calmly.

"What's that called?"

"Bribery means that officials in this position can ask for money when doing things, but if the witch just was a mixed-race, she would not dare to do so." Dumbledore said softly, "So this is not called bribery, it is It should be called privilege.”

Jon shrugged. His thinking had not changed yet. The magical world was inherently unequal, and he really could not apply his previous conventional thinking.

They took the badges and came to the door of Room 3. After knocking on the door, they waited until the sound of permission to enter came from inside, and then Dumbledore and Jon pushed the door open and walked in.

There was an older wizard with glasses sitting in room three. He saw the two badges that Dumbledore had put on his desk after entering, so he got a form from the side of the desk. , asked without looking up while filling it out.


"Paris, France." Dumbledore replied

"You plan to leave the country for a few days. Do you have any plans to return to the UK in the near future?"

"It will take about three to five days, after the business talks are over."

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